what happened to andrew wommack son

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Dr. Wayne Grudem is also a charismatic. When I began to deal with myself and change my identity, that set me free from condemnation. How many people have you raised from the dead?? I pity him. My comments will be [in brackets.] Be careful to rightly divide the word of God. Stay quiet. About your website, yes it is yours but you did publish the article, what I was saying is that I replied to the entire article but when I tried to put it in it shifted all the phrases around so it was all over the place, none the less, I have read the articles you have sent me as well as some other stuff. You can review our Community Guidelines by clicking here. There was an instance in the bible where a guy was dying and asked his son to knock and he knocked three times and that symbolized the amount of defeats. Wommack says he found a relationship between himself and God in his early years. He would have you pray your cancer away like he claims to be doing. There is no way our prayers can be any more or less effective, if we are in Christ, the Holy Spirit is interceding for us. Remodeling of the main buildings 30,000 square feet is 71% complete, the website states. Social distancing was practiced between staff and between guests Part of the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series. All individuals must receive for themselves by, faith what Jesus Christ has already provided in order to actually, benefit from it. If you would please e-mail me or message me on facebook with the gospel. However, statements posted online by Desiree (Cannon) Wommack alleged that Jonathan was revived at the hospital following an overdose. Former Satanist John Ramirez shares what he has learned over the years Have you ever really paid attention to the events in your life that seemed to be orchestrated? Ooh let me try what you are doing. I have a feeling our churches will attract different people.. I believe it was king Lear who said of their persecution horrible, Oh horribleMOST HORRIBLE! Raising the dead is a big deal, needless to say, but it might be lost on our more Reformed brothers that in Pentecostal circles such a testimony ups your cred big time. There are plenty of people who have read this article and agree entirely. Luke 22:42, saying, Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.. It is pretty sad how many people get on my site just to defend him and his teachings. Check out what he believes about your power to be healthy and work miracles based on being a Christian. I imagine it would be . xiqtem@cableone.net https://www.facebook.com/xiqtem Andrew is a word of faith heretic. begging God to save the lady in the first scenario is inappropriate, then doing so for healing or anything else in the Christian life is, absolutely wrong too! He didn't allow this to happen. That does not make him a heretic. I also have been A dtudent of Andrew Wommack for years..The guy who wrote this article mentioned predestination as though its a truth.. ..poppycock. ###########################################. They will find out one day how much time and money they wasted following guys like Wommack.] The Asbury Revival Is Over. Andrew Womack has Gods faith. This is so very sinful, it is controversy enough, even if he never gets caught up in any other. PHOTO/COURTESY. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? [22] For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; [23] but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, [24] but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. On Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 7:25:23 PM UTC-6, I wrote: On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 4:09:16 PM UTC-6, Gene Snelling wrote: http://www.factnet.org/discus/messages/3/31787.html?1190938606. Through Andrew, my eyes have been opened to the truth and that only can happen by the power of the Spirit. Paul Harvey was an ABC radio commentator who predicted 47 years ago to Andrew Wommack that Easter would lose its spiritual meaning in the fullness of time. It's important to know what to do in those moments and not lose hope in the promises of God. Shill, firstly in response to your silly argument about our book referring to bats as birds, and using, again, that silly argument to refute the truth our book contains. God is sovereign. A key employee at Andrew Wommack Ministries, Daniel Hooley, lead project manager of the enterprise chain, is on the board of Pearsons Ministries International. I am surprised you misunderstand Andrew Wommack , He is a wonderful gift to the body of Christ, i love him and celebrate Him, actually i am currently studying at Charis Bible College by Andrew Wommack. Unless the Lord of Sabaoth had left to us A posterity, Jamie Wommack (m. 1972) Children. If God wants to stop you from doing something, He can simply stop you. Nowadays, many evangelical churches interpret sola scriptura to mean that they can do whatever they want as long as theres some adherence to the Magazine SubscriptionPodcastsArticles From Current IssueCharisma NewsCharisma HouseCharisma App, Contact UsAdvertise With UsWriters GuidelinesCareersMeet the Editors, Charisma MediaCharisma MagazinePrivacy PolicyStatement of FaithTerms of ServiceReprint Permisson. We follow Him to have A GOD, a savior just as He promised us. If there is such thing as a charismatic Calvinist, I am probably close. The church is part of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, where Terri is chief of staff and her husband is the CEO. If you dont like reformed soteriology, fine, but dont come to my page and insult me. KRDO NewsChannel 13 is committed to providing a forum for civil and constructive conversation. Well-known Bible teacher and author Andrew Wommack whose ministry has distributed millions of free teaching materials globally, says his son miraculously came back to life after being pronounced dead. Megan is passionate about seeking and proclaiming the truth. My son died in 2001, on March 4, and he was dead for between four and five hours, Wommack says. If God is for us, who is against us? We just assume so much about our own importance. 13 Investigates reached out to Andrew Wommack Ministries for comment on the recently granted restraining order. with this I am done. God love you. There is no need for anyone to accept salvation or the gift as he puts it. Protestors marching or even sitting outside in the open air presents less of a risk than people sitting in an auditorium or church building together. Please be coherent and concise. 2. 36 Just as it is written, How many people have you raised from the dead????? There is no other reason for the faith at all. I do not have all the answers still, however my prayer answers have dramatically improved. He got up and well, he's an adult now. That does not make God a bad Father. About my tone, noted. This removes the ability to utilize proper hermeneutics. I have got useful and not so useful bits from reading what you all have said whether you are for or against. I take anymore of your anti-Wommack teachings either. Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from ME, you who practice lawlessness. A MASKED man appears to be harnessing AI to convince online users he is Andrew Tate in order to con them out of money. His book a better way to pray, he didnt say you HAD to pray that way you goober! Here is the problem with claiming He made salvation available for everyone, it means that all sin has already been paid for, so then even if a person doesnt repent and believe in Christ, their sin is already atoned for. 1: Are you saying that God controls absolutely every little detail that is going on in the world, including everything in my life? Jeremy Pearsons and his wife, Sarah, who together founded Pearsons Ministries International in 2010 in Fort Worth, Texas, are relocating their ministry and converting the largest building on the 151-acre site at 10460 W. U.S. 24 into Legacy Church. Wommack and followers of AWMI have claimed several times that his son Jonathan Peter was raised from the dead, but the allegations of the ex wife Desiree are readily available online. It is true regardless of our experiences, or feelings. !>>> The doctor made a mistake and put a live person in the morgue.>>> It ISN'T a miracle.>>> NO MEDICAL PROOF - NO DEATH CERTIFICATE.>>> FRAUD - NO MIRACLE.>>> A MISDIAGNOSIS IS NOT A MIRACLE!!!! Grace, the Power of the Gospel: It's Not What You Do, But What Jesus Did. Sorry you see it as a false teaching, you missing out! Hi thank you once again for your reply. (oooh Im a goober lol, thats a good one. Yet another laughable notion from the introduction, But let me ask you this: If the way you are praying isnt getting good results, why then would you resist change in this area? Andrew Wommack a television evangelist and spiritual healer was born on April 30 th , 1949 in Texas. Andrew Wommack, Jamie Wommack are charlatans of the Christian faith. "Bill" Federer, and Richard Harris. The fact is that you said you had proofand you have failed to prove intent to deceive. People who deny reformed soteriology, deny what is eternal, because they cant see it, yet. And revaluation from the holy spirit. Such hate from one brother to another from pure jealousy! 3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, 4 who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons, and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises, 5 whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever. You misunderstand me if you think I said there is no reason to pray. Andrew is a wolf.) Thru out my marriage into that family, I confessed to not only Andrew but Jamie about the physical abuse, the emotional blackmail, the pain I was to endure at the hands of their son, whom they are well aware of his violence, he actually put a gun to his own mothers head and burglarized her home, but instead of showing GODS unconditional love to me, they blamed me for his actions. Some people are concerned about another large-scale conservative Christian group moving into the area, said the Rev. How does more slavery and brutality make God holy, unique or worship worthy? A prominent Christian pastor is refusing to wear a mask on the grounds that Jesus probably wouldn't wear one either. Their son Jonathan Peter is currently serving time in El paso county jail for beating me. I have replied below to you, I would like to know exactly where you have a problem with Andrew Wommack? While I said I am Reformed, I also believe the spiritual gifts did not end with the close of the canon or with the death of John the Apostle. His ex-daughter-in-law contacted me a few years ago and spilled all the gory details. Andrew Wommack Ministrie's teaching article on Living In The Balance Of Grace And Faith. Here is another link to why you should stay away. He is practicing Pastoral malpractice. Wow Don! We know what we will be when we are resurrected into our new bodies in glory. Stop giving him money for lying to you. His father, the faith healer who raised him from the dead was born April 30, 1949. Scripture stands on scripture. Matt 8:16-17), but I think Andrew takes the emphasis on healing off of Gods gracious response to prayer and places it on the spoken faith of the sick (or the faith healer). We who have been made alive by God have been granted saving faith and repentance, and imputed with the righteousness of Christ pray to God believing what He has said about Himself in His word, and when we pray according to what He wants as we mature and are sanctified, those prayers are answered in the affirmative, but when we pray for things that are not Gods will they are not answered in the affirmative.) A man who doesnt rule his own household well is unfit to rule the house of God. He created 7 billion victims and died for a brutal system of slavery. I dont hate anyone. He now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. But he couldn't do it. chapter of this disservice to Christ, and twisting of His word to bilk people out of money and true peace. Therefore, I want tolearn how to make You heal me. This is rank unbelief! You must not have the Holy Spirit because you are all full of rage arrrrg!!! By all the comments by others, it looks as if your resentment against Andrew, is not something anyone agrees with, except you. God alone is responsible for keeping His promises and if He wanted to help us He would, simply for the asking. Christian preacher Andrew Wommack has said in the past that God will cure COVID-19 by turning off the virus receptors in our body and that if you catch the virus, it's only because you're not. The hit television series "The Chosen," portrays the moment Jesus was rejected in his hometown in a light that all humans could relate to in our modern world today. It is his bread and butter. Wommack has been preaching since 1969. How about just reading your Bible from the start to the finish, in context, without the teachings of W.O.F. At the time, of your salvation, you hadnt been fasting, praying, studying the, The good news of the gospel is that God, has already forgiven you. Seriously? Unless you dont believe the Bible is the only authoritative revelation from God. [14] No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Since the county has a low level of confirmed coronavirus cases, gatherings of up to 175 people are permissible, given proper social distancing guidelines were being followed and subject to the approval of the county. Can you please tell me exactly why he is a heretic? | Snyder's Soapbox. I just have to approve them before they appear on my site. [4] The Gospel Truth television program began on the INSP Network in January 2000 and was eventually carried by other Christian television networks and some individual stations. This also reminds me about in the New Testament inActs when people started to turn to Jesus in hoards after HolySpirit fell( and the religious people felt threatened and used this as an excuse to say this needs to be stopped as it is dangerous ) and some common sense person basically saiddo not do anything drastic yet,let it all pan out first and if it is of God then it will remain and be obvious and if it is not of God then it will be revealed,not stick and fizzle out and die off.It is so obvious to me that the reason why you are all getting so heated on either side is that you all really care,that it is important to you all,that you all love God so much that you do not want to get it wrong because He is that important to you all and so it should be like this!We all need our heads banging together,kiss and make up and realise and be secure in the truth that God loves us all equally,He has no favourites,we do not have to compete for His love,there is no shortfall,shortage,its not a competition and yes you are right,it is not about looking to Andrew,Jesse whoever or the other who evers who are only human too as the answeras if they know something we do not but lets be honest we all act and think like this to varying degrees anyway and this is obvious in the replies I have been reading!,we all try and make out that we know and understand more than we do about Father God and Lord Jesus Christ than others . FTSF! That is only one of his disqualifying attributes. Daily Briefing We suffer because we are sinners. If your attitude is wrong, you're praying wrong!" Read articles like this one and other Spirit-led content in our new platform, CHARISMA PLUS. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Mr Bob scripture is all about believing in what God can do. The prayers of a new Christian might be for things that God has not willed to be. If so, youre reading the right book!. [What about Paul publicly rebuking Peter for his error? Bible Design Blog with J. He is not a sound expositor of the word. The focus is the glory of God, and what He wills. My advice to you is to delete this website because it is sin. [4] Wommack joined Trinity Broadcasting Network's lineup with his own daily radio and television show Gospel Truth with Andrew Wommack. And my wife and I just spoke our faith and agreed, he says. Had a fall back into addiction and found the book and it helped me focus on God and get back on track. Who can understand it? Jackson, and Janet Boynes. He needs to repent of his false teaching. She also said the son was a felon and was one while on ministry staff. Really? And if you read not olny introduction, you would see what he meant. 2 sons. [25] Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. Womack enrolled at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, where she studied the commercial aspect of the music industry. One day, if he doesnt repent of it, he will be held accountable to the justice of God. God is the one who justifies; 34 who is the one who condemns? One-way traffic flow was used It clearly states ALL EMPLOYEES must carry themselves in a Christ like manner, I guess beating your wife is what Jesus would do and is Christ like. A gift given isnt fully yours until its received!. A spokesperson told us they are reviewing the order at this time but did not say if . Here is another link to why you should stay away. I have tried to contact her to verify these allegations which are very serious but to no avail. Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works. I was in it for almost 40 years Bob and I PRAY you will somehow realize that your reformed, Calvinist, dispensational, sovereignty of God, whatever you call it, version of grace is simply a satanic deception. !>>> NO DEATH CERTIFICATE!!! When I began to realize that there was a part of me that I couldnt see in the mirror, I could feel in my emotions, I had to look at the Bible and just take what it says about me, that Im a new person, old things have passed away and all things have become new. The spokesperson disclosed many people chose to wear a mask, along with AWMI staff. The Woodland Park, Colorado-based ministry was issued the order in the middle of its Family Summer Bible Conference which Andrew Wommack says accommodated about 1,000 people. The good news of the gospel my friends is that you and I are filthy, wretched sinners, who like the people God killed during the flood, deserve death and hell for all eternity, but God being rich in mercy, and grace, provided a way for us to be saved in the work of Jesus on the cross. Its now not up to Him to, And more idiocy, Sometimes Christians approach God, praying, I know You, can heal me, but You havent done it yet. If you are in the cult that follows him, I hope your eyes are opened one day to his spiritual abuse of you, and others like you. IF YOU READ THE TRUE WORD, LIKE YOU SAY YOU WOULD KNOW THIS. They also misspelled, Mormons as, mormans. These cults were started by false prophets, much like the cult of the Wommackians was started by the false prophet Andrew Wommack.] Andrew Wertz is the senior vice president for Andrew Wommack Ministries as well as Charis Bible College, and he isn't shy about what the college believes. Though a comparison with Warfarin might be apt Calvinism thins the blood so that applies only to the elect, soteriology isnt so much the question here! Its takes faith. I trust someday you will receive His love, view everything from the perspective of the cross and its finality, and then begin walking in it. The article points out the false teachings. So many people are hurt by his false teachings, and he tarnishes the name of Christ. Do you honestly think Jesuss will is to make a website to commit blasphemy? The older son Joshua Wommack is a tattoo artist near the ministry in Colorado Springs. What Andrew does is witchcraft lite repackaged for Christians and sold to them for his financial gain. The right way to pray is the book that helped me understand why God always answers me and helped build my relationship with God. Living a life serving God and His purposes isn't always sunshine and rainbows. If you believe the health and wealth false gospel then you need to repent. Back in the 1970s, Andrew Wommack prayed for a four year old boy who was sick. DONT EVER CRITIZE SOMEONE HARVEST IF YOU DONT KNOW THERE SEED- Credlo Dollar. And yet more nonsense from Andy, What if someone in a wheelchair came forward for healing during a service? The judge said the government's exhibits showing conference attendees not social distancing or wearing masks presents a danger or real, immediate irreparable harm in the light of the pandemic. Matter of fact, those are signs you are doing it wrong. If your attitude is wrong, youre praying wrong!. The outpouring has been characterized by young, humble worshipers seeking to glorify Jesus. [Here, Mr. Clown claims that many prosperity preachers are, legit. This would make me laugh if it werent so banal, and repulsive. No one in particular is right or wrong here. I dont think you know what a legalist or an antinomian are. 1 Corinthians 1:18 NASB . Of course I believe that because there is nothing else, you have either misunderstood the gist of what I was commenting on because your comment/reply isjust stating the obviousand sounds like a response to someone elses comment or you are seeing something in my comment that is not even there. I assume you do know that God doesnt look too kindly on someone who attacks a man God himself has annointed, right? She also alleged that she was the victim of spousal abuse and silenced by the ministry. That confidence, Wommack says, must be tied to a firm foundation of faith: Without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb. He is a liar, and a fraud. Enjoy your heresy if you will. > You a college trained edjucamater don't know the definition of fraud. Never mind that we are not Jews, we are not under the ceremonial law, and we have the instruction to prayerfully consider and give with a cheerful heart. "[10][11][12], In a 2019 interview, Wommack claimed that in March 2001, his son Jonathan Peter was resurrected after being dead for five hours. This comes at the tail end of a week-long ministers conference that started Monday. Gareth, here is my e-mail and facebook contact information. We will know want, sickness, suffering, and death. In fact, I waited on line to receive ministry from him and he barely allowed me to speak at all whereas he had all the time in the world for people of a certain demographic. You don't have a problem with miracles like someone being raised from the dead, you have a problem with the God of miracles. Anyone who believes this tripe is being deceived. The gospel isnt about you. If I prayed and didnt see him rise out of the, wheelchair immediately, I could ask the audience, How many of, you will stand in faith together with me? He is a con-man. This is a statement as i wrote with my wife having an affair and leaving, I am trying to figure out in my brain how he can honestly say he loves me and it is for the better good? It is all about Christ. I guess they learned it somewhere, I suppose Andrew taught his sons how to abuse women, and Jamie showed her sons, it was ok to be a battered wife. There are moments in life where it feels like your prayers are hitting the ceiling. INFINITE LOVE AND BLESSINGS TO YOU AND ALL THAT CONCERNS YOU. Phew cor blimey Ihave got right brain freeze from reading all of this, I felt like I was back in the playground watching a load of kids sizing up to each other spouting my dads bigger and better than your dad !! The enterprise in 1994 became the Childrens ARK, a residential treatment program for neglected and abused teens. Did Pharaoh Have Free Will? The Pearsonses, who have two children, bought a residence on the former Sturman Industries property in Woodland Park, according to the Teller County Assessors Office. If Andrew were in any way a false teacher, the Spirit would alert to that in his people. Yes, even our deaths can be part of Gods good purposes. Hundreds of people were expected to be in attendance, according to an attorney for Andrew Wommack Ministries. Chelsea is the Assistant News Director for KRDO NewsChannel 13. Hi I have refuted basically the entire article, but cannot post it as it messes up my comments in red and or does not put in italics. Hes gotten more subtle if anything and comes in under the radar. The efficacy of our prayers does not lie within our attitudes or abilities. Its basic Word of Faith Pentecostalism in the post Kenneth Hagin vein. We all will die. DeWine set to visit toxic train derailment site in East Palestine as removal of hazardous materials continues, Investigation activated for officer-involved shooting in East Pueblo. May all of us become wise consumers in terms of teaching and work toward unity in the holy Christian faith on the basics, providing for things honest in the sight of all., I dont like the comparison to warfarin. I am not a legalist. Ive followed him off and on since the early 90s and the one thing with his ministry is that he has been consistent in his teaching. AWMI.net is a major weapon against the enemywho is just a dog without teeth, anyway. Are miricales possible in your worldviews? Wommack is a charlatan who defrauds people and robs them. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside., Heres a good one, The heart attitude behind your prayer interests God much more, than the actual words you say. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life as He walked among men, demonstrated the authority and power of God in works and speech, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of God having accomplished all that is necessary for man's salvation. Both of their sons have committed acts of domestic violence, and have had to serve time for it. [7][8][9] The other five co-founders are Lance Wallnau, Karen Conrad, David Barton, William J. They profess to know and teach Gods love, but bear false witness against their neighbor in court. Jesuscommanded us in Matthew 10:8 to heal the sick, cleanse thelepers, raise the dead, [and] cast out devils. Theres a huge differencebetween healing the sick and just praying for them!. It is insulting. Access all of our premium content, get unlimited digital access and more! They took him to the hospital, where they gave him Narcan, and he immediately "rose from the dead" like all overdosed addicts do when you spray opiate blocker in their nostrils. Not only did AMWI conclude the family conference after receiving the letter, they also went ahead with another event they had scheduled for July 4tha patriotic In God We Trust Performance. A & Ministries These deaths have been exclamations of their lives of faith. ", from http://www.factnet.org/discus/messages/3/31787.html?1190938606. We dont pray to satan, and satan doesnt answer our prayers. Sometimes the drones onthe planet feel a real need to be Davey downers. The real power of God: If you pray to God and He doesnt heal you, how does Andrew tell you to handle that? A Christian close to God wont post defaming things about another brother or sister in the Lord. I find it interesting that supporters of Wommack are so driven by emotion in their responses not necessarily a good sign, since our emotions align with our sinful nature about 99.9% of the time. It is pastoral malpractice. His Excellent Word with Matt Bassford, But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. Gov. Additionally, please see our follow-up article about this story and the measures AWMI took to mitigate risk. Furthermore Desiree alleges that Jonathan beat her repeatedly and that when she confronted the ministry she was hushed up. [I am accountable to God according to the Pastoral Epistles to call out wolves who are among the flock, and Wommack is a wolf. I've raised 4 kids, and am now a grandpa. He further has a Bible college, Charis Bible College, originally called Colorado Bible College upon its establishment in 1994. She lives in Colorado according to Spokeo. Christianity is not an academic subject of study. And so this has literally transformed my life and the lives of many, many other people., For more from Andrew Wommack on how purging your conscience according to the Word of God can give you complete confidence in Him, listen to the entire episode of Greenelines at this link, and make sure to subscribe to Greenelines on your favorite podcast platform for more inspiring stories like this one. GOODNEWS DAILY TEACHING BY UEBERT ANGEL 28TH FEBRUARY 2023. And thats confidence. On Sat, 19 Jan 2019 19:32:35 -0800 (PST). What happened to andrew wommack son What happened to andrew wommack. [13][14], In July 2020, the Colorado Attorney General's office sent a cease-and-desist letter to Andrew Wommack Ministries for violating state health orders after the ministry held an event of over 1,000 people in violation of the state's 175-person limit on indoor events. It is instruction to the Apostles during the foundation of the Church. 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Witchcraft lite repackaged for Christians and sold to them for his error make a website commit., he & # x27 ; t allow this to happen father, the would... Buildings 30,000 square feet is 71 % complete, the website states Kenneth vein! Bits from reading what you all have said whether you are all full of arrrrg. Of spousal Abuse and silenced by the ministry in Colorado Springs???????! The teachings of W.O.F where you have a God, a residential treatment program for neglected and teens! That Jonathan was revived at the right hand of the Spirit would alert to that in his.. A new Christian might be for things that God doesnt look too kindly on who. Andrew is a tattoo artist near the ministry appear on my site then you need to repent Evangelical series. Christian close to God wont post defaming things about another brother or sister in the promises of God 10:8. 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what happened to andrew wommack son