npr voices annoying

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What comes to mind when you imagine an "NPR voice"? I think, that new forms of expression are good because language is alive and new inventions created new vocabulary as well. For everyone posting examples of patterns, if its possible to include a link to a Youtube video that illustrates the example, that would really help everyone know exactly what you are talking about. This is teh dropping of the letter g at the end of ing words, ie: singin goin droppin etc. Filed Under: Fun Stuff Tagged With: Featured, patterns, speech, voice over style. However, Ive noticed a horrible trend, especially on Parcast, to have females doing commercials who sound like babies. Omg YES!! the kind of and sort of virus has been making the rounds of cable news hosts and pundits, and its literally driving me crazy, you know what i mean? So I do speak to them about that, how important it is to at least be able to READ it, but it really goes nowhere from there. I change channels whenever I hear it. I will change the channel when people speak in this manner, and when I have to put up with an advertisement before a video starts, I will simply repeat over and over to block them out, la la la la la until it is over. I am seriously thinking of finding a new provider for that very reason. Fly them in and leave them in the outback. Me too! I couldnt continue to watch. I wonder how many of these patterns we can blame on Keeping Up with the Kardashians and other shows of that ilk. Great job! HI Joan, Charlotte, dropping the g has been around since I was a young teen, in the early 70s. There are so many more. Phoebe Judge (Criminal) is also lovely, as is Roman Mars (99 PI). Sadly, we all need to bite our tongues. I mentioned this to a retired teacher, just a few minutes ago, and his response was that class size continues to grow and teachers have less time and ability to be task-masters on things like this. I want to shout at them Inhale! Tripp, I agree completely. I am particularly by the long, drawn out letter r at the end of a word: culturrrrr. Also not pronouncing a t in a word. News Media and Teachers are mispronouncing this word. I also see an affectation of a stammer, emphasizing the last syllable of a word, of a sentence, the totally unnecessary use of and so, after starting with the ubiquitous So, and repetition of statements as if the listener is an imbecile. As an american transplant living in Germany, the phrase I noticed most from my European colleagues is quite some. Personally, I have a laundry list of poor speech and grammar pet peeves. every word. A few other exercises for keeping voice forward are: Humming. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Ive been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and obviously, most of them have commercials. Epic, etc. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this subject. Having it as part of your daily living is different from going on TV or radio and having everyone hear it in a professional context. I would agree, that often, any form of critique, even for improvement in future and in business, is often dismissed, misplaced, and scoffed at by a younger generation that has grown up with a trophy for participation for anything they do, and often getting passing grades and remarks to send them on, without actually teaching them how to LEARN and QUESTION things. I have tried to adjust. Great discussion! Its kind of like way better than going to the library. I heard one person this past weekend start literally every response with, Look. And singing involves a Melody AND talent. This collection would be much funnier if the written intro didnt include a sentence beginning I mean After living abroad for over a decade, I noticed in the mid-1990s that, in the workplace, every female in a supervisory position seemed compelled to preface nearly every declarative sentence with, At this time. It was quite ridiculous to hear something like, At this tiiiime, we do not have a vacancy, but wed like to talk to you, so At this tiiime, can you tell me if you could come in at 10:00 on Thursday? I was thinking that I was the only hearing the incorrect use of the schwa during a recent newscast. I hope youll be disturbed too. Or, as my best friend calls it: the hissed s. For example, the word is news, not noose. And listeners have seriously strong feelings about this stuff. Everyone does this now, it seems, and it drives me nuts ( especially when people start it and only list ONE THInnnnnng and not another). ! whenever someone learns of something thats surprising to them. NPR is moving announcer Sabrina Farhi out of her "primary" role reading its sponsorship credits, according to an email to member stations. My current favorite is folks who add the word literally to every statement. Where did this come from? Drives me nuts! (Said in a condescending nerd voice: So. Someone. Person 1: So what is your opinion on adding cream to this dessert? This often occurs when a person (on TV) is explaining the steps to any given process to another person: What Im going to do is, Im going to In 2nd person plural, What were doing is, were going to. Heres what makes me hit mute/delete on any podcast, youtube speaker, Radio, etc. No more changing anything. I know which zoo program youre referring to and I cant watch it either. She pointed out that Ira Glass, the host of This American Life who has an iconic radio voice, uses a lot of vocal fry. My friends who do these habits, they do this not just in english language, but also in our native language. Its a virus spreading. Theres a woman at my healthcare providers office who uses upspeak constantly. Please try to make your reports professional. Nearly 15 years ago, a previous Public Editor bemoaned the lack of aural diversity on NPR. So is a completely disingenuous and idiot transfer. What brought me here was the irritating way young females pronounce thank you. I must be getting old, I sound like my parents. Im not ashamed to say that I have on frequent occasion shown these dim-witted types the door of my office immediately (usually upon hearing any hint of vocal fry, thats enough to do it), telling them to email me their query, which I then promptly delete without reading, and send them an auto-reply to that effect. But many English speakers dont really consider you as plural, because its indistinguishable from the singular, and so they perceive a gap in our pronoun system, which has been filled with a number of informal second-person plural pronouns: yall, you guys, yous guys, you-all, you lot (UK), etc. Fast forward to 2020 and, although I love shows about animals like the various zoo reality shows on Animal Planet, I cannot watch the one based out of Australia. Thank you Paige for mentioning the accent on the wrong syllable trend. ) She played a pregnant workplace harasser in Coastal Training Technologies' "Drop by Drop," which earned CINE's Special Jury Award. In I Have Some Questions for You, Makkai has carefully crafted a novel that inhabits a strange interstitial space between a whodunit, a crime novel with a few elements plucked from found footage . Anyone care to comment? .ANY Mouth smacking, Ttt or Tsk between every phrase, or hearing saliva sounds !!! Ive been studying this intonation for a while (this is the first place Ive found it even being acknowledged), its so common. But yes now every venture capitalist, techie and aspiring TED talker has a pseudo-self-effacing way of speaking using right and sort ofsoooooo annoying! I long to hear a host say Youre welcome in response. Yeah, Ill second that motion. I first heard this on a home decorating tv show. As in change the sheets or change a lightbulb. This has brought me to believe that uptalk is contrived and not a natural progression of linguistics. She said she wants to give reporters more control of their voices to increase their storytelling options. They stay on one pitch primarily and then bounce up to the other pitch (note) on certain words, usually at the end of the sentence or at a comma if it were to be written out. Others, over exaggerated, more perfect, funner and many more. Jessica Hansen is the voice of NPR's funding credits, and serves as an in-house voice coach for NPR. But of-ten sets my teeth on edge. I work with someone who is very intelligent in general, and very knowledgeable about the subject hes presenting but he has this annoying halting speech pattern. The one Im most sick of hearing and seeing is OMG.its not only extremely annoying and offensive, it makes the person using this abbreviation seem ignorant, unintelligent and immature, but it also happens to be highly blasphemous. Remember this rant next time you hear Were all in this together blah blah blah., By the way Im not real keen on the use of repurpose or deconstruct.. Its pervasive with men and women. But when used in television, radio, or print, I boil uncontrollably. This one comes at the end of sentences, apparently to encourage or sometimes subtly force agreement on the listener. He joins us. I felt as though I learned something today. I wonder if anyone was listing to the message and if the listeners are able to verify the accuracy or validity of the content. It seems to be the new normal. Though, not usually in a professional setting. 3) Ordering at a restaurant or the like, saying Ill DO the instead of lll order the or Ill have the. At least enough to curb your own use (and maybe the usage by your kids, spouse and/or significant other). At work, I am surrounded by intelligent and well-educated women in their 20s to 40s who speak this way. right? The whiny and drawn-out words, how can I cite an example? Can you tell the audience Monkey hear, Monkey say! 'Planet money,' 'This American Life,' 'Radiolab,' 'Startup' Why? I immediately have to fast forward, which defeats the whole purpose of advertising. After Sanders and his panelists discussed a mysterious case of American diplomats in Cuba suffering from a possibly psychosomatic illness, listeners wrote that his tone had been too light-hearted for a serious subject. not pronounce the actual vowel, but rather make it the aaaaah sound. Thats the main reason why most adults eventually decide its in their best interests to lose the bad habits. There are so many of these annoying speech patterns and they are contagious. As a young woman who sometimes subconsciously dips into this lower vocal register, I don't even notice when radio reporters speak with vocal fry. Ive noticed an increase in the pronunciation of to as tyoo but it seems more frequent when the speakerthey seem to be mostly femaleelongates the word, perhaps suggesting that its said when the speaker is having a moment of reflection or being pensive; that it is becoming universal on television news and commentary is undeniableand is becoming an annoyance, These are probably the same girls that used to (or possibly still do ) say things like stop itah!! Hello Baz, and thank you so much for being so detailed in your descriptions of your total annoyance with these speech trends. Thank you Baz for this eloquently written commentary. One thing journalists I spoke to said: They're real people and they'd like to sound real too. All Im hearing from this post is a lot of complaining over nothing. Hayes, you say right?, but how do I know whether I agree with you or not until you actually make the statement?. When I meet a person under the age of 40 who does not speak in this manner, I am surprised and delighted, and will go out of my way to let them know how much I appreciate their ability to communicate properly. Do you see the bu**un? No. As Ted brought up a few posts up: the ubiquitous use of the words sort of by media drives me nuts! Jackie Fortir is a healthcare reporter for StateImpact Oklahoma and part of the NPR-Kaiser Health News partnership. As in, those are quite some radishes you have there. It seems to be quite common as I hear quite some people using it. its so not fairah!!. 3. More common, is hearing someone speak with various combinations of several of these patterns appearing in just one sentence! But those persons might find it hard to get a high-paying job. I hear these daily with the younger crowd at work, and it has become an epidemic, catching on with even older folks. It is hard to describe but Ive narrowed it down to when a woman has to tell a story or recount something that has a list of things in it. She has performed guest star roles on NBC's Parks & Recreation and HBO's Veep, working with Amy Poehler and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, respectively. Thanks for confirming that its a new thing. A study in 2014 found that although vocal fry, whether used by men or . Trying to describe some of these patterns is difficult, so examples would be very helpful! I have noticed a new one in speech and texts with 30 yr and younger females Maybe it is that when I hear those tones I think Im about to be bitten. For me, its the high-pitched, pinched, nasal voice that sounds so flat and grating from women on TV. And lets not ignore the disproportionate amount of times speech pattern analysis (even here, in this comment section) is essentially just an excuse to satisfy a societal itch to hate things that are trending amongst young women. Unlike appearing simply one of the collective in using URGE, ENCOURAGE and SUGGEST which is a translation in beta male language, because we hate patriarchies, especially white ones, we can with ABSOLUTELY step past that level of making an indicator by laying the hammer on the anvil. Do they know how ridiculous they appear???? THAT new vaccine, THAT plane crash, THAT police shooting its really getting annoying. So, you probably already know about vocal fry, valspeak and uptalk, right? NOW, I substitute. I respectfully disagree. It is also a great conversation interrupting tool used by those who just love to talk and butt in at every opportunitydya know what I mean? You can read opened up by the person being interviewed by a magazine or newspaper and it makes me cringe. Perhaps Mr. Stein would be willing to hand over the reading honors to him. and radio. If it is so obvious, why is it news? I have to bite my tongue and let off steam when I hear Australians speak. Investigating these complaints opens a window into a long-running debate in the public radio community: what or more precisely, who should NPR sound like? What about the most recent one where you say structure with a glottal g/sh that sounds like struh-sherr? People who say: So So, youll also find this one at the beginning of a sentence, namely as a way to manage the conversation and sound fairly authoritative (or condescending). Sorry for the typo of the when it should have been they. As in: Reporter: Do you favor wearing masks in public to help slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2? hide caption. The point is not worth discussing because of what was just said. 5. Drop the phrases now and you can think of it as an easy,inexpensive way to outshine 85 percent of your competitors in that next job interview. I have heard several other women speak this way and it grates on my nerves. And please read through the comments for some very interesting insights and observations from other readers. She has performed in television, film, stage, voiceovers, and commercials. "People forget that there's a person on the other end of the email," Duffin said. I was about to write a comment concerning the misuse of me and I when I read yours. Im not crazy Im being been driven there, though. And, I feel its time to bring the old standards back. Our language is being bastardised for their own purpose, throat fry, non-pronunciation, just being annoying. That drives me INSANE!!!! Every sentence is spoken as a question, whether it is or not. Ive heard this a lot in the mid-Atlantic states, but lately its infested patterns of speech throughout the United Stateshow about Canada? I agree with your comments whole-heartedly, and also wish that more attention be paid in the school environment to identifying and correcting inappropriate speech and speech patterns. 10 years later, it has infected our speech everywhere in North America. I thought I was an a-hole for being annoyed at these things. It reminds me of the French who often tack on a oui or non at the end of a sentence, non? I believe they are taught this mode of delivering content. Gosh ny chief hates include the words we are expected to use in public so we do not appear too assertive or pushy. Thank you for your comment! Society doesnt need to do anything. A video on Today explains how it makes the women feel part of a macroculture.. I appreciate your attention to the proper usage of the English, especially since its NOT your native language, and the respect you hold for it. ARGH!!!! 2. One reason we don't comment on reporters' voices is because voice is personal. Hello; I am a white dude on the radio, and no one has EVER tweeted at me critiquing my voice. I first noticed vocal fry around 2007 when two young female supervisors of mine would literally end each sentence with 4 to 5 seconds of vocal fry. Beyond annoying. Nails on a chalkboard to me. Agreed, Paula. Please shut up!!! Public radio should mean that all voices, relaying solid reporting, are respected enough to inform the country. OKIE Ive NO idea where it came from or why. Criticizing someone's voice often seems to be a criticism of their identity. AMEN. i agree, it drives me insane , they sound like 4 year olds. But we especially hear about the tone and timbre of reporters' voices. No problem implies that the Thank you was not needed, because it was the right thing to do. Not up-talk exactly, as in ending every sentence as if it were a question, but more when people are listing things that are maybe a little tedious. My aversion to imbecile-generated sounds has made me reconsider certain career paths. The T-dropping is especially irritating because it sounds like something a very young kid would do and I HATE when adults talk like toddlers. Garage soft zzz, not hard J at end. Ayesha Rascoe is an American journalist for NPR famous for her accent and distinctive voice for news delivery. We dont pronounce the t in soften, of fasten, or glisten. (My wife thinks I am. ) I mean, if it really was a problem that I say that phrase whenever Im trying to make my point, what difference does it make? Whatever! I believe it to be the key to longevity. Thats what it sounded like to me in your video. Your observations are wonderful & interesting. Socially, or even professionally, person to person, I dont let them bother me too much. It appears "almost exclusively among women, and young women. as f*ck immediately comes to mind, stupid-sounding phrases like SO MUCH YES! Ira Glass has a speech pattern whereby he voices extremely fast bursts of words, and then leaves a space. Allowing reporters to sound like themselves helps NPR reflect the variety of identities in its audience, and meet its long-term goal to "sound like America," with all of its diversity. It was the most annoying thing I had ever heard. The sad thing about podcasters is that they have not taken any diction or public speaking classes. Its hard to come up with additional topics, since so many of the biggies were already discussed. It may be a form of ageism, but there is truth to every stereotype. or: Ek-specially, think-yewwwuh and using individual instead of person are three of my current annoyance triggers. I seem to see/hear it all the time nowadays, normally just after someone has clearly explained the facts around something, but the person reading/hearing it feels the need to demand the person giving out the information to Wait! so they can then ask them What?, as though what theyve just heard is complete nonsense, simply because they havent, (or so it comes across), been able to comprehend it the first time around. The ingredients were super fresh and it tasted super amazing!, The car we bought drives super fast! Also, I heard earlier on a My Pillow commercial a similar error which I failed to write down. 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npr voices annoying