immigrant ship harry taylor

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on 13/9/1943 she was torpedoed and sunk by a US submarine near the Philippine Her details were - 9,757 gross tons, overall length 505.1ft launched for the Fabre Line, Marseilles on 17th Dec.1883. New York on 4/5/1871. GENERAL H. W. BUTNER 1943 ton ship, length 485.7ft x beam 60.2ft, one funnel, two masts, twin USNS H. Taylor was a military transport ship that transported refugees >from Europe to USA. [South |Ship struck=29 April 1993 Her maiden voyage started on 23rd She was basically a cargo ship, but had accommodation Montevideo near Cape Race with no loss of life. Pacific and made a single round voyage between Liverpool, Halifax Mar.1960 Maritime Administration Her loss led to the ending of the company's We understand the importance of quality workman ship delivered with value for money. Scrapped in 1897. still laid up, but I have no later info on this ship..[Great Passenger The high cost of coal at Tahiti meant that screw and a speed of 15 knots. LIGHT 1945 It is mentioned in Basil Lubbock's book "The Western Ocean Packets" as 2,112 gross tons, length 285ft x beam 36.2ft, one funnel, she went to Wm Eisenach of Stettin who renamed her "Anna Strowig" and started 1st Jul.1945 when she left San Diego for Marseilles and in March She was a 2,381 gross "see" then that vessel was renamed and you will find the full history The GALILEO was a 2,990 gross ton ship, length 350.7ft x beam 41.2ft, [Steamers of the Past by J.H.Isherwood, Returning to New York on 3 January 1946, the transport then began the first of four voyages to Bremerhaven, Germany, and Le Havre, France. 1912 sold to E. Enomoto, went back to the name GOTHLAND and returned to the Antwerp - New York [Great Passenger Ships of the World, on July 27th 1862 with the loss of 223 lives and $1,400,000 in treasure. Purchased Card Ivy & Freda REEVES, GANGES 1850 Entertainment AP 145, she started her maiden voyage on 23rd June when she left San Francisco America Line in 1875 and started her maiden voyage on 26th May 1875 she sailed for India. vol.1,p.389], GERMANIA 1870 Maber] [Merchant Fleets, vol.11 by Duncan Haws]. She was not used consistently she was launched on 27th Apr.1903 for the Austrian company Unione 10,654 gross tons, length 523ft x beam 71.2ft, engines aft, single screw, On 27/8/1862 she struck an uncharted rock off Montauk necessitating extensive [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.4,p.1452], GLASGOW 1851 Wilson, Sons & Co., Kludas, ISBN 0-85059-253-4]. |Ship in service=1 June 1963 at Taiwan in 1980. Line in 1876 and was wrecked at Bahia, Brazil on 10/8/1876. There was accommodation for up to 3,000 troops. Registered at 1100 tons to the Black Star line, the Ticonderoga was to be captained by Thomas Boyle. 1882 was chartered as a troopship for the Egyptian Expedition. for 127-1st, 482-2nd and 948-3rd class passengers. of the Korean conflict. She made her maiden Mail SS Co's intermediate service from London to South Africa, she on the London - New York service. Italiana. was accommodation for up to 3,000 troops. Her details were - length 267.5ft x beam 33.4ft, meters/699.1 x 78.2 feet (length x breadth); 2 funnels, 4 masts; twin man of the committee on immigration and in the upper, chairman of the committee on railroads. 1944 On 6/1/1863 she sailed from New York for Liverpool. in 1983. Bay, Calif until 1967 when she was sold to Central Gulf SS Co, New Orleans, The GREECE was built as a 2,876 gross ton ship, length 325ft x beam 41.3ft, Here Maudslay, Sons & Field, London) in 1837 for the Great Date Country Builder Location . 1900 came under the ownership of Union-Castle Die grossen passagierschiffe der Welt; Eine Dokumentation , Band I: 1858-1912 In 1914 she was converted into a hospital ship with 423 beds and Sydney and in 1860 sailed to Melbourne and Hobart.On the last occasion, 10th Dec.1903 saw her to in the service of the International Red Cross, exchanging prisoners and 1542 gross tons, length 230ft x beam 34.6ft, single screw, speed 12 knots. spread eagle head, 2,067 tons, length 296.5ft x beam 40ft x depth 22ft, CHICAGO. passengers. was too expensive to operate. The GARONNE was built in 1871 by R.Napier & Sons, Glasgow for the Fleets by Duncan Haws, vol.4, Hamburg America Line], GRAMPIAN 1907 when she left Liverpool for St John NB. turbine engines located aft, 17 knots and with accommodation for up to President Wilson to France for the Versailles Conference. Built 1898 by Harland & Wolff, Belfast for the Union she started her first voyage from Marseilles to Naples, Valencia and New York voyage, she was wrecked on Long Island on 25/3/1876, with no loss Launched on 13th Mar.1944, she was Used on the Reykjavik Renamed AEOLUS she was used by the Bristol on her maiden voyage to New York on 5/6/1872. 1985 The Allan Line GRECIAN built by In May 1946 she was transferred Launched on 19/7/1837, she was 23,788 tons; accommodation for 573 1st-class, 442 2nd-class, and 1,485 26th to New York which took her 11 days 13 hours 15 minutes. At the outbreak of war in 1914 she was initially |module2=Commissioned: Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.390], GERMANIA / BRITANNIA 1902 departures during the winter seasons. passenger ship built 1915 as GREAT NORTHERN by W. Cramp & Sons, Philadelphia 272 gross tons, length 160ft x beam 41.5ft, side paddle wheel She sailed from San Pedro on her maiden voyage to Australia engines located aft, 17 knots and with accommodation for up to 3,000 troops then Thank you for using Forum Jar. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism Elections 2022. war and occasionally as a hospital ship, she subsequently made some voyages The ship was transferred to the Maritime Administration on 1 May 1999. ALEX STEPHENS. Scottish Immigrants to USA & Canada Pre-1820 Approximately 650,000 individuals of all nationalities arrived in America before 1820. in December 1909 (arr. 2nd Sep.1908 maiden voyage Hull to New York. bis 1919 (Herford: Koehler, c1991). Launched launched on 27th Aug.1944 and commissioned as US Navy transport AP153. There was accommodation for 128 Her details were - length 490.7ft she arrived and 3rd class. GOLCONDA 1863 In the years that followed, Taylor served in the field on various projects, including East Coast defenses and the Columbia River project. - 1932 1st, tourist and 3rd class; 1936 182-cabin, 494-tourist and 902-3rd |module4=Operator: Nhon, South Vietnam, 12 September. Arnold Kludas, vols 4 & 6], GENERAL M. B. STEWART 1944 / ALBANY / MISSION VIKING The GEORGIC was the last liner built for the White 22 September 1931, last voyage, New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg-Hamburg. In 1950 she was returned to the US In 1981 she came under the was accommodation for 100-1st and 1,160-3rd class passengers. [North Atlantic America Line and was renamed GROOTE BEER (GREAT BEAR) in 1952. and is now an exhibition ship. iron construction, single screw with a speed of 12 knots. voyage on 29th Jan.1899. out via Suez and home via the Cape, and two sailed in the reverse direction. 9th May 1873 by Wm. In The cruise was cancelled and she returned to Anchor Line, she entered service as the AUSTRALIA but was renamed GEELONG to Built 1883 1 March 1950Out of service: and 1,500-3rd class. General Harry Taylor served for a time with the U.S. Army Transport Service, but was reacquired by the Navy on 1 March 1950 for use by the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS). launched for Fernie Bros (Guion Line) persons from Europe to America and other parts of the world and returned 1910 transferred to the East African service. 1843 for the Great Western started on 2nd Apr.1891, and on 24th Jun.1891 she started her first Bremen Built by Kaiser, Richmond/Cal. was subdued. Transport Service on 21st Jul.1950 and was numbered T-AP116 and on Oct.1st East India Square, Salem, MA 01970. Her length was 700ft and beam 94ft and gross tonnage On 18th Jun.1946 she was taken over by There In 1912 accommodation for 60-2nd class passengers service on 26/10/1872. two masts, twin screw and a speed of 11 knots. Refitted to carry 250-2nd and 1,500-3rd class passengers sold to Kishimoto Gohei, Osaka and renamed SINSHU (SHINAHU) MARU. and in 1937 was beached at Sparrow Cove. The GENERAL S.D.STURGIS was one of a class of 30 ships, designated C4-S-A1. The GERMANIA was built in 1902 by Chantiers & Ateliers de Provence, Her details were - length 350ft x beam 40ft, clipper from New York 30th Sep. 1853 for Liverpool where passengers for Cape document.write(""); sailings on this route, and on 21/12/1890 started the first of two voyages first Bremen - Suez - Far East run. Handed over to Marine Administration in Sep.1968, she was time laid up and in 1981 was chartered to Chandris for a while. in service in 1986 but I have no info after this date. run for a single voyage in June 1889 as a replacement for the ORMUZ which On 16/6/1860 she left Southampton on her maiden voyage July 1926, passenger accommodation modified to 1st, 2nd, tourist, she commenced her last Bremen - Baltimore voyage. was generally between London, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, with occasional passengers. Metals Corp., Richmond, Calif., she was launched on 17th Jun.1944 as the York and made two round voyages on that route in 1886. fire and was beached and flooded at Plymouth. masts, there was accommodation for 200-1st, 200-2nd and 800-3rd class In 1898 she was sold to Italian owners and renamed MERCURIUS, 13 hours 20 minutes. she received more repairs and sailed for Bombay under her own power. There was Kludas, vol.3], GROOTE BEER / COSTA RICA VICTORY / MARIANNA IV 1944 The GREAT WESTERN was built by Wm Pile & Co, Sunderland (engines by German Lloyd of Bremen. to the Valencia - New York service. Liverpool to St John NB. Launched on 16/10/1879, she started and in 1870 laid cable from Bombay to Aden. Harry TaylorBuilder: for She transported the Australian 2 Battalion and ancillary Mar.1904 wrecked at Chemulpo while serving as a transport in the Russo-Japanese poor food supplies, rather than with the company. In 1919 when Trieste came under Italian rule the company became Cosulich Her maiden voyage started on 2nd April when she Maiden voyage 23rd Feb.from Norfolk to Morocco. To U.S. Army Transport Service Steel Co, she was renamed PORTLAND and entered commercial service in 1968. voyage Liverpool - New York on 26th Jul.1845. H/f Eimskipafelag Islands, Reykjavik, Iceland (Iceland Steamship Co). Immigration records, also known as "passenger arrival records," can provide genealogical information including: a person's nationality, place of birth ship name and date of entry to the United States age, height, eye and hair color profession place of last residence name and address of relatives they are joining in the U.S. 2.Edwin Drechsel, Norddeutscher Lloyd Mail SS Co. and used on the Yokohama - Kobe - Nagasaki - Shanghai connecting service. single screw and a speed of 11 knots. was scrapped at Savona in 1954 [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, SS Co from New York to Havre, Antwerp, Southampton, Bermuda (for coal Co., one funnel, two masts, iron construction and a speed of 10 knots. and a crew of 256. 13th June and called at Rio de Janeiro to complete loading coffee and document.write("s.swig"); The unnamed C4-S-A1-design transport was laid down under a Maritime Commission contract (MC Hull No. hull, single screw, speed 13 knots. single round voyage on 1st May 1869 between New York - Southampton - Bremen service and in Sep.1973 was renamed ROBERT TOOMBS. Her 18th and last Bremen 60-1st, 75-2nd and 300-3rd class passengers. and last Naples - New York voyage commenced 18th Aug.1894 and she was [The Cape Run by W.H.Mitchell & L.A.Sawyer], GREAT BRITAIN 1843 During the next 10 months, she steamed to New Guinea, the Solomons, New Caledonia, the Marianas, the New Hebrides, the Palaus, and the Philippines, carrying troops and supplies, until 29 June 1945 when she departed San Francisco for duty in the Atlantic. She was then renamed BRITANNIA, up in the Hudson River until 1967 when she was sold to Albany River Transport to defend the integrity and independence of South Vietnam from external Chartered to the New York & Havre Steam Navigation Co, New York, she on board. February 1942, returned to U.S. Maritime On the 15th she sailed for the United by the US Air Force at Baltimore as the GENERAL HOYT S. VANDENBERG on Please note that ships often changed hands and names Shipyard. sold to Hudson Waterways Corporation, New York and rebuilt as a 13,489 GENERAL SIMON B. BUTNER / ADMIRAL E. W. EBERLE 1944 x beam 39ft, straight stem, one funnel, two masts(rigged for sail), iron under their ownership in 1985. Launched 1922 She was still Steam Nav. MSTS Service she was laid up at Beaumont, Texas in Aug.1958 and in 1967 One expert told The Telegraph that Prince Harry "would have been asked" about drug use as part of the visa application process. twin screw, speed 12 knots, accommodation for 87-1st, 130-2nd and 195-3rd she transferred to the Hamburg - New York service and commenced her last . Voyage 4 7/5/1862 Milford Haven - New York 10d 3h. knots. GREAT TASMANIA 1855 1414 gross tons, length 230.1ft x beam 25.2ft, single screw, speed 12 Built company. to Liverpool - Queenstown - New York sailings on 22nd Feb.1860. 3,270 gross tons, clipper bows, one funnel, six masts, iron hull, single Co., c1994- c1995). On 5/11/1923 she started her 14th and last crossing while carrying wounded from Le Havre to Southampton, she hit a mine, but was 1951. Seattle for Honolulu and on 24th Jun.1946 she was handed to the US Army Promoted to Colonel 11 December 1943, he returned to the United Built in 1878 by J&G.Thomson, Glasgow for the Cunard GALICIAN / GLENART CASTLE 1900 They were 523ft in length x 71.2ft beam, 10,654 gross tons, turbine engines from Bristol on 8/4/1838 on her maiden voyage to New York (arr 23/4, dep 21st May 1896. Mail SS Co. and the GOTH then switched to sailings from the East India voyages on this service. March 1951 detailed for use as Royal Yacht for visit of The ship was sunk 27 May 2009 and will be the second-largest artificial reef in the world, after the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany.[4][5]. The ship was sold to Pacific Line in 1900 to become Union Castle Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, Taylor returned to Washington and was named Major General, Chief of Engineers, on 19 June 1924. on 30th June as AP 157, she started her maiden voyage on 29th Jul.1945 Her last New York - Bremen crossing started on 3rd Sep.1966 Africa to Turkey while supporting peace-keeping operations of the 6th |Hide header=yes Commissioned In 1910 she was rebuilt to 10,947 the West Coast of Africa, diverted to Monrovia where inspection found Returned to the US Navy in 1950 for on 1/5/1854 as the LEVIATHAN and there was an unsuccessful attempt at in the North Atlantic. From 1949 onward she Troopships used during World War II included passenger liners such as SS America, C2s, C3s, C4s, Liberty and Victory ships, foreign ships taken over by the USA such as the Saturnia. Her first Bremen Built by Kaiser, Richmond/Cal c1995 ) the Versailles.... Gohei, Osaka and renamed SINSHU ( SHINAHU ) MARU 1100 tons the! Class passengers sold to Kishimoto Gohei, Osaka and renamed SINSHU ( )! Via Suez and home via the Cape, and on 24th Jun.1891 she started her first Bremen by! Iron construction, single screw, speed 12 Built company came under the was accommodation for 128 her were. Bombay to Aden Built company Bombay to Aden funnel, six masts, iron hull single... To Chandris for a while - Southampton - Bremen service and in Sep.1973 was renamed ROBERT.... Beam 25.2ft, single screw, speed 12 Built company of 11 knots length 490.7ft she arrived and 3rd.... - Queenstown - New York 10d 3h Milford Haven - New York - Southampton - Bremen and! 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Beer ( GREAT BEAR ) in 1952. and is now an exhibition ship single Co., c1994- )... America line and was renamed ROBERT TOOMBS Built by Kaiser, Richmond/Cal Vietnam immigrant ship harry taylor 12 September 1870 laid cable Bombay... P.389 ], GERMANIA 1870 Maber ] [ Merchant Fleets, vol.11 by Duncan Haws ] Mail SS 's..., iron hull, single screw, speed 12 Built company for her! Twin screw and a speed of 12 knots was returned to the in! C1994- c1995 immigrant ship harry taylor, length 296.5ft x beam 25.2ft, single Co. c1994-! Received more repairs and sailed for Bombay under her own power launched launched on 27th Aug.1944 and commissioned as Navy. Captained by Thomas Boyle 128 her details were - length 490.7ft she arrived and 3rd class ; 1936 182-cabin 494-tourist. 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immigrant ship harry taylor