advantages of federalism in nigeria

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Download. In the same way, the political culture of the United States is civic, republican and participatory. Before the arrival of Elected officials are closer to what a citizen is than a state official under this structure, which means people can visit a local office to express their opinions without a fear of judgment. Presently, Nigeria has a strong center and a weak component. 1. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. V(B8eDK@sx AK hG~ u;6DV,pwP# _ O4C sR 8_yC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ "Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages." The government, at the federal, state and local levels, should continue to be answerable to the Nigerian people, work assiduously to protect Nigeria as a nation-state and be mindful that the. For example, in countries with states that speak different languages, regional schools can provide multilingual education. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Then Nigeria was organised into a federation that had three regions. Evidently, Nigerias political culture was federalism friendly and that gave rise to easy adoption of federalism. 1. For example, when typhoon Katrina hit Greater New Orleans, USA, in 2005, there was delay in the rescue work as there was confusion between the state governments and the federal government on who is responsible for which disaster management work. National decisions can sometimes compete with state decisions. It creates checks and balances in a system that promote individual freedoms and self-governing at a higher level when compared to the other options which are possible. In a federal system, power is shared by the national and state governments. We're sorry, but in order to log in and use all the features of this website, you will need to enable JavaScript in your browser. Roxy Horner biography: who is Jack Whitehalls girlfriend? "Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages." IvyPanda. Another advantage of federalism is that because our federal system creates two levels of government with the capacity to take action, failure to attain a desired policy goal at one level can be offset by successfully securing the support of elected representatives at another level. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you Six particular advantages merit some discussion here: 8. On the subject of policy innovation, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis observed in 1932 that "a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and . You cannot drive a horse in Indiana above a set speed limit of 10mph. Many Nigerian ethnic groups began to agitate for their own states. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Federalism is an efficient process. An action of one government is always opposed by other government to enforce civil rights in Southern states. Most of the democratic countries in the world today use this method of governing, including Australia, Canada, India, and the United States. The federal system makes government more manageable. It allows for popular participation in politics at every level of government. In fact, Nigeria can be seen as a prime example of the "resource curse", a phenomenon where natural resource wealth leads to poor economic growth and development and an increased likelihood for civil conflict. Federalism can be defined as a system of government in which political powers of the state are shared between the central government and other component units. Nigerian federalism can be traced back to 1914 when the Northern and Southern protectorates were amalgamated because, during this period, the powers of government were shared between the central government headed by the Governor-General and the governments of Southern protectorates and Northern protectorates. 23 November. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The comparison of the results of these policies can give a clear idea of which policy is better and thus, can be adopted in the future. Importance of Federalism in Nigeria are listed and explicated herein. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Throughout history, it has been a political system where 2+ governments share authority over the same geographical area. In any consideration of Nigerian federalism, several issues call for attention. IvyPanda. Federalism is very important in Nigeria because of the size of our population. It . 3 What are advantages and disadvantages of Constitution? It creates a sense of local patriotism. No Payment is Required! Federalism provides a structure that diffuses governmental power . What are the advantages of federalism in Nigeria? They also have implied powers which are necessary in delegation of power in the nation. The Benefits of Federalism Among the merits of federalism are that it promotes policy innovation and political participation and accommodates diversity of opinion. Thus, the failure of Nigerian federalism can be attributed to its' abundance and dependence on oil resources. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. As far back as 1946, during the era of British colonization, Nigeria adopted federalism, a form of government with decentralized power, such that Nigerias three regions- the Northern, Eastern, and Western regions- had equal powers. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Federalism as a system of government which is meant to help to advance good governance and development of a multi-ethnic and big country like Nigeria. It allows different localities to adapt their policies to the needs and wishes of local populations. Since Nigeria is a heterogeneous nation and Federalism is more practicable in such kind of nation, it is an ideal system of government. Description. One state might reduce their subsidy benefits to encourage people to move to a different state that offers a higher benefit. What are strengths and weaknesses of federalism? Rather there has been more challenges than benefits of this federal system. Both scenarios pose a threat to the countries integrity. By the time Nigeria got her independence, the various party involved had been regionally based. The right of exit is a recognised political right as important as the right to vote, albeit it is much older. Because each community can create their own set of laws and rules in a system of federalism (especially in the United States), then the structure can create unwanted competition for resources that seeks to limit some demographics. 4. Federalism is costly as a lot of money is required to maintain the two governments. 2.1 It Is An Effective Process. Register or login to make commenting easier. American Federalism: A View from the States. In the Nigerian federalism there is no dichotomy or antithesis between the nation and the people living in different geographical locations of the country. Several positive and negative attributes of federalism have manifested themselves in the U.S. political system. Military administration does not apply the principle of federation. The desire to have authority to taxation and the general welfare of the citizens of America also made them increase national government powers. So, what are the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria? Among the merits of federalism are that it promotes policy innovation and political participation and accommodates diversity of opinion. Insecurity and the desire for union are the main reasons for the shift from unitary system of government to federal system of government in 1954. Here, the Attorney General of the Federation Instituted the case to test the true position so that the federal government would be guided on the varying issues of derivation formula. Which of the following could be considered of the advantages of federalism and decentralization? Federalism was implemented in Nigeria as way back as 1946 during the British colonial era. Even when there is a significant majority of one party in the government (as the GOP encountered in 2016), it can still be difficult to create monumental changes that impact everyone. The states have now become the administrative units of the federal government. What are the five advantages of federalism? Another factor that prompted the adoption of federalism in Nigeria is the fear of insecurity and the desire for union. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". federalism. 5. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Federalism also causes disunity due to diversity in language, culture, religion and economy. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Jega, A. In 1939 sir Bernard Bourdillion made a serious constitutional proposal which concluded having regional councils with a central council in Lagos. As I have already explained, Nigeria is an amalgamation of three different regions with beliefs and customs. The only way that American federalism was going to be restored and maintained was by reinstating major principals and empowering the state. The government of Murtala Mohammed created additional 7 states in 1976 which made Nigeria to become a federation of 19 states. Federalism provides ways by which these . stream Nigeria app ing this period of military rule were l ##### tral government. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? For a better explanation of the theory of federalism, I highly recommend that you watch the video below. November 23, 2019. When we have a chance to embrace diversity as a culture, then it is an opportunity to draw upon each of our strengths to create something amazing. 3. Possessing a lot of power will enable them have the authority to raise navy and armies that could control tragedies from happening by protecting the nation. Not only is Nigerias population compared to those of other countries, huge; but it is also growing daily. Federalism is a mixed system of government with a major feature of power decentralization where the general government often called the Federal Government leads the states governments who are almost just as powerful. 2023. We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure our website works properly, personalize your browsing experience, analyze how you use our website, and deliver relevant ads to you. Seen in its entirety, all stakeholders have to brace up their resolve for national rebirth as we all . Federalism as a system of government which is meant to help to advance good governance and development of a multi-ethnic and big country like Nigeria. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So, without wasting much time, what is a federal system of government? Both the state and national governments have taxable power and they can also borrow money. Federalism can create oppositional competition. Another important factor that necessitated federalism in Nigeria was the political culture of the country. a. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages, Anti-Anti Immigration: Principles to Make Migration Work, Australian Education System from 1788 to 1948, The Peopling Process of Australia Since 1788 With Influence of Racism, Methods of Dealing with Problems of Federalism, National and State Powers in American Federalism, Reasons for increase in the Powers of the Nation since 1788, Federalism and Government Styles in the United States, Federal versus State Regulation of Insurance Industry in United States. Because this structure of government looks at cooperation and sharing as its primary structure, there is an opportunity to try a different set of policies to see how they will work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Knowing what you can or cannot do can be a confusing process, especially when there are conflicting statements offered by the different parties. This disadvantage occurs because local governments can pass legislation, within reason, that covers community needs. Advantages: The federal system disperses political power so that no single individual or group has excessive power. Many federalist governments struggle with the issue of individual equality at some level. Although there are challenges to face in any type of government, most people who live in a federalist system say that they wouldnt change the structure whatsoever. While formulating policies, local needs, tastes and opinions are given due consideration by the state governments. Federalism was further adopted because the developed countries from which Nigeria borrowed democracy practice federalism. Instead of mandating that everyone follows the same set of laws, this system allows each community to create a foundation that works the best for their needs. Federalism is very important in Nigeria because of the size of our population. We are constantly told that federalism is a wasteful, costly system of government, which produces nothing more than duplication and buck-passing. student. Other forms of government do not offer such an opportunity. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The nation also wanted to have the power to address issues such as great depressions that it was facing due to failures in economic, political and social issues. The effectiveness of linking communications has been a vital factor in geographical unit. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. All names, acronyms, logos and trademarks displayed on this website are those of their respective owners. I love this article,very educating and interesting November 23, 2019. If you go to Colorado, then it is illegal to keep a couch on your porch. IvyPanda, 23 Nov. 2019, Others do not. Importance of Federalism in Nigeria. or this it really helped me, Your email address will not be published. There is a need to establish institutions for the study offederalism in Nigeria and to reduce ethnic and ideological biases in research on Nigerian federalism. The federal system makes decision making more complex and difficult. IvyPanda. Federalism was basically introduced to bring about peace and unity in the different regions of the country. There is no doubt that geographical factored are one of the influential reasons for federalism in Nigeria. Justice Udo Udoma is of the view that regionalism was introduced by the colonialists in order to divide and rule, and weaken true national unity in Nigeria. Federalism is a system of government where there are a decentralization power and autonomy of governance to the regional or federated states that share sovereignty with the Federal Government. Between 1960 and 1996, the three regions have been divided into smaller entities which are now known as states and their boundaries were reorganised. One negative impact of federalism on free speech is that the government may not be trustworthy when it relates to individuals rights and often pointed in the opposite direction, suggesting that federal laws should survive more than the local and state laws. The United States, Canada, India, France and Australia adopted federalism because of the desire for security by the various ethnic units. They believe that the federal government should be able to: make policy in its areas of jurisdiction without consulting the provinces; have access to most of the revenue from taxation ; and make conditional grants to provinces even in matters outside its jurisdiction. However, the practice of fiscal federalism in Nigeria is a negation of true federalism. The federal system of government is very expensive as more people are elected to office, both at the state and the center, than necessary. Federalism promotes unity: the system provides a united national government deal in matters such as finance, defence, regulation of business and foreign affairs. /Height 235 Nigeria is the most populous black country and this has earned us an alias, giant of Africa. This resulted in the loss of many lives. This normally causes disintegration and internal conflicts among different states (Dye, 114). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The Supreme Court of the United States underscored the point when it said that "the people of the United States are an integral, not a composite mass, and their unity and identity, in this . The states were later increased to 30 states. So majority if not all of them were in favor of a federalist system of governance. Since 1954 successively Nigerian constitution had adopted the federal system of government without much emphasis on the unity or disunity it has accorded to Nigeria. This has been the Federalism can be structured to benefit only the rich. Fourthly, there shall be the existence of court to interpret the constitution as it applies to cases and conflicts among the tiers of government. There are efficiencies to consider with delegation that make this governing structure such an inviting option. In theory, Nigeria is a three-tier federation, with local, state, and federal levels designated by federal law. 7. Because there are multiple layers of government working cooperatively with one another in a federalist system, it can be challenging at times for specific communities to know where they can receive assistance. Instead of designing a government that should unite the different elements in Nigeria, the colonialists fully adopted federal stem of government in 1954 and created greater regional autonomy. States also engage in economic competition which causes economic warfare amongst them. On the contrary it has also been suggested that is created more diversity and conflict for the nation to grapple with. 2.2 It Increases The Level Of Participation By Individuals. ! The top 1% of income earners own a majority of the wealth increases experienced since 2009. This is where the regional government steps in. The federal system increases the opportunities for average citizens to participate in government. Since gaining independence, the countries Nigeria looked up to using this system of government, and the zeal of the founding fathers to replicate such development at home, made them adopt federalism. The origin of federalism in Nigeria can be traced to the colonial era. Each state has the same level of self-governance. Proportional representation (PR) systems are argued to be the political system most advantageous to women's political representation. Federalism in India. John Paden, George Mason University: Federalism in Nigeria. But before moving to the crux of this article, we will be looking briefly at the meaning and history of federalism in Nigeria. Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and regional authorities. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The USA and Canada were formed with the above interest at heart. This structure allows each group to live in a way that maximizes their safety while minimizing effort. Which of the following could be considered of the advantages of federalism and decentralization? Even the masses in the rural areas of the country are allowed to participate in politics by electing their representatives into office. Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. Federalism in Nigeria refers to the devolution of self-governance by the West African nation of Nigeria to its federated states, who share sovereignty with the Federal Government . Federalism was the only solution to ensure peace and unity amongst the leaders and the citizens and that was why federalism was adopted into the Nigerian political system. Federalism in Nigeria is one of the most expensive. When laws are delegated to local communities, then there is always the chance that they could be used to harm others one day. Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Dele Adeshina, does an in-depth analysis of Federalism in Nigeria, examining and comparing aspects of past Nigerian Constitutions from 1951 up to 1999, pointing out the . When a government is closer to its citizens, then it can provide a responsive solution when there are citizen needs, emergency situations, or changes that are necessary in the structure of laws. The Constitution designates certain powers to be the domain of a central government, and others are specifically reserved to the state governments. Rich states offer more opportunities and benefits to its citizens than poor states can. November 23, 2019. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. Another cogent reason for federalism in Nigeria is the fear of marginalization. READ ALSO: History of democracy in Nigeria from 1960. It was under the 1954 constitution that federal system of government was fully adopted. Unless specified, this website is not in any way affiliated with any of the institutions featured. IvyPanda. It can also be used as a way to pass ridiculous laws as a way to make a political statement, discourage tourism, or some other specific result. The priorities of the majority receive more attention with Federalism. THE BENEFITS OF FEDERALISM THE DRAWBACKS OF FEDERALISM Summary Several positive and negative attributes of federalism have manifested themselves in the U.S. political system. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. In this article, i will comprehensively discuss the reasons for federalism in Nigeria. They also have the power to conduct foreign affairs through inherent powers given to them by the constitution. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Because the U.S. provides some of the power to the states, it creates efficiencies in the governing system because delegation is possible. This seemed to be the default option given its heterogeneous nature. On the other hand, local governments have a comparative advantage in the supply of local public goods, particularly those for which there are no significant economies of scale and whose preferences differ spatially. New York: Harper & Row, 1984. Many forms of federalism look to create checks and balances throughout society as a way to create an equal governing process. In 1963 Midwestern region was created and Nigeria became a nation of four regions. The constitution must be rigid to avoid frequent and unnecessary changes. This is also one of the reasons for federal system of government in Nigeria. 2 Top 5 Advantages Of Federalism. Because communities can set their own laws (within reason) under a federalist structure, it becomes possible for some population groups to place the wants of the majority over the needs of the entire community. Provincial, state or local government representatives live in close proximity to the people and are most of the times from the same community, so that they are in a better position to understand these problems and offer unique solutions for them. The Founders of this country identified several reasons for creating a federalist government: To evade tyrannical rule Do you know the reasons for federalism in Nigeria? On the subject of policy innovation, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis observed in 1932 that "a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and . Then there are the inefficient processes that people must follow when managing their activities. People feel close to their communities. Register or login to receive notifications when there's a reply to your comment or update on this information. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. << Federalism can create uncertainty. s" His answer was that federalism a political system permitting a large . This particular corroborated federalism in Nigeria. Brazil is the only federation practising this form of federalism. 2.D - Advantages to Federalism. Real federalism has never existed in Nigeria (Ajasin, 1992; Odisu, 2015). In the EU, the members of the upper houses in the government are not elected or appointed, but they serve as delegates of their respective governments. But, unfortunately, this has largely remained a dream due to the moral and political distortions inherent in our leadership. fiscal federalism and Nigeria development indexes (measured in terms of per capita income, literacy rate and infant mortality rate). Federalism brings about peaceful political association of multi-ethnic groups: Federalism produces a stronger and stable nation: Equitable development and growth of the nation. Federalism is a compromise meant to eliminate the disadvantages of both systems. So, our federalist form of government has several advantages, such as protecting us from tyranny, dispersing power, increasing citizen participation, and increasing effectiveness, and disadvantages, such as supposedly protecting slavery and segregation, increasing inequalities between states, states blocking national People become more involved with their government in a variety of ways when federalism is the structure in place. In my view, federalism is a good system for Nigeria. Rt. Sharing of power between the center and the states can also be disadvantageous. It is the result of the highly established units which can usually be absent. When power is not centralized in a government, then there are fewer issues with individual corruption that can impact the entire nation. Federalism encourages a system of cooperation. 2019. There must be a formal decision of government powers by the constitution between the federal and state government. Unfortunately, since the formation of Nigeria and adoption of this system of governance in the country has not seen much effect of federalism. The competitive federalism model is a theoretical construct advanced by IvyPanda. Federalism provides a way for different groups of people in different parts of the country to live together. To conduct foreign affairs through inherent powers given to them by the state insecurity. Issues with individual corruption that can impact the entire nation updated daily, so can... Minimizing effort George Mason University: federalism in Nigeria as way back as 1946 during the colonial. 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advantages of federalism in nigeria