why take strontium on empty stomach

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I love this holiday! J Inorg Biochem. I only have (1) one kidney so should I take the 2 supplements? Milk, calcium and antacids should not be taken at the same time as iron supplements. It was impossible to calculate the elemental dosage because they didnt provide the molar-mas of the compound. Problems were minor and did not prevent any of the women from continuing to exercise although for a few of these women, their program were modified to meet the individuals needs. Or is there some issue with her ability to absorb calcium as well? The cross-talk between osteoclasts and osteoblasts in response to strontium treatment: involvement of osteoprotegerin. Heres just one of many medical journal articles discussing the benefits of regular weight bearing exercise on preventing falls: Robitaille Y, Laforest S, Fournier M, et al. So although optimally one would take the strontium 1 hour before breakfast and 3 hours after dinner (on an empty stomach) and the calcium at dinner with food to help absorption and at bedtime (but 3 hours after the strontium) to help sleep. That is troubling to me as do not want to end up with hyper-calcium. If strontium is taken in excess of calcium, more strontium than calcium will be available in the body to be used in bone, so more strontium than calcium will be incorporated into the bones, and at least in baby rats, whose skeletons were rapidly developing and who were given no calcium and lots of strontium, ricket-like bone abnormalities developed. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in July of 2009. I do not recommend taking 750 mg/d. I stopped taking for a few days& the diarrhea stopped. Re wheat I have just wrapped up my review of Alessio Fassanos lecture on wheat/gluten-containing grains at the Institute for Functional Medicines 2013 symposium. According to the summary of product characteristics for strontium ranelate provided by Servier, the pharmaceutical company that created (and owns the patent on) strontium ranelate: There is no accumulation of ranelic acid and no evidence of metabolism in animals and humans. Thanks again and I intend to get a copy of your book, especially since Gary Null cites you and your book. If you feel that youre experiencing hair loss that is linked to Strontium Boost, heres what Lara has previously shared on this subject in response to someone who asked a similar question: A comparison of adverse event and fracture efficacy data for strontium ranelate in regulatory documents and the publication record. Again research seems to be quite limited but is apparently on-going and seems to be promising. Bottom line you can get plenty of calcium cow-free! Because strontium is a highly reactive element, it is never found in a pure form in nature. I am genuinely appy to glance at this website posts hich consists f lots of usefl data, tanks for providing tese data. How quickly our kidneys filter creatinine from the bloodstream, which is called the creatinine clearance rate, provides a measure of how effectively your kidneys are filtering your blood. The other night I contacted the manufacturer of my strontium and inquired as to if the supplement was better absorbed on an empty stomach or with food. A total of 48 drugs were selected for oral bioavailability comparison. So, if your patient achieves a 5% increase in BMD in their lumbar spine, when you factor out strontiums BMD overestimation, on average thats still a 4.5% increase. I discuss this on the AlgaeCal Community in an #AskLara on testing that identifies C.diff and other pathogens. Upon completion of this initial study, a second study was done to look at the effects of three different versions of an AlgaeCal bone-health supplement program. Your DXA will definitely give you the most important information you need to have, which is, Has my BMD improved?. In the 2 g/d group, there was a significant increase in serum levels of bone alkaline phosphatase, whereas urinary excretion of cross-linked N-telopeptide, a marker of bone resorption, was lower with SR than with placebo. AlgaeCal is clinically Supported for bone health: I began taking AlgaeCal after coming across the research 2 in vitro trials and 2 human trials conducted on their products and published in the peer-reviewed medical literature about 2 years ago now. (2002). Also, if your digestion is impaired or you are taking an acid-lowering drug, you will not be properly breaking down the proteins in your food, and undigested protein fragments that gain entry into your bloodstream can provoke many kinds of adverse reactions, including the skin symptoms you are experiencing. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080728081346.htm (actual paper: https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cncr.23674) The GAIL score discussed in this paper relates to indicators of a womans lifetime risk for invasive breast cancer. Epub 2011 Dec 15. Since being diagnosed with osteoporosis [-3.5 spine, -2.7 L. femoral neck] and Osteopenia [2.1 L. hip, 2.2 Rt hip. Even 1 capsule per day is going to be doing some good for your bones. I wonder if the interval, between Calcium intakes is too short. Still, cutting back to 380 mg elemental strontium per day is reasonable at this amount, it will still be helpful for your bones. However, no research that I know of specifically shows that 170 mg of strontium /day is more effective in preventing fracture risk, and the only PubMed article I can find for Meunier et al in 2002 concludes a 2 gram/day dose is most effective here is the abstract: Women in the Plan 3 group, the group receiving the most nutritionally comprehensive supplement program (the one now available at https://blog.algaecal.com/, gained significantly more BMD than the other two groups. Bone. 2012 Oct;33(10):1277-84. doi: 10.1038/aps.2012.83. Sorry that I have not been able to find it on PubMed. Available data indicate that approximately 10% of the increase seen in BMD is due to strontiums larger size which also means that 90% of the increase seen in BMD is accurate. Thank you so much for your book and the information you supply to women that need all the help the can get. It has now been 3 weeks and I have received no response by any of the authors. FYI one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going to provide you with about 25.5 milligrams of calcium. The LEF supplement provides 100 mcg of MK-7. Thanks for sending me a link to this study. I looked at Dr. Mumbys article he also provides no references (and I sure wish he had specified the type of vitamin K2 he is referring to when suggesting a 10 milligram daily dose is MK-4! J Biomed Mater Res A. Although many people have never heard of it before, it's a very interesting and somewhat controversial supplement. Vitamin A. Vitamin D. Vitamin E. Vitamin K. For maximum absorption, the best time to take vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins is after you've eaten foods that contain fat. Also avoid fast foods and most restaurant foods these are typically loaded with sodium chloride. After 24 hours, the mean strontium signal rose in both the finger and ankle, and strontium levels continued to increase in both finger and ankle throughout the length of the study. Biometals. Japanese Natto (fermented soybeans) has extremely high concentrations of vitamin K2 and packets of frozen natto are available at low cost from Asian food shops. One very important factor to consider is vitamin A. Vitamin A is the key nutrient required for immune tolerance (vitamin A is involved in causing the immune system to produce regulatory T cells of the IL-10 strain, which help tune down and resolve inflammation), and many of us are not getting adequate vitamin A, which also works in partnership with vitamin D and should be consumed in comparable amounts for the optimal benefits derived from both nutrients. This would be 1,500 mg of calcium per day, which is greater than the 1,200 mg RDI for calcium for postmenopausal women. I read French, so read this paper; it says nothing about strontium dosages. I suggest you take double the usual dose of Triple Power (so 2 TBS instead of one) for 6 weeks, then you may be able to drop down to 1 TBS without experiencing a recurrence of your thumb joint pain. Many thanks Lara and any suggestions would be appreciated. Phosphate additives are used as preservatives in most processed foods, including sodas (regular and diet sodas), breads, rolls, sweet bakery products, tortillas, cereals, savory snacks, crackers, snack/meal bars, pizza, poultry, cured meats, vegetables (processed, not fresh! Marilyn. To all our good health DD3 has been given antibiotics, which state they have to be taken on an empty stomach: 1 hour before food or 2 hours after food. Epub 2016 Feb 24. Especially thanks for the links to research. ( I hope you are eating lots of these vegetables like spinach, kale, Swiss chard, broccoli because they contain not only calcium but other minerals and vitamins essential for building healthy bones (e.g., vitamin K1, magnesium, boron). The derivation of this figure has not been published, but the results shown in Table 1 suggest that it is an average of the figures of 41% and 66% derived from the SOTI and STRATOS studies assuming a BSC (bone strontium content) ratio of Rspine 50.61. So, somewhere between 41-66% is overestimation AND that also means that somewhere between 34-59% is actual improvement in BMD. Another action you can take that can dramatically lower your inflammation and help protect your joints and bones is to take 2 tablespoons daily of Triple Power. excellent responses to queries i would like to know in what dosages do one has to This would explain your loss of height. currently doing his residency in Emergency Medicine; my daughter, who is 40 years old and an MS, RD nutritionist, and my husband, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, taking AlgaeCal Plus along with me we all take the full dose daily. Could the Strontium be causing it and should I reduce the dose? These techniques were applied on bone mineral samples obtained from the iliac crest of male cynomolgus monkeys treated for 13 weeks with oral doses of strontium ranelate. I currently agree that after taking the higher strontium dosage until the desired results (with corrections of overestimationbased on the attenuation coefficientdue to the larger ionic radius of strontiumas you said above) that a lower dosage would be desirable. [again, areas richer in trabecular bone] And neither study shows strontium depositing primarily into cortical bone. am presently in my third year taking it. Hi Anne, Start now. I am a medical writer and have been a member of the AMWA (American Medical Writers Association) and have been writing medical journal articles and medical books for doctors and for the public for 30+ years now, so I am very well educated, and I also work with my husband, but I am not a doctor. I am interested in already now starting to strengthen my bones, by taking AlgaeCal and Strontium. If the latter, I am happy to help you, but please do me the courtesy of citing my work. Obviously, this is not the case. Ive tried taking only one capsule, and even one half capsule with some mashed applesauce or banana. Kombucha is another excellent dairy-free source of pro-biotics. If your kidney function is normal, then this is not an issue for you. Once you know this, subtract this amount from 1,500 mg (if you are postmenopausal and not on bio-identical hormone replacement) or 1,200 if you are pre-menopause or postmenopausal and on BHRT. Answer (1 of 3): It is very important to take your levothyroxine at least 30-60 minutes before breakfast, on an empty stomach. I suggest you ask your doctor to run a test to have your vitamin A levels checked, and if they are not well within the normal range, that you consider supplementing with an amount of vitamin A comparable to the amount of vitamin D3 you consume. I dont know what type of exercise regimen you follow, but in both exercises and your daily activities, it is very important NOT to do movements that flex your spine forward into a big C curve. There are currently three such tests available: NTx, CTX and Dpd. Continue to nourish your bones and your entire body well every day for the rest of your long, and healthy life! cortical] bone, and approximately 2.5-fold higher strontium content in new than in old cancellous [so strontium uptake is greater in new vs older trabecular bone] bone. I do plan on continuing the algae cal plus but question if I need 4 capsules each day or if I can cut the dosage. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17543560. In brief, check this persons credentials (where did this man get his medical training? Strength/stability of apatite crystals Apatite, which is composed primarily of calcium + phosphate, is the basic mineral component used in our bones and teeth. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27855653 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27102582. Natural strontium salts (as opposed to strontium ranelate and radioactive strontium) are not harmful to the human body and can enhance bone mineral density when taken with calcium. Hi David, thanks for your questions! PSif you are eating gluten-containing grains, I urge you to consider eliminating them (wheat, barley, rye). As explained above, calcium will be preferentially absorbed over strontium. Because strontium is almost twice as large as calcium, even this tiny number of strontium-for-calcium ions exchanged in your bones can impact DXA readings. Also, you need to check to see if the drug(s) you are taking interact adversely. Thanks again for your help. The end result of all this is that wheat has become much more harmful for us. As woman age, we become more susceptible to itis (which means inflammation), in part because our estrogen production drops off. The ability of this IVXRF system to monitor and measure bone strontium levels over time provides a useful diagnostic tool to help gain insight into strontium bone kinetics. If you are taking 680 mg/d, cut this back to 340 mg/d; the latest research indicates you will still receive significant benefit from this lower dosage. Wondering what you might recommend? In addition, rather than take the full 4 tablets of algae cal, I am increasing my calcium consumption from food and plan on reducing the algae cal to 3 tablets daily. thank you If you are concerned about this, have either the MVL test or the DUTCH test run to check how your estrogens are being metabolized. So, amount of calcium provided by AlgaeCal Plus is 720 mg/day, plus you need to look at your diet to see how much calcium you are typically getting from the foods you eat. All 3 forms of vitamin K are beneficial K1, which you can get in abundance from green leafy vegetables, is highly anti-inflammatory as well as being required for normal blood clotting, so you dont bleed to death from even a tiny cut. Great information. Weve come a very long way since vitamins were discovered 100 years ago! Your article clearly shows that strontium and calcium should be taken separately. Thanks so much for reaching out with your question! Hi Debra, For your 3rd question, in Lara Pizzornos book Healthy Bones, Healthy You, she advises that In humans, strontium elimination from the skeleton occurs in 2 phases: an initial rapid clearancewhere 50% will be eliminated within 41 days followed by a slower phase of elimination during which the remaining half is lost over the following 3 years. The Magnesium has these contents: Nutra-Life Magnesium Complete Ingredients: I do have low bone density in my spine (-2.5 T score) and also in my hips (-3.3 on one side, -3.0 on the other) so am pretty concerned at this point. Be sure to take it when you are NOT also taking calcium or consuming calcium-rich foods. From what you write, it is apparent that you are not meeting your needs for magnesium, unless you are eating a diet VERY rich in magnesium AND your digestion and absorption are excellent. Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle; its usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body and is eliminated in urine. Epub 2013 Jul 24. Could this be due to the Strontium and if yes, how should I taper off of it? Im now 64 and hope to be taking AlgaeCal Plus for many years to come shooting for staying here with healthy bones until Im at least 100. Also, I suggest you have your blood levels of vitamin D (25[OH]D) checked after you have been taking AlgaeCal Plus for 3 months just to be sure it is providing enough vitamin D for you. In fact, 99% of the total amount of strontium in the body is found in bone, a trait it shares with calcium. Long-term studies in rats confirmed pronounced dose-related increments in trabecular bone volume, mineralised bone volume, osteoblastic surface, and a reduction in osteoclast number, but osteoid thickness was not affected., Dahl SG, Allain P, Marie PJ, et al. Again, I want to underscore that strontiums beneficial effects on our bones NOT due to its taking the place of calcium. While a bone density scan will typically measure critical fracture sites such as the spine and hip, you can be assured that benefits are being seen elsewhere in the skeletal system. Then this is not an issue for you when you are taking interact adversely,. 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why take strontium on empty stomach