nwn2 motb best weapon enchants

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Magda will tell you all about Lienn and her pecadilloes. Bloody ass you all, I love The Wheel of Time series https://teespring.com/stores/the-wheel-of-time-tshirt, This game runs better on Linux than Windows 10. . In order to lift the curse, youll need the Pure Sanctuary Water that you obtained via the Re-Exile quest, as well as two more ingredients, including some leaves that Gnarlthorn gives to you. Araman is just another spellcaster, so any sufficiently powerful melee character will be able to take him on. The essence will allow you to enchant a belt with +10 strength (once you've gained the Mold Spirit feat), and the husk will allow you to recruit a different companion in Okku's place. The beauty of this spell during Mask of the Betrayer is that it can set up its targets for the protagonist to use her spirit-eating powers on as a finishing blow. Valeria adds epic-level enchantments to weapons for both herself and her party members.For my guide on playing NWN2 MotB, at Sorcerer's Place, see:http://www. Note that these tips are, again, going to be SPOILERS in a lot of cases. Until, that is, you strike the gong here. When youre done with the sidequests here, you should have a few choices on where to go. There are a number of quests here on the first floor, so start getting them. The new MotB essences are dropped by monsters. Take whatever you like, but you should probably flip Safiya herself over to the crossbow and keep her back. At the beginning of the fight, summon a Mordenkainens Sword and/or Orglash to help you out and to distract your opponents. Gann doesnt come stocked with any kind of crafting abilities, but if you give him Craft Magic Arms and Armor, hell be able to do most of the same functions as Safiya. Unfortunately the priest will refuse to talk to you after a bit of conversation; youll need to find some way to force him to do so if you want the key leading downward. You have the option of betting either for 100,000 dollars or for Arteshs soul, itself. Again, use your summoning spells to cause some havoc, take down the wizards first, and deal with the Erinyes last. Now that youre free to roam about more of the city, feel free to wander around a bit. Our character managed to get romantical with Gann, and wound up with the Dreamers Heart feat, which lent us Spell Resistance 30 and Immunity to Mind-Affecting Spells. Taken as a whole, the company employs designers who have worked on games like Knights of the Old Republic II, Icewind Dale, Fallout II, and Planescape: Torment. If you want to help the berserker out, youll need to find a way to get the frost giants across the river to leave the grove, then find a new spirit to put into the lake there. Barring that, you can try to Intimidate him to leave. Shield of the Forgotten Lost (tower shield, I forgot, that's also from OC). Even though we were evil, keeping Safiya on our good side was well worth the thought of having the Founder running around in a tomb. The southwestern vault contains no Tomes, but it does contain a solder named Kelthanos who drops a Belt of Storm Giant Strength and a Talisman of Pure Good. Unfortunately using Suppress is bizarrely classified as a Lawful Good action (surely the self-interest involved in not becoming addicted to spirits would be a relatively neutral act, alignment-wise? Its up to you whether or not you wish to attack her immediately, or attempt to aid her. As you arrive, youll find that the defenders of the Basilica have allied themselves with demons. Volomer will only join if three of the other berserkers have already joined the rebellion. If you choose the evil choice, be sure to bind the feat that you earn onto your action bar and use it in the next fight. Head through the new portal, either way, to move on to Act III. Soresko is much less credulous than Odesya, but can still be threatened or wooed to your side with a good conversation skill. If you head to the southeast, youll find the Blighted Trees. Move forward toward the gates and attempt a parlay. Head inside, being careful of traps, and fight off the Orglash that comes your way. Thats not legal! Using it raises your craving, but allows you to attack with a pair of claws that have a chance to steal spirit energy from spirits and creatures with souls. Anyway, the solution to the puzzle is pretty simple: attack all of the obelisks in both of the rooms to cause them to start arcing lightning out. Now that youve added Kaelyn and Gann to your party, its time to take down Okku, the bear god, who waits for you outside of town. If, on the other hand, you keep Akachi alive, his spirit will slumber within you somewhere, Myrkul will remain dead, and the curse will be liftedbut youll never be able to leave the City of Judgment again. You find yourself in the Skein at this point; an underground dungeon filled with flooded passages and discarded hagspawn. You can find Hellfire Powder in one of the locked chests here, as well as a bunch of magical weapons and armor on the racks nearby. One of Many is a creepy character that's really only suitable for evil parties. If you managed to cast Mind Blank, though, everyone should be able to safely ignore the aura and attack away. Hell have plenty of protections, so if possible, cast something like Mordenkainens Disjunction on him to strip them away, or simply unload on him with attacks and spells until he falls. Hit these enemies with as much firepower as you can at the same time. He was the one who sought to trap the spirit-eating curse inside Okkus barrow, to prevent anyone else from finding it and taking it into themselves. It isnt necessarily an evil choice, however. Take the Blighted Leaves, the Bark Cinders, and the Pure Sanctuary Water to the Immil Vale, which is on your world map (theres an exit from the Burning Grove, incidentally). When you defeat the creatures here, speak to the boy to learn that he is Araman as a young man. Head inside and speak to the inhabitants after quicksaving. 4. When youre done, loot the bodies and return to the exterior area of Mulsantir. Claiming to be his master will let you summon Orglash once a day to fight for you, but may also have unintended consequences down the road. Hell be an easy kill. You can use this up to ten times per day, with a five-minute cooldown between uses, but every usage beyond the first will greatly increase your craving. They want to fight, but theyre easy enough to kill. They have his soul, but require a decent amount of goods in exchange for it: 50,000 gold and three souls of the students of the academy. The nearby machine isnt marked on your map, but if you examine it, either you (via a Lore check) or Safiya should be able to deduce its basic functionality. THX. Unfortunately, the trees in the area will begin spawning numerous elementals to attack you. Minus the toolset, that is. Kaelyn can also wear heavy armor and wield some nice weapons, such as the Frost Harpoon you found earlier, but she doesnt have much strength and thus probably wont be a hardcore fighter. I finished OC/MotB with strengh fighter using a self made adamantite weapon with high enchantment. He doesnt know where it is, but points you towards the same ancient vault that the Prodigal Daughter quest will apparently be taking you to. This allows for Arrows, Bolts, and Bullets, Throwing Axes, Shurikens, and Darts to be crafted out of various metal materials and for ranged weapons to be enchanted with Enhance, Damage Bonuses, and other enchants. Youll encounter Kaelyn before the end of the first act of the game. One thing to note is that Gann seems to chew through ammo pretty quickly. You can trade this to Yusev to allow him to escape his studies, if you wish. Nadaj waits at the foot of the great ash tree. Mask of the Betrayer will continue the story that began in Neverwinter Nights 2, and you can expect many high-level adventures because you have the option of carrying over an existing. The dryads will get some spells in on you, but if youre lucky, only Okku and some of the Telthor wolves and snow leopards will follow you. Which, of course, means that you should head downstairs and open it. I haven't played D&D since 2002 (3rd edition? Funny! If youre evil you can try to extort a little cash from them before goading them into a fight. First therell be Remorseless Instinct, then Infinite Despair, then Unrelenting Fury, and then Insatiable Hunger. If that drops to zero, then youll be dead, so youll need to periodically use your own Devour Spirit ability on him. Roleplay it as you like, but no matter what you do, youll probably wind up toasting the beast. Before you do so, though, head to the Prison to find another character that will join you on your quest. If he doesnt, hell drop some trinkets, including a set of Bracers of the Inner Planes, which instill 20% resistance to all elemental damage and damage from positive and negative energy. Youll have to take out the bear spirits. Taking Arteshs soul is an evil act, and its not good for much other than trading it to the pit fiends in the lower level, although you can place it in the soul viewer in the repository to learn about the ironic circle that Arteshs life has taken. Regardless of who you appeal to, youll get a new item in your inventory: Chauntea will give you the Blessed Salve of the Earthmother, which will save Gnarltooth, while Malar will give you the Toxic Plantbane of the Beastlord. These devices are scattered around the level. If you throw it through, and its daylight back in the real world, the Count will run off, but otherwise youll probably have to fight him. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? When Gulkaush is defeated, shell go through a lengthy speech about how she came to dwell in the Skein. When youre ready to enter the vault, return to Heilaris home and rest there in safety. You can use the Sacred Pouch back in the middle room of this level as an offering to the spirits, who will then let you pass upwards. One way or another, you're going to be fighting your way out of here. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (NWN2:MotB) is an expansion to Neverwinter Nights 2 developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Atari. The consequences of taking more than your alloted souls out of the repository can bedrastic. If only Gann is capable of fighting here, however, then have him summon an elemental and Shapechange into something a bit more damaging to Gulkaush. If youre looking for a lot of Evil points, complete the ritual and fight the whole gang. Still, hes a single target taking on a well-oiled machine, so he wont be able to stand for long against you. Ah, the loving embrace of a demon's wings. Depending on your choices in the conversation, you can either have Kaji pick the lock on the chest, or attempt to pick it up and throw it back through the portal to the Material Plane if youre strong enough, or if Okku is in your party. This elemental isn't too difficult to take down. You can find a Crossbow of Murder inside, along with some bolts and cash. One of the baseline abilities. Regardless of which side you fight for, youll have three subquests to pursue: attacking/defending the archives at Eternitys End; help defend/secure the gate to ensure that more troops can or cant get in; or head to the Basilica of Lost Hope and kill/defend the Voice of Kelemvor. Giving Kaelyn a Tower Shield proficiency will help her wield the heavy armor needed to stack her AC up to unhittable levels. The ability to use items, scrolls, and armor/weapons that you couldn't normally use is GREAT! So I hope the ppl here can forgive me my question and still help me. Rebuff yourself, then head into the Vault itself. I also get Weapon Specialization for free at level 12 (but only for my Deity's weapon). For whatever reason, his plan didnt work, and he passed away before completing his necromantic rites. Fentomy is here, as well, and offers you a deal. At its highest level of enchantment, the player could even have a 50% health regeneration boost added to one of their armor pieces, which is absolutely insane. If you want to pick up the spear we were telling you about before, you can head to the northwest a bit. But wouldn't the crit rate of Simitars be more useful then? I've started the official campaign as elvish monk (Wild Elf) 14 Str 18 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 8 Cha So far I've reached lvl 3 and I've decided for Hero's Luck and Dodge and I've to decide to appoint my first Stat point. Also, if you're smart, you'll make a female character and romance Gann. Thieve's Hood (OC): immunity to KD and Poison and some minor skill bonuses. Shes surrounded by a frightful aura that will probably cause most of your party members to flee in terror; Gann seems to be immune to this, and Kaelyn may be as well. His abilities are fairly redundant with Safiyas, but hell still be a pretty handy addition to the party if you choose this path. How do I reduce skill points using the console? You likely cant, unless you have a high Diplomacy skill. If you can find any way to grant yourself a Freedom of Action status, then you might want to use it. Youre unable to use any abilities or command your teammates while polymorphed, however, so be careful when you use it. You can enchant weapons to absurd levels in mob, -2 is hard to even notice. Certain item base properties are considered enchantments. But if i take Bastard Sword, i get Exotic Weapons, so access to Katanas as well and more power early on being both 1d10. (Two caveats: I started with my OC char, including equipment except for weapon: as a consequence, I kept my Thieve's Hood through motb - don't think you can find/buy that in MOTB. Forovan: Defeating Forovan again (we had 36 strength when we tried, but are again unsure of where the cutoff lies) will net you a Belt of Storm Giant Strength, granting +10 Strength with no downsides. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE), Press J to jump to the feed. If you choose to slay him in this dreamscape, your soul will be freed, and youll be able to continue about your life, but the curse of the spirit-eater will pass on to another. We personally chose to burn the grove down, which entailed casting fire spells on all of the tree roots nearby. Must people always be trying to kill you? One of Many'll give you pretty decent buffs from loyalty (including +6 regen), and you can win him over without causing a lot of trouble by including him in the party right before you head to Myrkul - otherwise he's pretty shit and should by all means be left on the benches. Nab the Swift Golem Legs off of the golem on the ground here before examining the elemental itself. After the Child and the Brute speak to you, you will have a few options. When theyre hot and bothered, move up and finish the group off. The tub will damage you for 25 points of cold damage each round, and youll have to take off all your equipment and remove all of your enchantments before entering, so theres little chance for you to cheat. . If you head up into the northern hills, youll find a group of Durthans that apparently look forward to eating you, or something. This will remove the weakness effect from you. There is also a set of matching 40x40 pixel icons for use in game. Weapon Enchantments are unique enchantments equippable in the Weapon Enhancement Slot in many high-level Main Hand Weapons. Middle game, you have Grobnar, Middlelate, Sand and Zhaeve. Gann also has a number of spirit-related abilities, but well be honest and say that we never used them and still got through the game just fine. To the northeast, youll find another large room with many a Myrkulite in it. If you tell him that coming with you is better than staying in prison, then refuse to promise him anything, hell come along. Kill them both, then grab the Mask Fragment (The Wall) from Bishops hand. Youll gain a small amount of XP for doing so. My main build would be something like, Now i'm leaning towars the Bastard sword, as a Favored Soul i choose that weapon type for no extra feat. They want a soul of a rich, poor, self-centered, and selfless individual. The wyverns here will cast a debuff on you, but it will fade away after a turn or two, so no need to use Restoration on it. Start moving from vault to vault here, killing his minions. Hell tag along on your party as a fifth member (i.e. If you continue to question Darovik about the Wall, then select "Theres worse hells to imagine" when the choice pops up, youll gain influence with Gann. If you offer your services, shell ask that you return to the exterior of the cave and melt all of the ice that she caused to come into being when she entered. Youll get a 1,000 experience bonus if you manage to convince all of the berserkers except Kozlov to join in the rebellion. Its not an evil or a good act, so feel free to partake as you see fit. Just 30 levels of Monk. Keep in mind that the golem cant be equipped with any weaponry, but that it can be enchanted. Bard: Durler in here wishes to play a game called Hells with you. When youre ready to face her, save your game and try to get as many of your characters as possible protected from Fear effects. You seem to retain whatever buffs you enter with, so cast a bunch of them on yourself and go to town on the berserkers as they arrive. The second round of challenges is a bit tougher than the first. Bug notes: is actually a fortitude save and also works on more than just undead. The main reason you want to morph is that you have a small chance at gaining spirit energy when you attack an enemy that you could normally use Devour Spirit on, but this doesnt seem to happen often enough to make the transition worthwhile. Hi guys, I would like to seek your opinion on building a pure monk(30) for the original campaign and MOTB. Youll find a man named Bebtu, who tells you that his soul was replaced with a surrogate soul by Nefris, as part of a plot to keep a certain door locked. Thatll make it deal an extra 1d6 ice damage per hit. Were not sure what the breakoff point here is, but if youre having trouble winning the contest, you may want to finish off Act II and use the Construct Girdle that you find in the Academy. Regardless, you need to take out the whole group. Hell go down relatively easily, leaving behind one of the best pieces of heavy armor in the game, Seyryus Scales, which has 8 AC, +8 magical Armor bonus, 75% electrical immunity, and a huge damage reduction of 20/Magical. You can talk Djafi out of his role in the upcoming battle if you choose correctly in the options, however, which will leave you with six spellcasters. As it turns out, shes been captured by the spirits of the forests rage and anger, and has been converted into a creature that wants nothing more than to see you dead and protect the forest that she thinks youve come to destroy. If you find his quarters (to the north of the stairs leading to the Headmistresss Tower), loot the bookcase within, then Bash it to reveal a hidden door. Monk ( 30 ) for the original campaign and MOTB in safety you likely cant, unless you Grobnar! Foot of the city, feel free to partake as you arrive youll., being careful of traps, and he passed away before completing his necromantic.... 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nwn2 motb best weapon enchants