city of kenova ordinances

Reading Time: 1 minutes

Master Plumbers and Journeyman Plumbers to Obtain Licenses 17-102. (h) As used in this section: "Bus" means a motor vehicle with motive power, except a trailer, designed for carrying more than ten persons. We provide this information for your convenience. Art Commercial Drivers. CROSS REFERENCES See sectional histories for similar State law Pedestrian defined - see TRAF Pedestrians at traffic signal - see TRAF Pedestrian control signal - see TRAF COMPLIANCE WITH TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. The lamps used to display such warning to the rear shall be mounted at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practicable, and shall show simultaneously flashing amber or red lights or any shade of color between amber and red. FIREWORKS SALE, POSSESSION AND DISCHARGE. (c) Either a tail lamp or a separate lamp shall be so constructed and placed as to illuminate with a white light the rear registration plate and render it clearly legible from a distance of fifty feet to the rear. Railroad" means a carrier of persons or property, upon cars, other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails. (d) Before issuing a renewal of any permit as provided in paragraph (c), the Building Inspector shall make a reinspection of the building structures, electrical equipment and plumbing of any mobile home park, and no such renewal shall be issued unless and until any defects or violations of law found therein have been corrected. 248 ARTICLE 533 Offenses Relating to Property Shoplifting. The lamps used to display such warning to the fiont shall be mounted at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practicable and shall display simultaneously flashing white or amber lights, or any shade of color between white and amber. Operator Fox Ruff with the City of Kenova helps the West Virginia Department of Highways pump clean water into the system as they deliver emergency water to the Kenova Water Treatment Plant on Jan . (Ord ) USE FOR COMMERCIAL GAIN PROHIBITED. B. (a) A licensee who has obtained a State license pursuant to West Virginia Code shall pay a license fee or partial license fee, as the case may be as provided in Section Replacement, 325 BUSINESS AND TAXATION CODE 3 2 (b) All such fees shall be paid in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer by June 30 for the ensuing fiscal year, whereupon a license shall be issued by the Clerk-Treasurer. "Sidewalk" means that portion of a street or highway between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians. Left turns on two-way roadways. 218 or Snell Safety Standards for Protective Headgear for Vehicle Users Replacement, 149 TRAFFIC CODE 60 (b) No person shall operate or be a passenger on any motorcycle or motor-driven cycle unless he is wearing safety, shatter-resistant eyeglasses (excluding contact lenses), or eyegoggles or face shield that complies with the performance specifications established by the American National Standards Institute for Head, Eye and Respiratory Protection, Z 2.1. (Ord. Residence district" means the territory contiguous to and including a street or highway not comprising a business district when the property on such street or highway for a distance of 300 feet or more is in the main improved with residences or residences and buildings in use for business. 43 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 6 supplement to the section or group of sections so referred to or any section or sections hereafter enacted in lieu thereof; and unless otherwise provided, whenever a reference to a section or group sections is made in any amendment or supplement to any section of the Codified Ordinances hereafter enacted, such reference shall be deemed to refer to the section or sections as the same shall then stand or as thereafter amended. 127 TRAFFIC CODE RIGHT OF WAY AT THROUGH STREET OR HIGHWAY OR STOP INTERSECTIONS. Eff ) COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES OF BOARD MEMBERS. (Ord. Traffic School. Eff ) ESCAPES AND AIDING IN ESCAPES: TERMS OF CONFINEMENT. 2.5 Salaries - see CHTR. (b) A vehicle may be impounded after prior notice when the vehicle is parked and/or used in violation of any law, ordinance or regulation not hereinbefore provided for. (1) A person commits the offense of shoplifting if, with intent to appropriate merchandise without paying the merchant's stated price for the merchandise, such person, alone or in concert with another person, knowingly: A. Conceals the merchandise upon his or her person or in another manner; or B. Removes or causes the removal of merchandise from the mercantile establishment or beyond the last station for payment; or C. Alters, transfers or removes any price marking affixed to the merchandise; or D. Transfers the merchandise from one container to another; or E. Causes cash register or other sales recording device to reflect less than the merchant's stated price for the merchandise; or F. Removes a shopping cart from the premises of the mercantile establishment. Officials in the City of Kenova are using criminal charges in an attempt to stop the Department of Highways from exercising its legitimate authority. ARTICLE SEVEN NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS. (WVaC 17C-1-38) STOP. Revocation. (Ord ) PENALTY. for each separate offense. Proof may be in the form of the automobile registration, a notarized statement from the registered owner or other good and sufficient proof. The Chief of the Fire Department shall recommend to the Mayor the names of any technical advisors or technicians needed to assist the Bureau of Fire Prevention as shall from time to time be necessary for his approval. (WVaC 17E- 1-8) DRIVERS PROHIBITED FROM OPERATING WITH ANY ALCOHOL IN SYSTEM. (b) Notice of any such intended crossing shall be given to a station agent of such railroad and a reasonable time be given to such railroad to provide proper protection at such crossing Replacement, 131 45 Special Stops Required (c) Before making any such crossing the person operating or moving any such vehicle or equipment shall first stop the same not less than fifteen feet nor more than fifty feet from the nearest rail of such railroad and while so stopped shall listen and look in both directions along such track for any approaching train, and for signals indicating the approach of a train, and shall not proceed until the crossing can be made safely. If such pre-existing location changes or attempts to change its classification after the effective date of this article, such sexually oriented business shall lose its pre-existing location status and shall, thenceforth, be subject to the provisions of this article. Whoever violates subsection (e) or (f) hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor for a first offense. (1) For Class I service, there shall be a monthly charge of ten dollars ($10.00). Each day or part thereof that any violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a distinct and separate offense and be punishable accordingly. CROSS REFERENCES Power to regulate - see W. Va. Code (30) DEFINITIONS. The contractor's license number shall be included in all contracting advertisements and all fully executed and binding contracts. Whoever violates Section (c) shall be fined a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). D. Any additions to a manufactured home shall be similarily anchored. (Ord ) Replacement, 297 ARTICLE 733 Business Franchise Registration Tax Definitions Tax levied Conditions precedent to doing business Application; issuance of license; payment of tax and fees; records False statements prohibited Period granted; power to cancel Certificate not assignable Display Petition for refund Authority of Municipal Court Collection of tax by distraint ; regulations Collection of back taxes; notice of discontinuance of business Collection of tax by civil action Assessment Hearing; appeal Forms andregulations; enforcement Disposition of money collected Credit for business franchise registration tax against certain license taxes Penalty. (e) Every motorcycle, motor-driven cycle and moped shall be equipped with a rearview mirror affixed to the handlebars or fairings and adjusted so that the operator shall have a clear view of the road and condition of traffic behind him for a distance of at least 200 feet. Storage. Written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given to the permittee for the mobile home park at least five days before the hearing. Whoever knowingly and without being authorized, licensed or invited, enters or remains on any property, other than a structure or conveyance, as to which notice against entering or remaining is either given by actual communication to such person or by posting, fencing or cultivation, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). 2114 AN ACT concerning the vehicle dealers and manufacturers licensing act; relating to vehicle bonds; amending K.S.A. (2) An applicant or an applicant's spouse is overdue in his payment to the City, the State of West Virginia or the United States Government of taxes, fines, or penalties assessed against him or imposed upon him in relation to a sexually oriented business. miles. House trailers, either mobile or immobile, located on sites other than a park or court. Where additional parts are added to the subject matter of such law referred to in this Charter, the reference shall include such additional parts. Sec. For the purpose of this subsection, the term "gross vehicle weight ratings" means the manufacturer's gross vehicle weight ratings established for that vehicle Replacement, 151 TRAFFIC CODE 62 (b) The maximum distance between the vehicle body to the vehicle frame shall not exceed three inches. A person convicted of a second or any subsequent offense under the provisions of this subsection shall be imprisoned for a period of thirty days, and the court may, in its discretion, impose a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than three thousand dollars ($3,000). (c) No person shall place, deposit or discard or cause to be placed, deposited or discarded any of the articles mentioned in subsections (a) and (b) hereof, in any drainage structure such as an open ditch, gutter, catch basin, inlet or storm drain. 3.1 qualifications Chtr. A person exercising a privilege taxable under this article, subject to the payment of all licenses and charges which are a condition precedent to exercising the privilege taxed, may exercise the privilege for the current tax year upon the condition that he shall pay the tax accruing under this article. Arrest and records procedures. No person shall refuse to make any return required to be made by this article; or shall make any false or fraudulent return or false statement in any return, with intent to defraud the City or to evade the payment of the tax, or any part thereof, imposed by this article; no person shall aid or abet another in any attempt to evade the payment of the tax, or any part thereof, imposed by this article; no president, vice president, secretary or treasurer of any corporation shall make or permit to be made for any corporation or association any false return or any false statement in any return required in this article, with the intent to evade the payment of any tax hereunder. Every person owning, keeping or harboring a dog in the City shall pay to the City an annual license tax of one dollar ($1.00) for each such dog, which tax shall become due on July 1 of each year. (Ord ) LICENSING. (b) The permit and/or license, if granted, shall state on its face the name of the person or persons to whom it is granted, the expiration date, and the address of the sexually oriented business. The Clerk-Treasurer, for good cause shown, may extend the time for making the annual return on the application of any taxpayer and grant such reasonable additional time within which to make the same as may, by him, be deemed advisable. (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section for general Code penalty.) The payment may be made to the municipal court in person or by mail by cash, certified check, bank draft or money order and, in the event such payment is made by mail, the municipal court clerk shall forthwith mail to the maker of such check the receipt hereinbelow required. street maintenance workers right side of street right turn on red rotary traffic island, around safety zone, through school bus, stopping for shortcutting sidewalk driving on stopping at signals for turning or stopping speed (see SPEED) suuealing tires starting vehicle stop signs emergency vehicle at operation at penalty street under repair traffic, obstructing Traffic School turning conformity required intersection, at left penalty right right of way right on red signals U turn unsafe vehicle weaving DRUG ABUSE driving under influence l3.o3(c)(2) et seq (b) , , l3.o3(c)(2) et seq O firearm possession prohibited DRUNK DRIVING DUI 333.O1 ELECTIONS absentee voting candidate, filing as a Chtr. (e) "Restraint" means any dog which is at "heel" or on leash beside a competent person andlor within a vehicle. Whoever fails or refuses to obtain a license for a yard sale held in the Municipality or whoever fails or refuses to pay any fee required under this article or whoever violates any part of this article shall be fined an amount not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) or imprisoned not to exceed five days, or both. (d) Any person who, being an habitual user of narcotic drugs or amphetamine or any derivative thereof, drives a vehicle in this Municipality, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be confined in jail for not less than one day nor more than six months, which jail term shall include actual confinement of not less than twenty-four hours, and shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section for general Traffic Code penalty.) SECTION 3.6 APPOINTMENT OF LEGAL COUNSEL. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside ordain as follows: 87-A DISTRICT DIVISION MOST COMMON TRAFFIC CIVIL INFRACTION VIOLATIONS, ALARM SYSTEMS Ord. Whenever a mobile home is removed from its existing location within the City, no other mobile home shall be placed in the vacant location unless all of the requirements of this article are met. 135 service WATER RATES SCHEDULES. (b) A sexually oriented business lawfully operating as a pre-existing location and exempt from the provisions of this article shall not change its classification (Section ). (Wac 17C-11-7), 189 87 Bicycles RECKLESS OPERATION; CONTROL, COUR!5E AND SPEED. The fee charged to the owner(s) of commercial property shall be three cents (3C) per square foot and shall be assessed on all buildings on the property, whether attached to the main structure or not. SECTION 3.4 VACANCY OF OFFICE OF MAYOR. City of Kenova workers paint the Dreamland Pool on May 12, 2021, in Kenova. (Ord ) PENALTY. Alteration of motor vehicles; bumper height limits. Renewed permits shall expire one year from the date of issue and shall be applied for thirty days prior to the date of the expiration of the permit to be renewed. Each mobile home located in the City shall be underpinned with either metal, masonry, fiberglass or other fireproof material. The City may replace turn-out gear every four (4) years, if the same is needed, within its discretion. The members of the Sanitary Board as such shall be paid no compensation. (WVaC 17C-1-44) SCHOOL BUS. CROSS REFERENCES Authority to maintain order - see W. Va. Code (19), (44) Crimes against the peace - see W. Va. Code An Intoxication or drinking in public places - see GEN. OFF Breach of peace with weapon - see GEN. OFF DISORDERLY CONDUCT. (t) "Specified sexual activities" means and includes any of the following: (1) The fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus, or female breasts; (2) Sex acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including intercourse, oral copulation, or sodomy; (3) Masturbation, actual or simulated; or (4) Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the activities set forth in subsections (t)(l) through (3) hereof. Restaurants, bars or other establishments serving food or drink; C. Motion picture houses, theaters, concert halls, stadiums or other places of exhibition or entertainment; D. Auditoriums, convention centers, lecture halls or other places of public gatherings; E. Bakeries, grocery stores, clothing stores, hardware stores, shopping centers or other sales or rental establishments; F. Laundromats, dry cleaners, banks, barber and beauty shops, travel agencies, shoe repair shops, funeral parlors, gas or service stations, offices of accountants and attorneys, pharmacies, insurance offices, offices of professional health care providers, hospitals or other service establishments; G. Terminals, depots or other stations used for public transportation; H. Museums, libraries, galleries or other places of public display or collection; I. "Protective bicycle helmetn means a piece of headgear which meets or exceeds the impact standards for protective bicycle helmets set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the Snell Memorial Foundation's standards for protective headgear or American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for use in bicycling. Penalty. No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic control signal indication to proceed PENALTY. Retirement benefits - see W. Va. Code Art Military leave - see W. Va. Code Art ; 15-1F-1 Social security - see W. Va. Code Police holidays - see W. Va. Code a Fire Department holidays - see W. Va. Code loa 2001 Replacement, 67 \D\IINISTRATIVE CODE 30F VACATION TIME BENEFIT; FISCAL YEAR; SCHEDULING. (a) Definitions of terms used in this section, and any variations thereof required by the context, shall have the meaning ascribed to them as follows: 216 25 Indecency and Obsceni tv "Distribute" means to transfer possession of, whether with or without consideration. (b) Any full-time employee who is required to work at a time not regularly scheduled shall be compensated at a rate of oni (1) and one half ('/. Within five days of making any such emergency expenditure amounting, in the aggregate. Art Licensing of Contractors. (3) "Individual" means any human being regardless of age. (Wac ) PIMPING. CROSS REFERENCES See sectional histories for similar State law Obedience to traffic control devices - see TRAF O UNATTENDED MOTOR VEHICLE. Excluding employees, appointments by the Mayor shall be made within ten days after the Mayor takes office or after a vacancy in an office or in membership occurs. Master Plumber, Journeyman Plumber, Plumbing Work Defined; Master Plumbers and Journeyman, CHAPTER 111 111.01 Franchise Granted 111.02 Regulatory Power of City 111.01 FRANCHISE GRANTED. A petition for reassessment by a person against whom a jeopardy assessment has been made shall be accompanied by such security as the Clerk-Treasurer may deem necessary to insure compliance with this article. (WVaC ) Public place includes any street, sidewalk, park, cemetery, school yard, body of water or watercourse, public conveyance or any other place for the sale of merchandise, public accommodation or amusement. Definitions. Motor vehicle or motorcycle brakes. (b) "Person" means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association or other. The majority of starting businesses need a (n) , Kenova business tax id registration (business license). CROSS REFERENCES See sectional histories for similar State law Authority to regulate the turning of vehicles - see W. Va. Code l7c-2-8(a)(9) Authority to specify different courses for turns - see W. Va. Code 17C CONFORMITY WITH PROVISIONS REQUIRED. SECTION 6.5 SALARIES. (WVaC 17C-15-15] LIGHTS ON SLOW-MOVING VEHICLES. (a) No person shall cruelly mistreat, abandon or withhold proper sustenance, including food, water, shelter or medical treatment necessary to sustain normal health and fitness or to end suffering or abandon any animal to die, or use, train or possess any domesticated animal for the purpose of seizing, detaining or maltreating any other domesticated animal. If the purchaser of a business or stock of goods fails to withhold purchase money as above provided, and the taxes and penalty remain unpaid after expiration of the thirtyday period allowed for payment thereof, he shall be personally liable for the payment of all such taxes and penalty, and the same shall be recoverable by the Clerk-Treasurer as provided by Section (Ord ) RECORDING OF TAX LIENS. (Wac 17C-15-20) USE OF HEADLIGHT BEAMS. Leaking commodes, dripping faucets, malfunctioning appliances and similar situations shall not constitute leaks which entitle the customer to a recalculated bill. -".. tl" I,'>b In addition to the lien assessment provided for in this article, whoever violates any provision of this article or fails to comply with any notice provided for herein, shall upon summons or warrant be required to appear before the Municipal Judge of the City of Kenova and fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) or imprisoned not more than 30 days. From the date that such certificate is admitted to record, the land of the taxpayer in the City shall be free from any lien for taxes under this article accrued to the date that the certificate was issued. A vacancy shall be created in any appointed office if the officer's temporary absence exceeds sixty days. Council may by ordinance increase the filing fees; provided, however, that the respective filing fee for an office shall never exceed one-twelfth of the annual salary for that office in effect at the time of passage of said ordinance. For residential structures, fill shall extend laterally fifteen feet beyond the building line from all points. (c) Official signs may be erected directing slow-moving traffic to use a designated lane or designating those lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction regardless of the center of the roadway and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every such sign. by reason of physical injury incapacitated to such an extent as to be unable to provide for its custody or removal. (WVaC 17C-4-4) COLLISION WITH FIXTURES UPON A STREET OR HIGHWAY. Title and purpose. (3) Funeral processions have the right-of-way at intersections regardless of traffic control devices subject to the following conditions and exceptions: A. If the premises has two or more manager's stations designated, then the interior of the premises shall be configured in such a manner that there is an unobstructed view of each area of the premises to which any patron is permitted access tor any purpose from at least one of the manager's stations. 347 Driver's licensing - see TRAF. shall sell, furnish or give any nonintoxicating beer as defined in this article to any person who is less than twenty-one years of age; (d) No distributor shall sell or offer to sell, and no retailer shall purchase or receive, any nonintoxicating beer as defined in this article, except for cash: and no right of action shall exist to collect any claims for credit extended contrary to the provisions of this subsection. (a) Following the ninety (90) day probationary period, each full-time employee of the City shall be permitted to accumulate one (1) and one-half (Y2) days of sick leave time for each month actually worked, which can be taken at the employee's regular rate of pay. 3.5 Board and Commissions generally - see ADM. Art PURPOSE. DRIVEWAYS 10-20-390 Definitions. (a) Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a railroad grade crossing under any of the circumstances stated in this section, the driver of such vehicle shall stop within fifty feet but not less than fifteen feet from the nearest rail of such railroad, and shall not proceed until he can do so safely. Vehicles in this class include, but are not limited to, fire fighters and rescue equipment: (1) Owned and operated by state, county and municipal fire departments. (Ord ; Subsection (0 repealed ) TAX CREDIT FOR INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION; REGULATIONS. (c) No person shall stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle without first giving an appropriate signal in the manner provided herein to the driver of any vehicle immediately to the rear when there is opportunity to give such signal. 27. Every such stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Property, upon cars, other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails licensing ACT ; relating to bonds! The customer to a recalculated bill be deemed to constitute a city of kenova ordinances separate. The contractor 's license number shall be included in all contracting advertisements and all fully and... Vehicle dealers and manufacturers licensing ACT ; relating to vehicle bonds ; amending K.S.A other material. Form of the automobile registration, a notarized statement from the registered owner or other good and sufficient proof criminal. 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city of kenova ordinances