what are the 7 warfighting functions

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Additionally, it was expected that the handbook would be continuously updated and that, indeed, the first draft might only serve as a strawman. Flip it over and consider how much time ALQ/Taliban spend studying small town USA in an effort to understand how to best engage the US Army and USMC? The HN Staff will have witnessed the effects of direct sunlight, direct moonlight, mountain shadow, heat haze, cold inversion layers, dust, running water, still water, ice, drought, monsoon, crop types, stubble, fallow wild animals, domestic animals, birds-song and insects. He had a mental age of around 14 and could barely read and write English. This human domain/participatory observation concept looks like it is to be accomplished in times of peace (today and the immediate future?) Unfortunately, most people in the military are unaware of their own philosophy- or, at the least, the institutional philosophy that their doctrine, planning constructs, and systems and processes are founded upon. This system of systems relies tremendously on a systematic theory of operations. The enemy forces you speak spend very much time watching every move our forces made and make in Iraq and Afghanistan-outside the wire. Unfortunately our schoolhouse is beholden to metrics and check-the-block assessments. As for warfighting potential, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) asserts a rather broad utility for offensive cyber operations. Within Internalized Social Change, the social anthropological method of Participatory Observation is closest to the function of what SOF, and others acting within the Human Domain would be involved with: one would literally be involved in participatory action, observation, learning, and influencing- the emphasis being on participatory: meaning that one would be influenced just as much as the other being observed. The Joint Staff Directorates and Joint . WFF are the physical means that tactical commanders use to execute operations and accomplish missions assigned by a superior commander. Rather, they are a heuristic model for understanding descriptively the way power can be directed to achieve ends on the battlefield. Trusting and empowering subordinates to act, within the commanders intent, is a force multiplier. The rationale being the MIE multiplier might provide more of an insight into the dynamics of the conflict ecosystem than the digitally driven lens we are currently enslaved to. What keeps them in the fight is they are observant and patient and both of those come free. Otherwise it is hard to pinpoint the focus of 70+ air sorties in "Lions of Kandahar," or protect an infantry platoon being approached by a much larger force in "Outlaw Platoon." In some aspects the Civilian Defense groups are forcing the military and federal police to start offenses against some of the TCOs but it should be noted that the military and federal police have been are to a degree also corrupted by the TCOs. In Evaluating Immunities before a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine, the Type of Tribunal Matters, Chinas Ferry Tale Taiwan Invasion Plan Is A Legal Nightmare, China Maritime Report No. "A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. Conduct targeting. Protection determines the degree to which potential threats can disrupt operations and then counters those threats. Sustainment influences the tempo, duration and intensity of all operations and often determines what can actually be achieved. Similarly, the personnel and acquisition systems of SW forces would be more flexible and geared towards SWs mission as opposed to being largely beholden to red-tape and bureaucracy (SOCOMs acquisition system for SW forces is arguably just as cumbersome and ineffective as the Conventional Forces). and ask: a. After all, there are many examples in our own history where military commanders considered the population [or human domain as we call it now?] One would have thought that after three years of war (2003-2006) we could have provided formal insurgency classes to the deploying CF on strategy, fighting tactics, who were the various groups and the interrelationships between the groups--LONG before the CF deployed and who then needed six to nine months of actually being on the ground in Iraq to stumble/bumble their way into the knowledge. All systems used to coordinate the delivery of these effects are included in the Fires WFF, and are therefore inherently linked to the Targeting and ISTAR IPA discussed later. reading SE8710REQB Nurturing a Warfighting Mindset to familiarize yourself with maneuver warfare philosophy and OODA Loop. The Armys warfighting functions link directly to the joint functions. The offense cannot sustain itself indefinitely. Why the seven warfighting functions are important: Obtain maximum impact when we harmonize all warfighting functions to accomplish the desired strategic objective in the shortest time possible and with minimum casualties, Unit 2: Basic Kinesiology and Biomechanics, Unit 1: Hypertrophy and Adaptations to Streng, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Utah Real Estate Exam Prep Practice Exam 3. The seven warfighting functions are command and control, fires, force protection, information, intelligence, logistics, and maneuver. What we in the military seem to forget is that the enemy always has a voice and especially in Iraq where the education levels are high they were a quick adapting organism whose ecosystem was built on the Darwinian principle of survival which has always been the top rule for a guerrilla force. Seems like the Autodefensas are a pretty conventional light infantry paramilitary organization (a local Auxiliary, in Roman parlance). And all this still ignores the fact that none of this has anything to do with the general idea that the officers leading these organizations, conventional or otherwise, have to be educated. He makes a connection between us being enamored with science and the emptiness of Reality TV, the unfeeling brutality of using drones, the military-industrial complexs support for perpetual war, our societys turning away from liberty in the face of terrorism, unfettered capitalisms destruction of the environment, and a void in the area of foreign policy. The joint functions, then, were never intended to be another level of organiza-tion. "A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives" (Department of the Army, 2019a, p. 5-2).. And understand that the enemy (government or population, as the case may be), will not, as was thought, be waiting with roses. What is the Movement and Maneuver warfighting function? Which of the following is the world's largest single trading entity? [ix] Sacolick, Bennet S. & Grigsby, Wayne W, Jr., Special Operations/Conventional Forces Interdependence: A Critical Role in Prevent, Shape, Win, Army Magazine, JUN 2012, 39-40. while surfing the internet and posting on such open and visible places as Facebook. For example, Joint Publication 3-12 characterizes cy-berattacks as a form of fires,29 similar in principle to artillery or machine-gun fire, that de- Maneuver is the employment of forces in the operational area through movement in combination with fires to achieve a position of advantage in respect to the enemy in order to accomplish the mission. This giving the enemy both a head-start and a distinct advantage over our leaders and troops; who may not be as savvy, knowledgeable or well-informed as our enemy. This greater and more exact knowledge of our goals and objectives helping to explain why artistry, innovation and mission command -- as produced by the enemy -- can seem so natural for them and, therefore, seem to be a step ahead of our own. Arrogance and underestimating your opponent are great ways to ensure failure. Informational Brief Instructions (NOTE: This is a . It will be a game changer if and when it happens, much like the Stinger was a game changer to some extent for the Soviets in Afghanistan. The Chief of Staff of the Army, General Odierno, allegedly said recently, That is what I was missing in Iraq! It was designed to break the will of the population and force the Churchill to sue for peace. And no one sees the need for UW as the core ability of SF? ", Sparapet---more concerning the so called notional scenario--. For their purposes what happens inside the wire or small town America matters not a jot. Emerging from a 101010 collection of city-states with no central government, the Maya reached a cultural peak between A.D. 250250250 and 900900900. 5. The HTS was a massively costly program for both the US Army and the taxpayer ---was a total waste of money---ie the Awakening was generated by AQI forking the Sunni insurgency not by anything Gen. P or Nagel did or what HTS provided in many badly written reports. The Problem: Assuming a Technically Rational Approach within the Human Domain. 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Critical realism can be used to describe current or past situations. Special Warfare (SW), on the other hand, encompasses those units that are capable of long-term duration operations in denied areas to train indigenous forces. I did not want to recall how many negative comments were made by countless officers about how stupid the insurgents were when in fact they are still in the fight and we are long gone from Iraq. If, as is posited by many military leaders and commentators, the human domain is a different domain than the Army has focused on in the past (the other domains being more physical: land, sea, air and cyber), then it would seem to follow that the tools and philosophy we use might not be the most effective when acting in another, arguably very different, domain. [vii] When combined with the other functions- movement and maneuver, fires, intelligence, protection, sustainment, mission command- and welded together through leadership, the Seventh is supposed to enable decisive effects and ultimately success on the battlefield. Your comments on the VSO program reflect this human domain mistake currently being made in AFG --in the CIDG there were major differences between almost and I mean almost all camps---one did what one had to do in one's particular AO not what one was doing say in I Corp when you were in III or IV Corp in VN. This has resulted in curious phenomena like tactical-level units ignoring orders from operational level headquarters to send up metrics of how many Afghan security force members wear their first-aid pouches on the upper left side of their kit as a measure of Afghan military capability (Anonymous RC-South staff officer communication with author in the Fall of 2013). In this manner, it is believed, we can continue to work to "transform" others, even in these times of austerity and achieve "staying power" through the training up and use of surrogates. I had mentioned to Robert in a previous comment that with the Civilian Defense groups could/would the Mexican government tolerate them---in some aspects the CD groups or "AutoDenfensa" groups are pushing back against both the government and the TCOs. Like the Aztecs, the Inca practiced human sacrifice and lacked a written language; however, the Inca made up for language shortcomings with advanced architecture and a complex government. Entire tribes vanished as smallpox, scarlet fever, and influenza decimated the native population of the Americas. What are the 7 warfighting functions? The CIMIC aspect of the WFF is a command led function in order to ensure coordination with the mission objectives, and that the military efforts of the force are coordinated as part of the comprehensive approach. Archaeologists and treasure hunters scour newly discovered burial platforms and caves in search of knowledge that might contribute to the modern understanding of the lost cultures, and also, undoubtedly, to find relics made of that one material valued by both the ancient and modern worlds: gold. In my experience I found them poorly motivated and I imagine Haqqani might spend $2000 a year on each fighter whilst we drop a cool $1 million per infantryman. [xiii] Freeburg, Sydney, J., After 10 Years Of Abject Failure, Army, SOCOM, Marine Leaders Focus On Strategic Landpower, Breakingdefense.com, 10 AUG 2013. So as we go into a country in Africa or in the Middle East or the Pacific region, were learning about them. Though weathered or overgrown, the relics stand as permanent markers of the ingenuity and art of the pre-Columbian civilizations. Thus, a philosophy that fits the more influential part of USSOCOM will have a difficult time being superseded by one which is esoteric, politically and professionally risky, and at odds with the rest of the military. Upon promulgation of Marine Corps Command & Control 2. That we have been unable to incorporate the so-called lessons of the early days of Iraq into our operations in Afghanistan should cause us to seriously question the validity and universality of those lessons. Not a single CF BCT going through the NTC or where in Iraq fully "understood" how the enemy thought, acted, eat, slept, communicated with themselves and outside related groups AND the local population---much in the concept of Kilcullen's "ecosystem". Some call the latter complex operations, and indeed hereafter I will refer to those as complex. In U.S. doctrine there are today seven joint functions: intelligence, movement and maneuver, fires, information, protec- tion, sustainment, and C2. It isn't unreasonable to assume our adversaries, even non-state actors, will eventually acquire advanced technologies that enable this type of targeting against our forces. That strategy is to get more money. Others, such as Carl Builder, mentioned in footnote 12, as well as this authors own experiences highlight the bureaucratic pressures that lead to the chase for more money within government bureaucracies. We went to war in Iraq for far less reasons---. Human domains, or narratives, or strategic contexts, or ecosystems, or understanding situations, must, of necessity, begin with the self. Also see Paparone, Chris, COL (ret. They will have experience high, low, strong, light and variable: snowfall , wind, rain, fog, temperature & humidity - in spring, summer, autumn and winter. And, I'd add that this was the conclusion of a large group of international officers who were intent on seeking explanation and meaning- and not seeking blame. A WFF is a group of tasks and systems (people, organizations, information, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives (FM 3-0). Under democratic theory the political power rested with the people. The so-what of all this is that the military has now developed a system that is largely run by bureaucracy and ruled by process. For example where there is a communal society with central leadership applying concepts that work in a democracy are useless and potentially counterproductive. It is also a mistake to apply it equally in all situations. By the way it is easy to disrupt but one has to understand that one is being observed and then use one's mind to think through a counter measure.. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. He has been published in theInternational Journal,Military Review,OODA.com, and theSmall Wars Journal, in addition to contributing to chapters in two textbooks on Design Thinking. We caught a break and rolled the entire team including their leader who I spent hours with---now the story takes a typical turn if one has been trained in UW as one would recognize exactly the same team processes we ran in SF in the 60s/70s. What I find interesting about this revelation is that looking back it becomes almost tragic that we have completely ignored the ability to do or allow our own warfighters to have free run of using open sourced reconnaissance while our enemies have not neglected this and in fact have used it to great success. I am going to steal that. Work with a cooperative local government to overthrow a population or population group which does not want to be so "transformed.". This that any different than the Sunni Awakening movement--I personally do not think so. It could be extremely beneficial if we allowed our people to openly look for information that our enemies are posting openly, yet we need to restrict or control exactly how and what our own people are posting when they are in theater. In the social realm critical realism still can be applied, but it is not predictive. Thus they are able to remain mission-focused and results-oriented. For instance, the emotional patterns I am talking about matter as much to what you did in AfPak as the brutal logistics of the campaign, the solid logical engineering and the arty emotional parts, all pieces of the puzzle, one without the other meaningless. What the population of a nearby town thinks about the battle, however, and, more importantly, what they will do that could affect ones objectives, fall more into the social realm. For them, uncertainty is a threat; its admission a sign of weakness. It prioritizes education and training over platforms and technology as well as persistent engagement over drone strikes, direct action raids, and Hollywood movies. It is composed of those elements that seize, occupy, hold, and deny terrain, and the systems, capabilities and elements that facilitate those actions. Protection efforts must consider and account for threats and hazards in all directions, at all times, and in all environments. If SW was as important, the amount and quality of education that soldiers get who are involved in SW would be similar in per capita spending as those in SS get for their specialized training and equipping. Were learning what their culture is so next time we come back in, they understand who we are, and we understand who they are. how much does a company pay for h1b visa. Complete discussions by all ranks and ages---and we ran MDMP even in the 60s but it was creative and free thinking for all until the team was comfortable with the solution. I am not overly familiar with the Mexico situation (some first-hand experience with Mexican army check points in the Baja California desert a few years ago notwithstanding). We must continue to plan, synchronize, and deliver sustainment warfighting function capabilities. A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems (people, organizations, information, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. One note on the mission scenario your notional SOF team receives.it is not so much a mission as a policy statement. [xxxviii] USDA, Special Operations, ADP 3-05, 2012, 8. The difference is that equipment is easy to count, education is not. [xiv] See COL Gian Gentiles many articles on-line criticizing COIN doctrine and the Surge Narrative in Iraq. Effective maneuver requires close coordination with fires. A warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems (people, organizations, information, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives. Our group believing that we might have made some progess in this, our generational project. As part of capacity building, engagement with Host Nation Security Forces (HNSF) may form part of the CIMIC aspect of the IA WFF area of responsibility. As usual there are a multitude of reasons. The insurgent does not have to observe small America in order to understand our fielded units as we tended to in Iraq and AFG export our life styles into the enemies own territory making it easy for them to "know" and "understand" us. Shortly after noon and simultaneously, the community police of Tanctaro, Buena Vista, Aguililla, Tepalcatepec and La Ruana liberated the municipalities of El Zapote, El Corrijo and Rancho Grande, where 18 villages coexist with about 500 inhabitants, just like Acahuato, in the municipality of Apatzingn. One way arguably leads towards relatively bigger budgets, more technology and platforms, and more intertwining of systems and processes with conventional forces. Viewed from that perspective, the self-defense groups of Michoacn, heroic and dignified, represent a fresh and hopeful alternative that should be recognized and supported. Fire's 4. [xxx] USASOC, ARSOF 2022. This is a realm consisting more of social facts (as opposed to physical facts such as artillery trajectories and tank speed), influenced more by language and culture, and largely constructed by the inhabitants as to meaning. E. Pre-Columbian cultures did not use plants for decoration. 6. What saved the remaining Groups after the massive 70/80s RIF was DA and strat recon-it was the difference between SF and the CF and something only SF could do--what the new SF forgot was that DA and SR were done even when SF had a deep/deeper understanding of UW---DA and SR were conducted by the various 5th SFGA Projects including Delta and the MACV-SOG programs at the same time that the 5th was driving the CIDG program and running the various Corp and National Mike Forces. Virtually everyone knows what our end-game objective is. Strictly Necessary Cookies - Always Active. Technical rationality (TR) is closely linked to positivist philosophy and is the antithesis of critical realism: TR assumes the social world can be treated the same as the physical world in terms of philosophical approaches and using the scientific method can gain knowledge about it that can be exploited in action in the future. WFF are the physical means that tactical commanders use to execute operations and accomplish missions assigned by a superior commander. c. If the conservative/anti-western reform elements are in power, then you are probably embarked upon war to convince, coerce, compel or overthrow this unfriendly/uncooperative government -- who is resisting western change -- and to replace this government with one that will pursue our political objective (outlined above). I tend to agree with your premise and with the trend in the comments below. WHAT it takes is as you correctly note a national strategy and a SOCOM that fully understands UW/SW and SF teams that can practice. I think there needs to be some re-evaluation about these issues. And, therefore, the point of our spear came to point in their direction. We can talk all we want about the SW/UW aspect of SF creating as functional a host nation irregular force as they can. This fundamental characteristic of the social world, characterized by tacit knowledge, is both the key to moving forward in the human domain as well as ironically the death knell of the term, the human domain. Secondly, by attacking civilian targets, the terrorists strategy was to influence those within the power base? It just amazes me as I grow older and become more retrospective on the past how there was such a fundamental failure at the highest levels to figure out what the objective was, how we would attain the objective and a complete lack of critical thinking. Commanders integrate and synchronize these capabilities with other WFF to accomplish objectives and missions. Again, the enemy, per se, seems to be missing. b. Since about 2010/2011 the Force feeling that MDMP was lagging has gotten back into it with a vengeance forgetting along the way the critical process of open fear free discussions regardless of how crazy in a trust environment. b. machines to improve warfighting capability across the spectrum of military operations. Below is a reading passage followed by several multiple-choice question. What was it we missed in our estimates of the enemy meaning long term they were finished (was not the surge success an indicator that they were finished) ---even though we got the indigenous side IE Iraqi security forces human domain right or at least we thought right. Understanding human domain means understanding the environment one operates in has been a true fact since the beginning of warfare not just since Iraq and AFG. Its antithesis is post-positivism, or, as many prefer to call it- especially within the military- critical realism. This largely unconscious effect is to be expected: any large organization experiences it quite naturally. This reliance on systems and process instead of relationships and coup d'il[xix] genius does have some advantages, but it also must undergo fundamental reform every now and then as well as perhaps the brutal test of peer-to-peer combat to avoid the natural tendency to over-bureaucratize. All of this is exacerbated by a fundamental aspect of our culture: the technically rational aspect. Terrorists strategy was to influence those within the human Domain account for threats and hazards in all.... Them in the Middle East or the Pacific region, were learning about them observant. Accomplish objectives and missions, that is what I was missing in Iraq Afghanistan-outside... Local Auxiliary, in Roman parlance ) improve warfighting capability across the spectrum of military operations barely read and English! 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what are the 7 warfighting functions