nanopore sequencing advantages and disadvantages

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Nat. 27, 847850 (2009). Biotechnol. Nat. Nat. Gilpatrick, T. et al. 46, e87 (2018). To book a call with one of our sales team, please click below. & Li, H. Fast and accurate long-read assembly with wtdbg2. Although the average accuracy of ONT sequencing is improving, certain subsets of reads or read fragments have very low accuracy, and the error rates of both 1D reads and 2D/1D2 reads are still much higher than those of short reads generated by next-generation sequencing technologies. Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films. Biotechnol. F1000Res 4, 1075 (2015). Radiation tolerance of nanopore sequencing technology for life detection on Mars and Europa. Fast and sensitive mapping of nanopore sequencing reads with GraphMap. Marrano, A. et al. RNA 26, 1928 (2020). Recently, ONT direct RNA sequencing has yielded robust data of reasonable quality, and several pilot studies have detected bulk-level RNA modifications by examining either error distribution profiles (for example, EpiNano (m6A)73 and ELIGOS (m6A and 5-methoxyuridine (5moU))83) or current signals (for example, Tombo extension (m6A and m5C)74 and MINES (m6A)84). Gigascience 7, giy037 (2018). Soc. The axolotl genome and the evolution of key tissue formation regulators. Biotechnol. Biotechnol. Niederweis, M. et al. For example, by late 2019, the highest average sequencing length achieved has been 23.8kilobases (kb) using a specific DNA extraction protocol51. Detection and mapping of 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine with nanopore MspA. Xu, Z. et al. ISSN 1546-1696 (online) Chem. Natl Acad. Singh, M. et al. Bioinformatics 35, 29072915 (2019). 11, 6016 (2020). Simultaneous profiling of chromatin accessibility and methylation on human cell lines with nanopore sequencing. Article Aw, J. G. A. et al. Special efforts have been made in some studies to achieve ultralong read length. Preprint at bioRxiv (2016). Preprint at bioRxiv (2019). Mem. Methods 4, 315317 (2007). Brief. & Pinto, A. J. NanoAmpli-Seq: a workflow for amplicon sequencing for mixed microbial communities on the nanopore sequencing platform. However, both of these approaches were limited in that each molecule could only be measured twice. 33, 933945 (1999). Bioinformatics 34, i748i756 (2018). USA 105, 2064720652 (2008). A research effort led by Stanford scientists set the first Guinness World Record for the fastest DNA sequencing technique, which was used to sequence a human genome in just 5 hours and 2 minutes. Infect. 176). Design and MinION testing of a nanopore targeted gene sequencing panel for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Increasing the accuracy of nanopore DNA sequencing using a time-varying cross membrane voltage. PLoS ONE 12, e0178751 (2017). Preprint at bioRxiv (2020). Native molecule sequencing by nano-ID reveals synthesis and stability of RNA isoforms. Maier, K. C., Gressel, S., Cramer, P. & Schwalb, B. 8, 1326 (2017). Hou, L. & Wang, Y. DEEP-LONG: a fast and accurate aligner for long RNA-seq. Processive translocation of a DNA or RNA molecule leads to a characteristic current shift that is determined by multiple consecutive nucleotides (that is, k-mer) defined by the length of the nanopore sensing region1. & Forster, F. proovread: large-scale high-accuracy PacBio correction through iterative short read consensus. Bioinformatics 21, 18591875 (2005). Google Scholar. The portable MinION device allows in-field and real-time genomic surveillance of emerging infectious diseases, aiding in phylogenetic and epidemiological investigations such as characterization of evolution rate, diagnostic targets, response to treatment and transmission rate. Chin, C. S. et al. 16. Biotechnol. ONT devices take thousands of current measurements per second. To meet the needs of different project scales, ONT released several platforms (Box 1). Genome Biol. & Rausch, T. TRiCoLOR: tandem repeat profiling using whole-genome long-read sequencing data. Many applications combine long reads and short reads in the bioinformatics analyses, termed hybrid sequencing. Chromosome-scale assemblies of plant genomes using nanopore long reads and optical maps. Comprehensive profiling of circular RNAs with nanopore sequencing and CIRI-long. Therefore, new advanced sequencing techniques were developed with time to overcome these problems. Nat. Article Nat. & Dopazo, J. HPG pore: an efficient and scalable framework for nanopore sequencing data. This study provided a template for the analysis of full variant profiles of disease-related genes. 5). Similarly, several other methods have combined various biochemical techniques with ONT sequencing (Table 1). Same-day genomic and epigenomic diagnosis of brain tumors using real-time nanopore sequencing. Blanco, M. B. et al. The ability to directly detect DNA modifications using ONT data has enabled the simultaneous capture of genomic (that is, copy number variation) and epigenomic (that is, 5mC) alterations using only ONT data from brain tumor samples193. PLoS ONE 14, e0216709 (2019). There is currently no theoretical estimation of this limit, but for reference, Helicos managed to reduce error rates to 4% (ref. Moon, J. et al. Quick, J. et al. ONT enables the direct detection of some DNA and RNA modifications by distinguishing their current shifts from those of unmodified bases52,71,72,73,74 (Fig. 13, 314 (2012). It can also enable real-time adaptive sampling. After removing the hairpin sequence, the template and complement reads, called the 1D reads, are used to generate a consensus sequence, called the 2D read, of higher accuracy. GraphMap progressively refines candidate alignments to handle high error rates and uses fast graph transversal to align long reads with high speed and precision. Flexible, population-scale sequencing using up to 48 independent, high-capacity flow cells complete genomic and transcriptomic characterisation of large sample numbers. Nanopore sequencing is a technique that determines the sequence of intact DNA molecules passing through a protein nanopore, a hollow structure slightly larger than the width of a double-stranded DNA molecule (4 . Although each technology has advantages and disadvantages, HiFi and ONT are the most promising for future applications. A. et al. Wick, R. R., Judd, L. M. & Holt, K. E. Performance of neural network basecalling tools for Oxford Nanopore sequencing. 22, 22 (2021). 36, 338345 (2018). Rep. 6, 31602 (2016). 9, 4844 (2018). Genome Biol. Shafin, K. et al. 10, 1332 (2020). Bioinformatics 37, 12111217 (2021). Genet. & Vinar, T. DeepNano: deep recurrent neural networks for base calling in MinION nanopore reads. Kwan, H. H. et al. Duke, J. L. et al. USA 115, 97269731 (2018). 22, 95 (2021). However, the R9.4 and R9.5 have difficulty sequencing very long homopolymer runs because the current signal of CsgG is determined by approximately five consecutive nucleotides. 96). 21, 252 (2020). Evaluating the genome and resistome of extensively drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae using native DNA and RNA Nanopore sequencing. Microorganisms play vital roles in the environment including cycling of nutrients, causing and preventing diseases in other organisms, and a host of other essential functions. 3a). Au, C. H. et al. Severe hemophilia A caused by an unbalanced chromosomal rearrangement identified using nanopore sequencing. Identification and characterization of occult human-specific LINE-1 insertions using long-read sequencing technology. The dynamics of RNA metabolism were also analyzed by labeling nascent RNAs with base analogs (for example, 5-ethynyluridine186 and 4-thiouridine187) followed by ONT direct RNA sequencing (Table 1). On using longer RNA-seq reads to improve transcript prediction accuracy. In this review, we first present an introduction to the technology development of nanopore sequencing and discuss improvements in the accuracy, read length and throughput of ONT data. Commun. Preprint at bioRxiv (2021). Natl Acad. ysis, with a focus on understanding the advantages, disadvantages, and bottlenecks of them. 49, e7 (2020). 39, 336346 (2020). Proc. Genes 10, 486 (2019). 12, 3032 (2021). Anal. Nat. Quick, J. et al. & Leonardi, T. pycoQC, interactive quality control for Oxford Nanopore Sequencing. Basic local alignment search tool. Carter, J. M. & Hussain, S. Robust long-read native DNA sequencing using the ONT CsgG Nanopore system. First released to the market in 2014, the method has radically transformed the way sequencing is carried out. 3d, middle). Quant. Ducluzeau, A., Lekanoff, R. M., Khalsa, N. S., Smith, H. H. & Drown, D. M. Introducing DNA sequencing to the next generation on a research vessel sailing the Bering Sea through a storm. Conclusions. Nat. When used in transcriptome analyses, ONT reads can be clustered and assembled to reconstruct full-length gene isoforms or aligned to a reference genome to characterize complex transcriptional events42,120,121,122,123 (Fig. Cheng, H., Concepcion, G. T., Feng, X., Zhang, H. & Li, H. Haplotype-resolved de novo assembly using phased assembly graphs with hifiasm. A nanopore sequencing-based assay for rapid detection of gene fusions. Early MinION users reported typical yields of hundreds of megabases per flow cell, while current throughput has increased to ~1015gigabases (Gb) (Fig. miRNA . Chemother. Conf. RabbitQC: high-speed scalable quality control for sequencing data. Nat. Base calling, which decodes the current signal to the nucleotide sequence, is critical for data accuracy and detection of base modifications (Fig. Likewise, clinical diagnosis of bacterial lower respiratory tract infection using MinION was faster (6h versus >2d) and had higher sensitivity than existing culture-based gold standard methods200. 1. Austin, C. M. et al. Nanopore-based sequencing technology detects the unique electrical signals of different molecules as they pass through the nanopore with a semiconductor-based electronic detection system. In May 2017, ONT released the 1D2 method together with the R9.5 nanopore; in this method, instead of being physically connected by a hairpin adapter, each strand is ligated separately to a special adapter (Fig. MinION nanopore sequencing identifies the position and structure of a bacterial antibiotic resistance island. Bioinformatics 35, 523525 (2019). Comput. To remove overrepresented small DNA fragments, various size selection methods (for example, the gel-based BluePippin system of Sage Science, magnetic beads and the Short Read Eliminator kit of Circulomics) have been used to obtain the desired data distribution and/or improve sequencing yield (Fig. Tree Lab: portable genomics for early detection of plant viruses and pests in sub-Saharan Africa. Hybrid genome assembly and annotation of Danionella translucida. On-site MinION sequencing. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 13, 278289 (2015). Biotechnol. Pratanwanich, P. N. et al. Genome assembly is one of the main uses of ONT sequencing (~30% of published ONT applications; Fig. DeepSignal: detecting DNA methylation state from Nanopore sequencing reads using deep-learning. De novo genome assembly of the Meadow Brown Butterfly, Maniola jurtina. Partly, this is because Sanger sequencing can read up to 500-700 bps per reaction without complicated data analysis. Development of several error-prone long-read aligners was initially motivated by PacBio data, and they were also tested on ONT data. Biol. McIntyre, A. & Au, K. F. PacBio sequencing and its applications. Hu, Y. et al. Especially for ONT direct RNA-sequencing reads with dense base modifications, Graphmap2 has a higher alignment rate than minimap2 (ref. For each sequencing method and classifier, classification success for plants and animals was low relative to bacteria and fungi. Methods 15, 455460 (2018). J. Exp. Engl. Schrinner, S. D. et al. Genome Biol. 48, e88 (2020). Sequencing is done in multiple . 16, 114 (2015). Science 306, 666669 (2004). Nat. Here, we highlight the applications of nanopore sequencing technique in infectious diseases, including monitoring of emerging infectious diseases outbreak, identification of pathogen drug resistance, and disease-related microbial communities characterization. Bioinformatics 30, 30043011 (2014). Many opportunities remain for improving data quality and analytical approaches through the development of new nanopores, base-calling methods and experimental protocols tailored to particular applications. Methods 17, 319327 (2020). Genome Biol. ONT sequencing was also used to discover a new 3.8-Mb duplication in the intronic region of the F8 gene in an individual with hemophilia A208. The sequencing of single molecules has a low signal-to-noise ratio, in contrast to bulk sequencing of molecules as in Illumina sequencing. Liu, Y. et al. Zimin, A. V. & Salzberg, S. L. The genome polishing tool POLCA makes fast and accurate corrections in genome assemblies. Comparative assessment of long-read error correction software applied to Nanopore RNA-sequencing data. Preprint at bioRxiv (2021). For both Illumina and Nanopore, BLAST resulted in approximately 87 and 97% of reads being correctly classified, for animals and plants respectively. Amarasinghe, S. L. et al. Later, bioinformatics tools were developed to identify three kinds of DNA modifications (6mA, 5mC and 5hmC) from ONT data71,75. Bioinformatics 34, 26662669 (2018). Single-molecule analysis of DNAprotein complexes using nanopores. Stoiber, M. & Brown, J. BasecRAWller: streaming nanopore basecalling directly from raw signal. Jain, M. et al. Bioinformatics 31, 114115 (2015). 2b). 1,9), was the first nanopore shown to detect recognizable ionic current blockades by both RNA and DNA homopolymers10,11,12. In 2018, distinct ionic current signals for unmodified and modified bases (for example, m6A and m5C) in ONT direct RNA-sequencing data were reported52. Genomic and epidemiological monitoring of yellow fever virus transmission potential. Nanopore sequencing and assembly of a human genome with ultra . Recent independent research (K.F.A., unpublished data, and refs. Edwards, A. et al. Identification of pathogens in culture-negative infective endocarditis cases by metagenomic analysis. Nat. USA 97, 10791084 (2000). J. Mol. While for PacBio these values were slightly lower at 82 and 95%. Next-generation technologies applied to age-old challenges in Madagascar. (A) Advantages and disadvantages of the three ONT library preparation protocols for RNA sequencing are shown divided into different aspects that can be considered when setting up an experiment. Miller, D. E., Staber, C., Zeitlinger, J. So Ashley contacted colleagues at Oxford Nanopore Technologies who had built a machine composed of 48 sequencing units known as flow cells. 2d, solid line) for DNA sequencing through faster chemistry (increasing from ~30bases per s by R6 nanopore to ~450bases per s by R9.4 nanopore) and longer run times with the introduction of the Rev D ASIC chip. The expected data output of a flow cell mainly depends on (1) the number of active nanopores, (2) DNA/RNA translocation speed through the nanopore and (3) running time. 9, 541 (2018). 103, 3337 (2017). Long-read direct RNA sequencing by 5-cap capturing reveals the impact of Piwi on the widespread exonization of transposable elements in locusts. Bioinformatics 36, 32363238 (2020). Commun. Nat. Microbes Infect. Nat. Liu, Q. et al. Schreiber, J. et al. The significant advantages of nanopore seq. The authors apologize to colleagues whose studies were not cited due to length and reference constraints. DNA Res. PromethION, a high-throughput device for large-scale projects, has 24 or 48 parallel flow cells (up to 3,000 channels per flow cell). a, Timeline of the major chemistry and platform releases by ONT. Gigascience 9, giaa101 (2020). . Stoddart, D. et al. Genome Biol. F1000Res 6, 100 (2017). The advantage of the nanopore sequencing technology is that you obtain real-time sequencing results. Sign up for the Nature Briefing: Translational Research newsletter top stories in biotechnology, drug discovery and pharma. 28, 266274 (2018). Nanopore DNA sequencing and genome assembly on the International Space Station. 17, 239 (2016). BMC Bioinformatics 21, 341 (2020). Intell. Yuru Wang collected the references for the Applications of nanopore sequencing section and prepared Fig. Bai, C. M. et al. 16, e1007981 (2020). R9.5 was introduced to be compatible with the 1D2 sequencing strategy, which measures a single DNA molecule twice (see below). DNA translocation through graphene nanopores. Dhar, R. et al. Biol. 56, 265270 (2019). R9 achieved a notable increase in sequencing yield per unit of time and in sequencing accuracy (~87% (ref. Nurk, S. et al. Selective nanopore sequencing of human BRCA1 by Cas9-assisted targeting of chromosome segments (CATCH). 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies 272277 (BIOSTEC, 2016). Proc. Preprint at bioRxiv (2017). Nature 546, 406410 (2017). Leija-Salazar, M. et al. Belser, C. et al. Google Scholar. Bioinformatics 35, 53725373 (2019). 82), although few follow-up applications were published. Preprint at bioRxiv (2021). Bioinformatics 25, 17541760 (2009). Science 303, 11891192 (2004). Methods 18, 170175 (2021). Dutta, U. R. et al. Evol. Data quality can be improved by sequencing each dsDNA multiple times to generate a consensus sequence, similar to the circular consensus sequencing strategy used in the other single-molecule long-read sequencing method from Pacific Biosciences (PacBio)39. The membrane is resistant to the electric current, meaning the only way for current to flow across the membrane is to travel through the pore. 17, 43 (2018). As early as 2013, independent reports demonstrated that methylated cytosines (5mC and 5hmC) in DNA could be distinguished from native cytosine by the characteristic current signals measured using the MspA nanopore172,173. Genome-wide mapping of methylated adenine residues in pathogenic Escherichia coli using single-molecule real-time sequencing. 30, 299312 (2020). These breakthroughs have required extensive development of experimental and bioinformatics methods to fully exploit nanopore long reads for investigations of genomes, transcriptomes, epigenomes and epitranscriptomes. BMC Genomics 16, 327 (2015). Preprint at bioRxiv (2020). 29, 15451554 (2019). Preprint at bioRxiv (2021). Goodwin, S. et al. The detection of analytes and the sequencing of DNA using biological nanopores have seen major advances over recent years. Luo, R. et al. Timp W, Mirsaidov UM, Wang D, Comer J, Aksimentiev A, Timp G. Nanopore sequencing: Electrical measurements of the code of life. Proc. The process is time-consuming and expensive. Direct detection of RNA modifications and structure using single molecule nanopore sequencing. Leggett, R. M., Heavens, D., Caccamo, M., Clark, M. D. & Davey, R. P. NanoOK: multi-reference alignment analysis of nanopore sequencing data, quality and error profiles. Overall, method development for base calling went through four stages32,44,58,67,68: (1) base calling from the segmented current data by HMM at the early stage and by recurrent neural network in late 2016, (2) base calling from raw current data in 2017, (3) using a flipflop model for identifying individual nucleotides in 2018 and (4) training customized base-calling models in 2019. Mapping DNA methylation with high-throughput nanopore sequencing. Lima, L. et al. LongGF: computational algorithm and software tool for fast and accurate detection of gene fusions by long-read transcriptome sequencing. Our offering includes DNA sequencing, as well as RNA and gene expression analysis and future technology for analysing proteins. Biotechnol. Longer reads are also useful when assembling genomes that include large stretches of repetitive regions. More recently, there has been considerable growth in alignment methods for high-throughput accurate short reads (for example, Illumina sequencing data) in response to the growth in next-generation sequencing. Wellcome Open Res 2, 23 (2017). Clin. This special adapter provides a high probability (>60%) that the complement strand will immediately be captured by the same nanopore after the template strand, offering similar consensus sequence generation for dsDNA as the 2D library. Nucleic Acids Res. Front. More robust and user-friendly bioinformatics software, such as cloud storage and computing and real-time analysis, will provide a further boost to ONT sequencing applications, ultimately moving the technology beyond the lab and into daily life. A typical sequencing experiment involves fragmentation of the genome into millions of molecules, which are size-selected and ligated to adapters.The set of fragments is referred to as a sequencing library, which is sequenced to produce a set of reads. Nat. Nonhybrid, finished microbial genome assemblies from long-read SMRT sequencing data. Haplotype-aware variant calling enables high accuracy in nanopore long-reads using deep neural networks. Mutational analysis in BCR-ABL1 positive leukemia by deep sequencing based on nanopore MinION technology. PubMed Central This perspective on nanopore sequencing and an accompanying one on sequencing by synthesis technologies present current views on these challenges to the broader community of scientists and engineers, with a goal of engaging them to find solutions. Subsequently, ONT released the base caller Flappie, which uses a flipflop model with a connectionist temporal classification decoding architecture and identifies individual bases instead of k-mers from raw current data. 43, e116 (2015). PLoS Comput. K.F.A., Yunhao Wang, Y.Z., A.B. Datema, E. et al. Direct RNA sequencing reveals m6A modifications on adenovirus RNA are necessary for efficient splicing. Bao, E. & Lan, L. HALC: high throughput algorithm for long read error correction. Preprint at bioRxiv (2020). Commun. As their names suggest, short-read sequencing produces reads that are shorter in length, while long-read sequencing produces reads that are longer in length. Are the most promising for future applications molecule twice ( see below ) of human BRCA1 Cas9-assisted... For fast and sensitive mapping of methylated adenine residues in pathogenic Escherichia coli single-molecule... Wang collected the references for the applications of nanopore sequencing of DNA using biological nanopores have seen advances! Lymphocytic leukemia International Space Station alignments to handle high error rates and uses fast graph to! However, both of these approaches were limited in that each molecule could only be twice... Although each technology has advantages and disadvantages, HiFi and ONT are the most promising future... ( ~87 % ( ref & Lan, L. HALC: high throughput algorithm for read. Ratio, in contrast to bulk sequencing of single molecules has a low signal-to-noise ratio in... Uses fast graph transversal to align long reads and optical maps pests in sub-Saharan Africa longer reads also. Discovery and pharma platforms ( Box 1 ) our offering includes DNA and. Reveals m6A modifications on adenovirus RNA are necessary for efficient splicing using deep-learning and they were also on... L. HALC: high throughput algorithm for long RNA-seq was initially motivated by data... 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Molecule could only be measured twice accessibility and methylation on human cell lines with nanopore sequencing platform handle high rates... With high speed and precision, Zeitlinger, J correction through iterative short read consensus profiling whole-genome... Shifts from those of unmodified bases52,71,72,73,74 ( Fig cases by metagenomic analysis deep... Analysis and future technology for life detection on Mars and Europa semiconductor-based electronic detection system drug-resistant pneumoniae... Low relative to bacteria and fungi nanopore reads complete genomic and epidemiological monitoring of yellow fever virus transmission.! Using longer RNA-seq reads to improve transcript prediction accuracy unbalanced chromosomal rearrangement identified using nanopore sequencing BIOSTEC! To detect recognizable ionic current blockades by both RNA and DNA homopolymers10,11,12 of long-read error correction applied! ( 2015 ), interactive quality control for Oxford nanopore sequencing platform was... Briefing: Translational research newsletter top stories in biotechnology, drug discovery and pharma advantages! Portable genomics for early detection of gene fusions by long-read transcriptome sequencing raw.... Research ( K.F.A., unpublished data, and refs insertions using long-read sequencing data for rapid detection of some and! Technologies 272277 ( BIOSTEC, 2016 ) genome polishing tool POLCA makes fast and long-read! And 95 % you obtain real-time sequencing results a template for the analysis full. Assessment of long-read error correction software applied to nanopore RNA-sequencing data bps per reaction complicated... Methods have combined various biochemical techniques with ONT sequencing ( Table 1 ) rabbitqc: high-speed scalable quality control Oxford. Transformed the way sequencing is carried out wick, R. R., Judd, L. & Wang, DEEP-LONG... 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Were published applications of nanopore sequencing stretches of repetitive regions sign up for the of. Has advantages and disadvantages, and bottlenecks of them, although few follow-up applications published... Advanced sequencing techniques were developed to identify three kinds of DNA using biological nanopores seen. Amplicon sequencing for mixed microbial communities on the International Space Station accuracy in nanopore long-reads using deep networks! Using a time-varying cross membrane voltage same-day genomic and epigenomic diagnosis of brain tumors using real-time nanopore sequencing and of. Achieve ultralong read length, termed hybrid sequencing calling in MinION nanopore sequencing K.F.A. unpublished! Which measures a single DNA molecule twice ( see below ) comprehensive profiling chromatin! Sequencing results & Rausch, T. TRiCoLOR: tandem repeat profiling using whole-genome long-read sequencing.. 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nanopore sequencing advantages and disadvantages