lds emotional resilience videos

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So I think our society has just changed to the point where Heavenly Father, in order to continue to bless us with challenges has had to shift those challenges anymore. It's going to involve some work on your part, and some effort and you're gonna have to learn a different batting stance and your arm might hurt as you learn how to, you know, do these different swings, but I will teach you how to hit curveballs.". And then that was a great moment, but that wasn't the important moment, the important moment was the 10 years prior to that, that I spent learning and studying, and gaining knowledge that would prepare me for my career. It is part of the equation, it's one more tool you have in your arsenal to deal with these things. Trust me here. I can get up and make my bed today. If you've had, you know, a vaccination, you know, that there's, sometimes there's some adverse reaction to it as your body's trying to deal with it. Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. After selecting a language, translated captions will automatically be applied to the video. The Church's "Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience" program is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. No able to attend meetings. Oh, great last name, I really appreciate yours. Emotional energy is the same as physical energy. Required fields are marked *. There is so much content there, and I think at different times in your life, there are different things that you would learn from the different modules., Valencias husband, Dayton Ohio Stake President Ricardo Valencia, commented on the importance of emotional resilience for members in his area and the enduring impact of Elder Jeffrey R. Hollands general conference talk Like a Broken Vessel.. But what if the blessing was having significant health challenges that were chronic and that ultimately led you to be more humble and patient. Is the rod and the resilience that comes from holding fast beyond your grasp? And I love what you said, I think it was earlier when you talked about, you know, being appropriately humble, but also feeling like you belong. Ten chapters cover topics such as building emotional resilience, developing healthy thinking patterns, managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression, and overcoming anger. This is Heavenly Father's plan for us. Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience teaches gospel principles to strengthen you spiritually, while also developing healthy coping skills to meet lifes challenges and opportunities, said Bishop Grald Causs of the Presiding Bishopric. So how does Satan deceive people into believing that they can't have greater spirituality? So the very first step of moving forward is believing that you can and it accepting the the idea that it isthat change is possible. Ekbergs family observed that she was able to make decisions with greater confidence as she participated in the emotional resilience class. So what can I give you and still let you have the rest of that stuff?" To download all photos or videos related to this article, select the links at the bottom of each section. And that could possibly be true in your current situation, if you're struggling with significant mental health issuesabsolutely. So he's gonna throw some curveballs every once in a while. Okay, David, I have one last question for you before we get to our all in question. And so if we spend, if we have stress, which maybe occupies 20% of our emotional energy, and then we spend another 70% of our energy stressing about that stress, then that leaves very little for us to actually, you know, do something. Press the gear symbol and a small menu box will appear. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Well it wasit was several years ago, President Nelson was in a training with General Authorities, it was back before he was president the Church, he was president of the Quorom of the 12 Apostles, and one of the brother and asked him, "How do we dealHow do we help people deal with pornography issues, because that's become such a serious problem in the church, and without the church? A family smiles for a portrait in Ghana. This manual is an addition to the family of self-reliance manuals that are used in self-reliance courses. Thanks to Derek Campbell for his help with this episode. It's where we're destined to go again. The pilot version of this manual was called Emotional Resilience for Self Reliance. And thenand when we lack confidence in ourselves, of course that's a killer from the beginning. Manuals are also available at Church distribution centers. And it's amazing, like those little wins, how much they can help build confidence. Doctrine and Covenants 6:36. They're going to church, they feel the Spirit. The manual and its companion course aim to help participants build spiritual and practical skills to help them better care for their body, mind, emotions, and relationships. . In Section 121 in the Doctrine and Covenants it talks about our confidence waxing strong in the presence of God. See all these other people that feel the spirit? These skills, coupled with the gospel of Jesus Christ, really can help us achieve a spiritual, emotional and physical balance in our lives.. She described the course as introspective and said she learned how to develop a healthy response to life experiences rather than be derailed by them.. Like a Broken Vessel (part 2) Downloadable manuals and videos for the emotional resilience course are available at Absolutely. Emotional Resilience. And Heavenly Father knows that. Emotional resilience is a construct that has been studied by mental health researchers for decades. . There's a temptation to avoid it altogether, because it's unpleasant to go through that. I thought that this was so interesting, you talk about kind of what this concept of negative affect is, and then also that we can cultivate a tolerance toward it, and you will do a much better job of explaining what this is than I could ever do, so if first of allif you could kind of lay the groundwork and then maybe talk a little bit about how we can cultivate that tolerance. The Lord loves you, and He cares about your welfare.. The Church recently launched a new self-reliance manual titled Emotional Resilience. We get in trouble when we get too rigid in our thinking as well, when we think there's just one way to do things. . Now it's managing anxiety or it's dealing with the loss of a job or something like that. Some Latter-day Saint congregations have started organizing virtual and in-person group meetings, based on local conditions and directions, to go through the Emotional Resilience manual together with a facilitator. And we sometimes wonder if we'll ever feel normal again. And so I think that's why we keep coming back to that. (My Foundation) He wrote a talk went up there, gave it fine. There's, sometimes there's issues of worthiness, right? Overall, the course is fantastic, and we all see how this can be leveraged to bless many lives, said Kelly Scotts of Geneva, Switzerland, who participated in a pilot session. And I really loved those, I wondered if you could explain a little bit about some of those roadblocks to personal competence. We need to do like Elder Bednar counsels and says, "Teach me how to hit curveballs." So one of those things that you mentioned is anxiety. ", And it leads me to act proactively instead of just being acted upon. I put [Doctrine and Covenants 6:36] there because one of the things youre talking about is recognizing inaccurate thinking patterns and to try and look to the Savior in every thought., During the weekly meetings, Valencia said, you talk about dealing with life and how to find strength through the teachings of Jesus Christ and support from other people., You dont have to share if you dont want to, she added, but you learn a lot about a lot of things from depression to exercise to taking care of your body to communication with other people. The Churchs Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience program is now available inEnglish,French,Portuguese,Russian, Spanish, German, Italian,Japanese,Korean,Chinese,Albanian, Czech,Danish,Dutch, and Hungarian. Now, that's not going to cure schizophrenia, but it is going to help that person move forward. He served a mission back East and he's an excellent teacher. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. Manuals, videos and training may be downloaded from the Churchs website or viewed on the Gospel Library mobile app under Life Help. The emotional resilience manuals and videos may be downloaded from the Churchs website or viewed on the Gospel Library mobile phone app under Life Help. I have a relative who moved to Germany where they are still in Covid lockdown. Saying, "Yes, I want to do that. And He's going to say, "This is why, Morgan, when you prayed, and said, 'Heavenly Father, take this from me,'" He said, "No, I can't do that. And the idea of emotional resilience, just this idea of bouncing back from stressors is super important now. like they can't change or that God has checked out on them. Some rights reserved. Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church are Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Find a Better Job and Education for Better Work., Learn more in the article Emotional Resilience Training Is Now Offered Globally., Your email address will not be published. Some people have risen above and become stronger, others have struggled. Learn more at Some of the videos for these 10 languages are accessible online. I really appreciate that. But the universal principles in this resource can help anyone feel more prepared to face those challenges, and thankfully its available in several languages to help people across the globe, said Blaine Maxfield, managing director of the Churchs Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Department. Accepting and living And my wife who really should be the psychologist, she's a genius, and she goes up there and she talked to him and she said, "Look, I don't care if you write it down, I don't care if you just get up there, say your name, and walk down," she says, "But you're gonna go, you're gonna do it, I want you to do this. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently sat down with . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get Church news and articles delivered right to your inbox. And a lot of times, what happens is, you know, you can't tell the difference, except the doctor can, and she can sayshe does an examination and says, "No, there's no enzymes," there's leftovers in your body when you've had a heart attack, and if those leftovers aren't there, then they say, "Well, that was probably a panic attack.". And that's okay to have that stress. It's going to make you stronger, and it's going to make you more like me in the long run.". You are about to access Constant Contacts ( I mean, he's always, and then you say, "Now teach me how to hit that one." And we wonder why, you know, it's the end of the day and I didn't get anything done, or I just feel exhausted because I used it all up in worrying about something that maybe I didn't need to worry about. News. That was, that's where it ended. You talk about how there was a study where these two researchers that researched resiliency, Connor and Davidson, they actually acknowledge the influence of spirituality on this emotional resilience and listed spiritual influences as the last of their main resilience factors. Then said he unto me, fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before . We provide the link to this third party's website solely as a convenience to you. My Self-Reliance Group And then the next step is just to do something. Well, I think your friends situation, you asked is that normal? Emotional Resilience is a 10-week course taught by Latter-day Saint volunteers. The new content, "Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience," is part of Church's Self-Reliance Services training materials for Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith.Ten chapters cover topics such as building emotional resilience, developing . Ten more languages have been added to the newest self-reliance course offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Perfectionism: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Whether you are currently feeling overwhelmed or not, these are great skills to have in your arsenal. You're sayingI'm going to deal with a little bit of this so I learn how to experience it, I learn how to deal with it. Half the time you end up going to the hospital thinking you've had a heart attack, thinking you're gonna die. It's 100 miles, you know, and when you think "Well, I can't run 100 miles," you probably can, it might take you 20 years to do it, but you can do that. And I wondered, I have a lot of friends that have struggled with anxiety and family that struggles with depression. And that's what you tried to get every single day, was "How do I get this?" The Church has released a new manual, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience. And so one of them is the idea of personal competencethat "I can do something." And I think that's why He just says, "Trust me." We have sent you a confirmationemail. Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. With Him, theres always hope.. Sometimes we focus on the things we can't do. The manual is currently available in English only. Harding, who is also a regional welfare and self-reliance manager for the Church, said that there was great interest in the program when it rolled out in Utah at the end of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Church's " Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience " program is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. You know, and the same thing with mental health. But he could never say he was wrong. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience. And I had been there for a few weeks and I was talking to my dad on the phone, and I just was like, "I don't fit in here. And of course, Satan's going to capitalize on that and say, "Well, yeah, see, because you're not doing what you're supposed to. So that's one of the otherone of these pillars of emotional resilience is what they call tolerating negative affect. Absolutely not. Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church include Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Find a Better Job and Education for Better Work.. . Great first name, by the way. And this isI'm sure, probably way too colloquial. On the bottom left corner of the video, you should see a symbol of a gear for video settings. And that's another deception of Satan as well that all or nothing thinking. And if he had realized that the pool was about four feet deep, he could just reach down and touch, there was a lifeguard there, two scout leaders and his parents who would jump in and save him at any moment if he, you know, he looked like he was struggling, then he could say, "I can take that other 80% of energy and I can put it towards swimming," which in that case, I think he'd have been just fine, I think he'd could have crushed the 50 yards. And then we act. 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. The Art of Awkward Conversations to Keep Your Kids Safe From Risky Behaviors, Establishing Routines and Family Expectations, Feeling Anxious? So how do wehow do we better respond to that kind of thing? 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1: Building Emotional Resilience. None of us are immune from lifes challenges all of Gods children around the world face stress and anxiety. The course manuals 10 chapters cover topics such as building emotional resilience, developing healthy thinking patterns, managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression and overcoming anger. And quite frankly, if we haven't learned our lesson by now, we probably won't learn it, I almost feel like going to Heavenly Father and saying, "Look, you can probably just take it now. It's not the only answer, but it is definitely part of the answer. And we just have to reconceptualize what that blessing is. Your email address will not be published. A couple from Ecuador laugh and stand in a workshop. And so it just kind of goes back to what we were just talking about. No, we can always change direction. I've dealt with so many people over the course of my career, and even people with very, very significant mental health issues like schizophrenia, where you know, people that are actively hallucinating and actively delusionalthere's always something you can do. . He's like, "Well, I love that you have iPhones. And that we feel like we're back home, which is where we belong. And then the Young Men's theme is: "I am a beloved Son of God, and he has a work for me to do." I have been significantly impacted for the better from this course and have been able to apply many of these principles in various circumstances in my life., The program taught me so much about myself, how to process my emotions in healthy ways, and how to create intentional habits that lead to better wellness, said Alyssa Free, a young adult from Holladay, Utah. And just last night, I was like, "Heavenly Father, if you will take this from me," I said, "I will serve you for the rest of my life regardless, but if you will take this from me, I'll be able to like work stronger and faster. Who, after 9000 experiments, somebody was like, "Oh, isn't it a shame that with the tremendous amount of work you've done, you haven't been able to get any results." And so you have to identify those things. And usually, it's because I'm afraid of doing something, I think, "Well, I can't do it." What is Addiction Recovery? I mean, that's that goes back to Jesus Christ and the Sermon on the Mount, right, and talking about the wise man building his house on a rock or building his house on the sand. And so doubting in myself leads me to not want to do that. And the systems that are designed to run for a very short period of time, it's kind of like, you know, flooring it in your car when you need to pass someone. Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, If you havent needed emotional resilience over the last two years, we would like to officially dub you a superhero. In the picture, shes looking at Him, and Hes looking back at her, Valencia said. Elder Bednar talked a few years ago about a man who bought a four by four and got it stuck in the snow and then he was super embarrassed because his wife had told him not to buy the truck and he bought it anyway, and so, and he couldn't get it out. What Matters Most. Books you can read or things you should do, or people you should talk to whatever that is, you do all those things together. Newsroom Events Broadcasts. Well, and stress is in just like most things, when it becomes extreme, then it does become damaging to us. Is that going to cure my depression? And I think that's what you described. I want to become the best I can be. You just have to kind of keep looking. I don't know if that's part of the difficulties people need to experience in order to become more like their father in heaven, but just this idea that we are not worthy, we need to lose that idea. Because you can'tif you're built on something solid, then you can withstand the shaking and the shuffling. About Us. But one of the very first things that I thought was fascinating, is you talk about attacks on our identity. But if you've seen Toy Story 4 you remember, Bonnie makes Forky, right? I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this. Lori Harding, Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Manager. David, my last question for you is what does it mean to you to be all in the gospel of Jesus Christ? I love that question. The point is, if I engage in a healthy diet for a year and exercise regularly for a year, I'm probablyI'm very likely to see you know, positive changes in my health. I heard recently, I was talking to a friend who had been to see her endocrinologist and the endocrinologist said that she had seen eight times the number of women since the beginning of the pandemic with autoimmune issues, because of the additional stress that the pandemic has brought into people's lives. His help with this episode like to officially dub you a superhero so doubting in myself leads to... Served a mission back East and he cares about your welfare idea of personal competencethat `` I get... Managing anxiety or it 's dealing with the loss of a gear for video settings Covid lockdown can help confidence! Recently sat down with I really appreciate yours we belong needed emotional resilience class laugh stand..., great last name, I have one last question for you before we get to our all in.... Lord: emotional resilience is a 10-week course taught by Latter-day Saint volunteers all photos or videos to! 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lds emotional resilience videos