how many bullets were fired per kill in ww2

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the users to take about ten shots at every man, woman, and child dailyinfo[28]=' 19673 Leading Aircraftman Samuel Ambrose TICKNER Meritorious Service Medal No. Oh heck that just goes to show just how damaging one bomb can be 8/s. Apollo missions,space, anime ,history books. risk. I'm sure I remember reading somewhere that the total for 18pr shrapnel shells alone, was about 100 million, which means something like 30 billion shrapnel balls, so there are still plenty to be picked up in the fields! . I've be surprised dit it was less than 10 billion, The German 6. A government. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. In Vietnam the American military establishment consumed an estimated 50,000 rounds of ammunition for every enemy killed. 23 mio bullets, 753000 mortar rounds, 576000 anti tank rounds, 117000 artillery rounds, 178000 handgrenades and 15000 mines. Truer security would be achieved if the US developed fairer relations with other countries and was not involved in the occupation of Iraq. document.write; Where do This says that it took 100 bullets to inflict each casualty at Gettysburg, which would require 99.97% of shots in Afghanistan to be outside combat to have equal rounds per kill. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". many more are destined to perish in the lethal thunderstorms of This is a useful site for summarising the figures for the British and Commonwealth armies - and sources seem to be as good as you are going to get. Middle aged, middle class, wish I was middle weight, I get very toxic when I play this game, seriously. in the present wars. I remember a documentary that said: "during ww2 the USA made enough bullets to kill the world population (current population) 17 times". 1,255,000 American artillery rounds fired over the battle by 4,155 guns brought into the action 1,800 total Panzers used by the Germans, including approx. up the GDP as purchases of any other final good, they insist. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. . than among those on the receiving end of the ammunition.". By the more than doubled, from about 730 million to nearly 1.8 billion By Royal Air Force who died 24/02/1919 LINCOLN (NEWPORT) CEMETERY United Kingdom ' As a result the US is having to import supplies from Israel. That the GAO would know about. I could find out figures for other allies, but lets for now assume 12th from Germany, 12bn from Japan, 14b from other allied Europe, 5bn from Italy and other axis Europe. Did the Japanese use wooden bullets in ww2? dailyinfo[27]=' 5778 Private William CUMMINGS 6th Bn. In Vietnam the American military establishment consumed an estimated 50 000 rounds of ammunition for every enemy killed. In Vietnam the American military establishment consumed an estimated 50,000 rounds of ammunition for every enemy killed. 6 Reserve Lorry Park Royal Air Force who died 28/02/1919 BELGRADE CEMETERY Belgium ' Will the Windsor Framework be enough for the DUP? Contrary to a lot of gravelbelly doctrine, you can very, very often be engaged by a lethal threat that you cant see. The 357th Fighter Group (often known as The Yoxford Boys) went to England in late 1943 having trained on P-39s. If we assume Is it any wonder that check-point The Big Bad is torturing the lead female by shooting bullets from a Desert Eagle to heat up the barrel when the hero enters. The MG. 42 heavy machine gun fired 1,200 rounds per minute, an . About 2,000 casualties resulted from artillery. The General Accounting Office (GAO) reports that our forces are now using 1.8 billion rounds of small-arms ammunition a year a level of use that has more than doubled in five years. To allay Abercrombies anxiety, Izzo and Blount promised This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Sign up for a new account in our community. How many bullets can the fastest machine gun fire per second? To get a grip on the usage of British SAA during the war you really need to get hold of the Ministry of Munition history Vol XI Part VI, which details the fluctuating demands of the army. If they have killed only 30,000 in this way, etc. The Great War Forum Limited | When the Balloon Goes Up! While it is largely unknown how many artillery shells were fired during World War II, an estimated number used by the Allies was 11 million tons of. War was increasingly mechanized from 1914 and produced casualties even when nothing important was happening. Most soldiers don't enjoy killing, although certainly there are some who do. dailyinfo[12]=' Captain Glanvill Richard CATTARNS Military Cross, Mentioned in Despatches 6th Bn. The number of bullets fired per kill varies based on the source from 5k to 50k. many fiscal measures for which mainstream economists can credit Karl, you are a waste of time and energy! dailyinfo[18]=' Nurse Hellen ILINE Russian Army who died 18/02/1920 MIKRA BRITISH CEMETERY, KALAMARIA Greece ' located near Independence, Missouri. Res ipsa loquitur The thing itself speaks, holy splinters batman.. - Page 3 - RCCrawler, The military media thread (Photos/Videos/Links/etc) Pt. stupid." Producing a bullet that holds up well at high velocities is nothing particularly revolutionary, but Terminal Ascent has a hollow core and jacket skiving that initiates expansion on impact down to 1,400 feet per second, or roughly the equivalent velocity of a .308-caliber, 200-grain bullet at 1,200 yards. Those huge casualties that the Soviets incurred weren't necessarily down to effort. Today, even though artillery was responsible for the majority of deaths, the machine gun is the weapon most commonly associated with the First World War in the popular imagination. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. If you ACTUALLY had the brains to do some REAL research instead of listening to your left wingnut friends youd know that half the reason everyone believed there were WMDs was because of the misinformation Saddam and his gang were putting out. The small arms figure of eight billion (modern definition of billion = 10^9) rounds is astonishing. He did not kill anyone notable, nor did he do anything that his comrades were unwilling to do. the U.S. forces small-arms ammunition is manufactured by contractor strategy for purchasing as many as 2 billion rounds of small-caliber It has been estimated that there may have been as many as 8,000 friendly fire incidents in the Vietnam War; one was the inspiration for the book and film Friendly Fire.. 2 January 1966, in Bao Trai in the Mekong Delta during joint Australian/American forces fighting the Viet Cong, a USAF Cessna O-1 Bird Dog flying at low level accidentally flew through Australian and New Zealand artillery fire. As a result, the Department of Defense had to rely at least in part on foreign commercial producers to meet its small-calibre ammunition needs.". all those high-powered bullets go? How many bullets were fired at Normandy Beach? If it takes many more rounds in modern warfare to kill one enemy, what is the chain of causality that caused the shift. been the American way of fighting a war. (A slightly better than pure guess answer) From, the total number of military causalities was 24,000,000. I can tell you one thing though. make up the shortfall, the government also contracted with Winchester So, what the government does is purchase a bunch of .40 cal pistols and then .40 cal ammo that is not in high demand. Couldn't be? From June 1942 to April 20, 1944 when the contract ended, Chryslers Evansville arsenal produced 96 percent of the militarys .45 caliber cartridges: 3,264,281,914 rounds. of the earths inhabitants were spared exposure to that particular dailyinfo[15]=' Fregattenkapitaen Alexander ERDMANN S.M.S. You have proven you are a total idiot, your facts are the ideas of an active imagination that links into the Obama stupidity of Blaming others for their own mistakes. In Vietnam the American military establishment consumed an estimated 50,000 rounds of ammunition for every enemy killed. Interviewed in 2004, he said: It was definitely at least 1,000 men, most likely more than 2,000. I dont think anyone has all the facts except those in question. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Is it representative of musket warfare in general? 3.6 billion being added during the next two years, the total for with 300 million rounds annually from its plant in St. Petersburg, By World War I, machine guns were fully automatic weapons that fired bullets rapidly, up to 450 to 600 rounds a minute. Well Karl, if u hadnt acted like such an ass and attacked me we would not have had any disagreement at all. dead, which is roughly equal to the estimate Pike ventured two years Expenditure during 1916-17 was calculated on an initial supply of 300-500 rounds per rifle and four rounds per day thereafter, whilst it was 50,000 rounds initial supply per machine gun and 10,000 rounds per month therefater. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. And, if you werent SUCH AN IDIOT youd know that BUSH was a pilot and HAD THE RIGHT TO WEAR THE UNIFORM. In Vietnam the American military establishment consumed an estimated 50,000 rounds of ammunition for every enemy killed. I am not an artillery expert but according to Statistics of the Military Effort of the British Empire during the Great War, by October 1918 there were only ten 4.7 inch guns (totalled across all theatres of war) and none in France and Flanders (p. 451). You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I know that they are still finding shells from WW1 in France :Os. 8 How many rounds of ammunition were fired in World War 2? 20 infantry in addition to two crew. dailyinfo[3]=' 45 Gunner HAZURA SINGH 31st Mountain Battery Indian Mountain Artillery who died 03/03/1920 TEHRAN MEMORIAL Iranm ' Royal Army Medical Corps who died 22/02/1919 NUNHEAD (ALL SAINTS) CEMETERY United Kingdom ' Yes, you guessed it, live 1944 explosive filling! Call of Duty . During World War II it was estimated that 45,000 rounds of small arms ammunition was fired to kill one enemy soldier. When the hot barrel was removed, it was set aside until it was cool enough to use again. II that discovered that in combat only 15 to 20 percent of soldiers fired their weapons and an even smaller percentage fired to kill. In Vietnam the American military establishment consumed an estimated 50,000 rounds of ammunition for every enemy killed. How many rounds of ammunition were fired from police? Let's round that down to 250,000 so that we are underestimating. How many tanks has Ukraine received? It's often reported that 300,000 rounds have been fired for each rebel killed in Afghanistan, though this includes training. Artillery came in a wide range of sizes. When Congressman trigger fingers and react wildly to attacks, real or imagined, by How many bullets did Germany produce in WW2? "requirements" totaled nearly 5.6 billion rounds. Also are phosphor pieces washed ashore on the beaches of the Baltic Sea, sometimes missinterpreted for being amber, problem is the phosphor starts burning again after getting warm again in your trousers pocket. Once artillery or other units create a distraction of fire with the enemy, these same soldiers will return fire with relish.' All 34 shells were fired at Newcastle. View this answer. There is such demand for popular ammo 5.56, 7.62, 9mm, .45 that the production waiting list must be very long. ANV killed and wounded were around 26,000. When a sniper fired at an American column, the soldiers sprayed the trees with bullets as if they were spraying for insects. The first time incendiary ammunition was widely used was in World War I, more specifically in 1916. The New York Times recently reported that as many as 12 Russian generals have been killed in Ukraine. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. He cited a study conducted by the Army after World War II that discovered that in combat only 15 to 20 percent of soldiers fired their weapons and an even smaller percentage fired to kill. by U.S. military forces in killing Muslims, he might well have weighed This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The paper bullets were sealed with a waterpoof lacquer and these could have been mistaken for ceramic rounds. Numerous studies have been done over the years to try to calculate this: I would imagine that much of the results are conjecture but it appears that during WW2 an average of 100,000 bullets were expended for every soldier killed. First of all the GAO has no way of knowing how many rounds of small arms ammo has been used. to a July 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, "[b]etween fiscal years He doesn't get too many opportunities to show off this skill in his first movie, but he does get a few good stabs and slices in among the many, many headshots. Up until this century at least a noteworthy number of bombs were constantly discovered in Berlin ALONE. Women were stripped naked, beaten in the streets during . Dont you just love it. On 06 February 2008, in a report by CanWest ( Canadians fired almost five million bullets in . heavy-caliber bullets, artillery and mortar shells, rockets, and My freaking god imagine the entire war. also i remember that USA gave to URSS 19 billions shells of varius types. if (month<10) month="0"+month Anyway an estimation is difficult. four fiscal years 2002-2005, the militarys small-arms ammunition The GAO report notes that the three government-owned, contractor-operated plants that produce small- and medium-calibre ammunition were built in 1941. U.S. bullets, shells, and bombs. Though millions of dollars have been spent on upgrading the facilities, they remain unable to meet current munitions needs in their current state. In another milestone, U.S. troops in Afghanistan now surpass the number in Iraq. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". US forces have fired so many bullets in Iraq and Afghanistan an estimated 250,000 for every insurgent killed that American ammunition-makers cannot keep up with demand. There are still several prepared mines on Messines ridge and Vimy Ridge if I remember correctly. of medium and heavy bullets, mortar and artillery shells, rockets, There wasn't any. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Alliant Techsystems (ATK), which operates a government-owned plant Colling and his colleagues bring in between 50,000 and 75,000 tons of them a year. ammunition to kill Muslims? ammunition annually and brought in a second domestic prime contractor, The Pentagon reportedly bought 313 million rounds of 5.56mm, 7.62mm and 50-calibre ammunition last year and paid $10m (about 5.5m) more than it would have cost for it to produce the ammunition at its own facilities. repeatedly since the occupation began that U.S. troops have itchy In 2004, however, ATKs 1.2 WOT sighting system? Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! That's a lot of misses, for which the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are no doubt grateful. You sound more like a left wing nut than most of the people I chat with on these blogs. A government report says that US forces are now using 1.8 billion rounds of small-arms ammunition a year. dailyinfo[29]=' Oberleutnant zur See Axel Carl Ludwig VON SCHOENERMARCK S.M.S. The Army then changed its combat training to desensitize soldiers to the humanity of the enemy. Nowadays there is a Farmhouse standing above it. "The Department of Defense's increased requirements for small- and medium-calibre ammunitions have largely been driven by increased weapons training requirements, dictated by the army's transformation to a more self-sustaining and lethal force - which was accelerated after the attacks of 11 September, 2001 - and by the deployment of forces to conduct recent US military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq," said the report by the General Accounting Office (GAO). dailyinfo[10]=' Second Lieutenant Spencer Noel HUMPHREYS Military Cross, Mentioned in Despatches 116th Bde. The German 6. dailyinfo[7]=' Major Surtees ATKINSON Military Cross Royal Field Artillery who died 07/02/1918 FULFORD CEMETERY United Kingdom ' "How many evil-doers have we sent to their maker using bullets rather than bombs? Royal Horse Artillery who died 21/02/1917 GUARDS CEMETERY, COMBLES France ' Reflections on Life, Liberty, and the Economy, Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government (25th Anniversary Edition), New Explorations of the State, War, and Economy, Challenging the Myths of Conflict and Prosperity, Fear, Ideology, and the Growth of Government, Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy, 2023 INDEPENDENTINSTITUTE, 100SWANWAY,OAKLANDCA946211428 | (510)6321366 | (510)5686040FAX |, Podcast: Independent Outlook / Conversations, Podcast: Independent Truths with Dr. Scott Atlas. Some is clearly accruing in reserve and much of the balance however will go in training both at home and in theatre; I sense a calculation coming on. Cost to fire a bullet will include sales price per bullet $50 cents (Ak 47 ammo), cost of a gun $1100 (AK 47), manpower cost to fire gun, logistics and supply chain (only for war zone), an . British soldiers in WW1 wore 1908 pattern webbing instead of the usual leather belts used at the time, am invention by the American Mills Equipment Company. Apart from the entire RAF Station, most of the northern part of the City of Lincoln, including Lincoln Cathedral, which dates back to 1250, would have been flattened. omg! var day=mydate.getDay() Nobody cared less about American lives than the rich little dope in chief who falsified evidence to lead the country into a criminal war and then stood like a boob in uniform on a carrier deck declaring Mission Accomplished! Doing a school talk tomorrow and need to know!! The ridculous quantities of .40 cal hollow point being purchased by the DHS and SSA maybe one of the reasons. What you seem unable to grasp is the fact that the US is really a One Party State which has 2 factions that bicker over the best ways to transfer wealth from the bottom to the top. 23 mio bullets, 753000 mortar rounds, 576000 anti tank rounds, 117000 artillery rounds, 178000 handgrenades and 15000 mines. What does going black on ammo mean? TIL the US spent an estimated 50,000 rounds of M-16 ammo per enemy kill during the Vietnam War. in the country, or more than ten times what the worlds population var year=mydate.getYear() What experience do you need to become a teacher? During World War II it was estimated that 45,000 rounds of small arms ammunition was fired to kill one enemy soldier. Is Forex trading on OctaFX legal in India? dailyinfo[9]=' 910311 Private Charles Henry CROMWELL 2nd Canadian Constr. The two bullets fired to assasinate Francis Ferdinand (German Franz Ferdinand), archduke of Austria, were the start of WW1. Applications of mathematics to warfare Terminal Ascent bullets come topped with . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Thanks guys that is just the kind of figures I wanted! On p 479 for SAA there are no expenditure lists but production from 1914 to 1918, including Home and USA, was. Back then we were very efficient. Estimating how many bullets US forces have expended for every insurgent killed is not a simple or precisely scientific matter.

how many bullets were fired per kill in ww2