brandon smith alt market bio

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Yep. . The panic felt in 2008 will return and hit the EU and the UK hard, and the Brexit movement will get the blame while central banks escape any culpability. [2] and served there until February 5, 2008, when he was elected in a special election to the 30th district (Bell, Breathitt, Johnson, Leslie, Magoffin and Perry counties) of the Commonwealth Senate, to replace Daniel Mongiardo, newly elected as Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky (and himself a Hazard native and resident). Make sure your own economy doesnt crash when THE economy crashes. Our corrupt ancestors gave our national credit cards to Cabalist Jewish bankers who are expanding their monopoly over credit and currency creation into a monopoly over literally everything. During the great depression you could buy a gold pocket watch for enough money to feed a family for a couple of days. With public riots escalating, the CCP will probably seek to ease conditions as a means to placate dissent, playing a game of release the steam valve. This is Communism. But the only way to make sense of the trend, namely the collaspe of modern civilization, IHMO, is in terms of a battle between good and evil, a spiritual war, Lucifer verses God. Their only hope is for mild temperatures for the rest of the season. [January 2001] Sovereignty activists will cheer the Brexit outcome, and then things will start to go horribly wrong. When you read this piece by Paul Craig Roberts, you cant help but come to the conclusion that Putin is in on the game. As this Kabuki theater moves forward, I think many analysts will find themselves shocked as more and more nations start taking Chinas side in the conflict. Can we call the turning point in a market, or any complex system, especially that not built and control by our own hand? This event may not be concluded until the end of this year, but I still maintain as I always have that the Brexit and the growth of populism in Europe is a distraction that has actually been encouraged by globalists through the use of forced mass immigration measures to terrify the citizenry. You need self-reliance; not a lone wolf but having a trusted tribe, with its own Comms, and one that trains together and barters. He is an actor, known for Powder (1995), Jeepers Creepers (2001) and Bernie (2011). Brandon Smith [ send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. Brandon Nathaniel Smith (born April 12, 2001) is an American football linebacker for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League (NFL). Almost every conspiracy thought of has already occurred in the past to some extent. The strategy: Assume the deck is stacked against you. Maybe it is a crucial card. His blueprint for action hits the mark too. Start Drinking Purified Water now with a Berkey water filtration system. You will be looking at a deer in the headlights, an angry deer in fact. Price of gas IS creating demand destruction. But keep in mind, as I outlined and evidenced in my recent article America Will Lose The Trade War Because That Is What Globalists Want To Happen, the trade war itself is a farce on both sides of the Pacific, as both China and the US are controlled by the same financial power centers (such as the Bank for International Settlements). Brandon Smith [ send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. Be sober minded, like the Men Of Issachar who understand the times. And we dont need Middle Eastern oil either. Kidding aside, I do believe people conspire. [1], Independent US conservative journalist and activist, By using the servers, you agree to its use of cookies,, Constantly consuming, meaning constantly buying things is not good as you are not buying what you really need, you are just buying. [5][6][7], Despite Smith's assertion, the average temperature of Mars is colder than that of Earth by 138 degrees Fahrenheit. Chia reopening comes after US abandons regime change. To survive you carefully (you dont want to flash a lot of money when no one else has any) use your cash advantage to provide food and necessities and to keep a roof over your head. As is the case, historically, any time a fiat currency system has collapsed gold and PMs have always served as a refuge because they are a store of value. I agree. Sure, there will be moments when the markets rally based on nothing more than a word or two from a Fed official planting false hopes, but this will become rare. History proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. European markets will tank and certain major banks (Deutsche Bank and Italian majors?) For folks who see no global connection, I ask, OK, so why is this is happening globally?. People really want to believe that theres some national government or institution out there thats going to do the fighting for them. The strikes are worthless because if their demands for salary increases were to be approved, it would only serve to further increase inflation. In other words, if centralization is the problem, then decentralization is the answer. The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably wont be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if its not bad enough). Input your search keywords and press Enter. Remember the right move is to plan for this to last for years and at the end of it (and there will be an end) when things return to the normal rules and strategy your goal is to be better positioned to play the game. Learn how you can too with a free info kit on gold from Birch Gold Group. But what if there are three cards that will play? I would certainly not have been able to retire, nor purchase all the firearms that line all my safes, nor the new tractor. They also learned something that has been forgotten by too many. I agree. #1 Trusted Gravity Water Purification System! But with the nature of people to as you say Look after their own best interest, holding together a conspiracy is kind of like holding together an Empire. But how do you play this game to win more? The supposed bogeyman bank of international settlements is a relatively small group, that mostly works by persuasion. by Brandon Smith ALT MARKET. Mention voting, everything is going to be OK, or smugly dismiss all of Brandons assertions as doom porn and they would get a good laugh. Life goes on you get some breaks and you lose out on some breaks but there is always someone doing better and youre not sure why. Brandon Smith [send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. In fact, there are times when they deliberately ENGINEER collapse. This does not look good.. Its pretty obvious that the European kettle is about to reach boiling point. Yea right, so much for 50 years of voting. Assassinations. I dont know why that poster was thinking otherwise. Skill level? Brandon Smith is a 15year veteran of the liberty movement and the founder of the Alternative Market Project. Then you are just one step removed from staying up late and listening to George Noory on the radio. This can also be done over your entire investment lifetime. Brandon Smith Alt-Market Project #560 Feb 17 2023 Length: 1 hr and 19 mins Podcast Listen for free View show details Summary Brandon Smith, founder of Alt-Market, a website to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. Now the stimulus phase of the globalist agenda is over. At face value it doesnt make any sense. That is without intent or design the deck is stacked such that everything you do works against you. Brandon Smith of looks at current developments and concludes that globalists are closer than ever to developing and implementing tools of financial mass destruction. He is a Presbyterian and a Freemason. This is when cracks began to appear in the credit structure, with 4.5% 5.5% being the magic cutoff point before debt became too expensive for the system to continue the charade. Its Dec 17th, sounds like you called it China has placated the protestors. By Brandon Smith At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had Read More Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion What they should be saying is dont invest in an IRA or 401k where its like buying a car that only drives forward with no reverse. You try and tell people this and they look at you as if youre a nutter but this is the reality. Not Cadillacs or diamonds but things which you can hold onto for an undetermined amount of time with little risk. If you know real estate then look for good bargains. Not to mention creating tariffs, which is anti-free trade, and ultimately is just another tax (there goes that tax cut he made which will cause inflation via national debt). Survive and pay attention. Not necessary..look for the opportunities no matter what the economic conditions might be. No empire ever stands forever. While you could maybe buy something that would double in value in ten years wouldnt you much rather that it increased in value by ten fold? Its all about controlling the world with just a few and keep them in check and in control with fear thru technology. The claims of many analysts and skeptics a year ago that the trade war would be over quickly and that China would fold to US tariffs has been proven incorrect. Think about this for a moment: The current reduction in oil prices and energy is artificial and government driven, not supply and demand driven. If you know jewelry then buy jewelry, again knowing that it wont appreciate until after the recovery. I like what Scripture tells us about prophets. and on and on. Uh, no, the globalists are not broke, they own half the worlds wealth. My goal is to encourage people around the world (and Americans in particular) to start decoupling from the existing system; we must become more independent and self reliant as individuals, and communities must adopt localized economic networks including barter markets in order to insulate themselves from the ongoing decline of the corrupt financial structure. Alt-Market Winter Donation Drive! The most powerful option China has at its disposal is the dumping of US Treasuries and the dollar as the world reserve mechanism, but it is likely to use this tactic only when the US economy is at its most unstable. And as you wrote in one of your previous articles a few years ago, Brandon: The worst part is that the central bankers know exactly what they are doing. Right, clearly! The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably wont be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if its not bad enough). People realized that they could grow a certain amount of their own food, and can and preserve a lot of it to get through the winters. I wish the people would awaken, protest and revolt, but they dont. Where do you think I made most of my money? Mini Bio (1) Brandon Smith was born on August 13, 1952 in Harris County, Texas, USA. One great example is Kim Philby if you study his case. By 2007/2008 the nation witnessed an exponential implosion of credit, setting off the biggest money printing bonanza in US history in order to save the banking sector, at least for a time. A cop's guide to protecting your rural home or property during riots, civil war, or SHTF. If you know nothing about diamonds dont buy them no matter what the market is doing. You dont know when the game, the roller coaster ride, ends and thus making decisions/plays with short term planning will inevitably result in a loss. Killer robots, digital cash, social credit score. The word "regionalization" is basically a code word to describe decentralization, a concept which the UPS representative obviously did not want to dive into directly. The Globalists hate and fear him and who he represents, and work relentessly to destroy him. There will be times, cyclical events where the game is turned upside down. Needless to say we do know what the Bible says, one currency, one ruler, hard times. Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion, Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Emergency Medical Preps For Grid Down Scenarios, A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of Petro Status, Banking Institutions Quietly Admit To Inevitable Recession Implosion In 2023, The Gas Stove Scare Is A Fraud Created By Climate Change Authoritarians, The Digitization Of Humanity Shows Why The Globalist Agenda Is Evil. That came in handy for me when the lights went out during Hurricane Irma. All that sin stuff. There will be opportunities and false opportunities and even fraud/scams. They are moved to action by exactly what Smith is describing. The rise of communism and Nazi(ism?). What better way to stop him than linking him to the bad guys by an author who only wants to help us all understand the truth as he sees it? Only one of these events is needed to initiate the next stage of economic collapse, but it is possible we will see all three occur in due course. Thats right your computer solitaire has been stacking the deck even before it ever offered different skill levels. Prepperdoc your term doom porn is perfect for these salesmen of fear. Think about computer solitaire. Jim is the originator of the American Redoubt movement and a frequent talk show and podcast guest. I am also operating on the premise that the Fed WANTS a crash at this time. What I have also noticed is that much of it is not new. If you know nothing about stocks then dont buy stocks. There is kind of a ying and yang to this. They want control. The rise of the populists in Europe and the US at the exact same time that central banks are withdrawing liquidity and at the exact same time that fundamentals are plummeting is yet another unlikely coincidence. Furthermore, oil and energy prices are being kept down because of Chinas suspiciously bizarre Zero Covid policy, which is slowing their economy to a crawl and reducing oil usage to a minimum. That will be inconvenient, but not a real problem. The narrative for an economic collapse rivaling that of the Great Depression has been set, and the root circumstances are very similar. Historically, a rare and quite stunning development. I am not college educated and indoctrinated but I dont feel as if we would miss any Chinese exports if the global economy retracted. And the Financial House-of-Cards will stumble along until one day when The (Old) Fake Conjured Money no longer has any purchasing power left. Remember that the financial crash is not exactly the same thing as the economy crashing. Ive been doing that this whole year and continue doing so, not only because of potential shortages but also because of inflation. Banning gun accessories, loves Red Flag laws, hasnt done anything he claimed he would during the election, started wars he said he wouldnt get into and made fun of that hag Clinton for wanting to get into, is talking about illegally banning suppressors like he illegally did with bump stocks, and is going to illegally and unilaterally give more money to the tyrannical Saudi Arabia (queers, pedophiles, satan worshipers, and child murderers Yemen). Its just not reality. Any financial crash at that point would undoubtedly be blamed on Trump as well as his supporters. Supply and demand, debt and deficit, money velocity and inflation; these things cannot be ignored. So, were testing the waters. Thats when they will wait until you are begging to let back in. Because (after the crash) everyone will be playing a game of survival everything has changed. Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold. This is the situation we are currently in today as 2022 comes to a close. Now that phenomenon might be biblical. Jorge Newbery / BUENOS AIRES ARAEP Arquata Scrivia ITARQ Arques FRARQ Arquota ITAQU Arrabury AUAAB Arraias BRAAI Arrancudiaga ESARR Arras FRARR Arrecife de Lanzarote ESACE Arrigorriaga ESARA Arrington GBARR Arroyo/Guayama PRARR Arsiero ITARS SEARS SEARD Arsuk GLJRK Artand HUART Arteijo ESARJ Artes ESATS Artesia USATM USATS Arthabaska CAART . A king buried in the middle of the three turned over cards can be exposed by playing one card before you reach it and going around the second time. Two of his other novels have also been best New York Times bestsellers. Brandon Smith is the Founder of Alt-Market. Inflation and EU community policies are destroying most peoples ability to survive, and that includes businesses. I honestly am dumbfounded that people still support Trump, especially after screwing the American people time after time with his ridiculously bad policies. Das jhrliche Durchschnittseinkommen eines Haushalts betrug 31.600 USD, das Durchschnittseinkommen einer Familie betrug 37.791 USD. The 1% excise tax added on top of a 5% Fed funds rate creates a 6% millstone on any money borrowed to finance future buybacks. I aint buying it. Right? Not necessarily because the rich are taking everything, which is another popular belief (and these things will be reinforced by the media so you must be strong in your conviction to not be lead astray). More specifically Im asking what would you have done in the Summer of 1929, remember the crash occurred in Oct of 1929 and up until then the game was hot and everyone (it seemed like everyone) was winning. I suggest buying a Sun Oven, a manual flour mill and a half dozen buckets of hard white winter wheatman does not live by bread alone, but it certainly makes life better. This is the "Conspiracy." It was incorporated in 2009 by founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes, a lawyer and former paratrooper. 2023 will likely be remembered as the year that the whole financial house of cards came crashing down and CBCDs were installed. Brandon Mychal Smith (born 1989), American actor Brandon Smith, Los Angeles based musician, producer and the creator of The Anix, former member of Apoptygma Berzerk See also [ edit] Brendan Smith (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles about people with the same name. will announce insolvency. [9] The temperature in the capital city of Frankfort, Kentucky ranged from 21C (70F) to 27C (81F). Perhaps you dont even have a play plan and you just play the cards as they pop up. The trade war situation as it is now is not enough of a distraction in my view, however. Better be ready! There is a limit in size, scope and length of time before things unravel. Honestly, this old coot is not buying the comments here as representative of the survival-minded community. Yes, the dust bowl was very bad for Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, and for Kansas, which relocated a lot of people elsewhere. In short I dont think the shadow world is any more predictable or organized than the rest of the world. The Fed is doing EXACTLY as it is told by the IMF, which has been demanding that they continue to RAISE RATES: We can argue the details, pound our points into table tops, pose new questions and debate endlessly about the time of our demise, only to miss the mark and exhaust ourselves. I fully agree, great article. Eventually Biden is going to run out of oil to drop on markets and he will have to replenish those reserves at a much higher cost. The markets will be hectic. Oppressing each other. Authored by Alt-Market's Brandon Smith, originally published at Birch Gold Group,A few weeks ago we reported the Fed was getting hawkish despite what they were calling "low inflation."In that article, we showed rates possibly being raised more than 4 times in 2019. Easy money has been too entrenched for far too long, which means a hard landing is the most likely scenario. It seemed as if they were trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public in the hopes that if people just believed hard enough that all was well then the fantasy could be manifested into reality. Am very curious about Chinas motives with Zero Covid. However, one rule I have found to be universal no matter where in the US I live or visit is that regardless of how conservative the population of a place . Everything mentioned in the article is conjecture, just opinions. He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to insulate and protect local economies from the inevitable collapse of the current unsustainable fiat system. Brandon Smith: Anti-Globalism Is Going Mainstream - Which Means Engineered Disaster Is About To Strike Sep 29, 2022 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email MySpace Copy Link Share By Brandon Smith | They thought they had us peasants by the scruff of the neck and that their agenda was all but assured. Inflation is not going anywhere anytime soon, however. Help Support Our Free Content! Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. The Fed is in the midst of a rather aggressive rate hike program in a fight against the stagflationary crisis that they created through years of fiat stimulus measures. Do not be surprised if most if not all of these nations eventually support China in the trade war, dropping the dollar as the reserve currency and following Chinas lead. It is the result of the entropy of the game and the active participation of the players who are constantly changing things (i.e. US citizens are generally much softer today than they were in the 1920s. So the first question is do you have a strategy? . JWR is a journalist, technical writer, and novelist. Lastly, as to those still clinging to Trump, I have found their minds shut to reality and critical thinking. Background [ edit] Born in Hazard, Smith is a 1991 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a B.A. Look at Venezuela for how it might proceed and plan accordingly. Well everything you do that is conventional wisdom. Already some people are declaring this to mean that the US will gain the majority of global support and crush China. In fact, I am off to my local Aldis later today to stock up on more stuff. Assume that it is stacked to seduce you to do all the wrong things. By Brandon Smith, Brandon Smith | At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had little to no information on the details surrounding the outbreak in Wuhan, China and what kind of virus the world might be facing. Collectibles are a good investment as long as you know what you are doing. All I can tell you is that what difference then will it make what you do/did? Its shocking, really, how blas are the locals, how utterly unconcerned they are about their own situation which includes periodic times when the heat isnt on and ridiculously priced food. My parents lived through the Great Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and everything else that happened through the early 2000s. Smith's lawyer requested that the charges be missed based on an 1891 addition to the state constitution:[13]. People would pay their bills with a gold pocket watch and the guy getting the watch didnt want It either he wanted cash. July 14, 2022 By Brandon Smith The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a "conspiracy theory" within the mainstream and the establishment media. Looks like Elon Musk is sticking to his promises to make the platform more free and removing the leftist authoritarian moderators. But its a good thing that no one knows that fact. Not necessarily because the banks are out to screw everyone which is a popular belief. Surely you have noticed during that time your government has turned the republic into a Welfare State, Warfare State, Torture State, Police State, Prison State, Security State and Surveillance State, and Abortion (now infanticide) State. In 2004, they shifted into a tightening process. Prepperdoc, you are pointing out the scare mongering that has been going on for decades, and your term Doom Porn is a very good one. Does it give you an advantage or is the deck stacked to give you tiny paybacks from your strategy? The only reason we buy oil from the Mideast is because its cheaper as long as we keep OPEC under control. Theres so much talk of impeachment and so many investigations into Trumps public and private affairs. The Federal Reserves soft landing is on the way. Much of this is Doom Porn. What I question is the Big Conspiracy organized by them. The US/China conflict has the potential to become an economic world war, with multiple countries beginning to take sides. Maybe, the Chinese have just had enough of the lunatics in Beijing killing them slowly with pointless lockdowns for what even they know is just another flu-type virus. That is why all these elections were possibly rigged and not only in the USA. That is human nature. . The globalists are the only group that stands to gain from such catastrophe, as war with Iran would seal the fate of the US economy. Gangrenous gallbladder? Think about the times the deal would show all red cards but maybe one and the turnover would show mostly red cards but the black ones just wouldnt play. Thats great..I actually opened a twitter account just to see, but to be honest I dont really access it much. Agree with all of the authors post , except one item. These 3 years: 2021,2022,2023 appeared in the Economists 2022 special edition(The World ahead 2022). Because of this the deck is stacked crazy. Keep us poor and needy forever. Sometimes a cat is just a cat! The tariff soap opera and most of Trumps other foreign and domestic policies are eerily similar to those of Herbert Hoover just before the advent of the Great Depression. And I see randomness to a large extent. I have plenty to do here on the farm. Most of us have played it and generally its just a mindless time waster not given to deep thinking. Surely you have noticed that our borders are being overrun by invaders hell-bent on completing the plunder of former Americas wealth and destruction of its culture. Sure that can happen by random but think about how often this or a similar dead end game would be dealt. This was not seen in 2008-2009; it is unprecedented! I never believe the liar ever since he got on the stage during the elections. Be a contrarian investor. As soon as China reopens, oil prices will skyrocket once again on the global market. Do not deplete your cash/PMs to the extent that you would then find yourself in the position of having to sell stuff at a loss just to survive. He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to . Our fake conjured money still has some buying power. Inflation is not going anywhere anytime soon Damn you called this to the T well played Brandon. Sure, my savings are short term, but I am replenishing my supplies with items on sale. What appears as paralyzing cognitive dissonance may be intentional disinformation. Pundits like Brandon Smith (below) recognize that mankind is suffering from a cancer but refuse to identify it. The Fed is no longer playing ball with the Globalists. For other people named Brandon Smith, see, Commonwealth of Kentucky House of Representatives, "Kentucky 2000: General Election Results", "Brandon Smith to be GOP's pick for special senate race", "Sen. Brandon Smith has important things to say about climate change, Mars", "Kentucky Lawmakers Attack Climate Change Science In Discussion on Carbon Regulations", "Bad Astronomy: Stop Giving Airtime to Crackpots", "State senator wants DUI charge dismissed based on 1891 rule", Senate District 30: Senator Brandon Smith (R),, Republican Party members of the Kentucky House of Representatives, Articles with dead external links from July 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 January 2023, at 05:26. Nor is it Trumps intention to undermine globalist structures or agreements in order to bring back American manufacturing (a carrot that has been flaunted in front of American faces for a long time to lure them into supporting destructive policies such as dollar devaluation). and when people get wise and stop doing such foolishness, M2 doesnt grow as fast. Our current situation is no different. You will also have had to play long before (or maybe just before) the game changer (the crash) to be in a position to both wait it out and play for advantage. Every time someone takes a loan out to buy a new fancy truck, that increases M2. Too long a case to make he but I am heavily influenced by Pat Buchanans work Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War. And I give it 50/50 that FDR allowed Pearl Harbor. I have to agree. Brandon has always tried to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. All you can do then is continue to make sure you survive and having cash/PMs will be a huge advantage.). Box 303 It reveals the little-known IRS Tax Law to move your IRA or 401(k) into gold. Issachar brandon smith alt market bio understand the times international settlements is a 1991 graduate of the Alternative Project! 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