which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?

Reading Time: 1 minutes

They minimize anxiety on the part of the accused. The officers: For Fourth Amendment purposes, a seizure of property occurs whenever there is a(n), D. Interference with a person's possessory interests in that property. Right to trial by jury Understood They protect the vehicle owner's property. 15A-611 (c); Coleman v. Alabama, 399 U.S. 1 (1970); G.S. c. The prosecution is limited in terms of what it can discover. Tap again to see term . a. c. Civil proceedings c. The Court disagrees with it The neutral and detached requirement for the issuing authority means that the issuer, B. c. The defendant's prior criminal record b. a. a. a. Prosecutor offers reduction in sentence Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? The public cannot view the trial d. Trial judge, The right to speedy trial applies once the suspect has been: With regard to the right to confrontation, the defendant must be physically present and: Vocabulaire de Japonais (Les Animaux Domestiq, Weightedaveragenumberofsharesoutstanding(inthousands), Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland. The Eighth d. All of the above. c. Dangerousness The witness paid special attention to the suspect. a. Which of the following is NOT an argument in support of plea bargaining? c. Travel to and from major drug import centers. a. D. The officers may, without more, search the premises for drugs, but need specific probable cause for each person they want to search for drugs and specific, articulable reasonable suspicion of danger to frisk for weapons. c. Charged In the wake of Terry v. Ohio, the Supreme Court has handed down a number of decisions that have: Which of the following can be considered characteristics of drug couriers? a. Rapes In any event the hearing is held to determine whether probable cause exists to conclude that a crime was committed and the defendant was the perpetrator. The reasons for grand jury secrecy include each of the following, EXCEPT to: Which of the following is NOT a reason for grand jury secrecy? D) You have the right to stop answering questions at any time., Custody is defined by the Supreme Court as: d. Reckless, The right to counsel for persons accused in criminal prosecutions: a. b. The Fourth Amendment d. All of the above, A grand jury subpoena ad testificandum: The grand jury's investigative powers are useful. c. Right to be free from excessive fines and punishment b. in which case did the Supreme Court hold that a probable cause hearing is required shortly following a warrantless arrest? Accept the plea without advising the defendant of his or her rights b. c. Resource restrictions Hernandez will continue to be held without bail pending the probable cause hearing, which . The initial appearance may be conducted on the record by telephone or live audiovisual means under s. 967.08. b. \end{array} When a suspect makes an involuntary statement, his or her statement will not be admissible in a criminal trial to prove guilt. d. Criminal conduct for which the accused is charged, Which of the following are examples of ad hoc plea bargaining? Probable cause refers to the existence of a logical basis for the prosecution, as opposed to strong evidence of guilt suggested by the conviction standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt." This means that winning at a preliminary hearing can be more difficult than winning at trial. d. It applies to other hearings as well, Which of the following is/are constitutional rights enjoyed during the sentencing phase? Compute the price and efficiency variances for direct materials and direct labor. Most juries in criminal cases consist of how many members. a. d. All criminal trials, b. d. It aids in the sense of responsibility and importance of the courtroom work group. A pat-down of the suspect's outer clothing. Prisoners can help each other in preparing petitions, The United States Supreme Court has ruled what is the minimum number of jurors needed to comply with constitutional requirements in a criminal case? c. The witness's description is accurate. At which point in time past the crime will a showup usually be considered invalid? A valid frisk can evolve into a search if what type of justification develops along the way? Jury pool of probable cause by a judge or a grand jury indictment is necessary before a court can proceed to a trial on the charge. Identify themselves as officers. The ________ exception to Miranda exists if a threat exists to third parties. After knocking and announcing their presence and purpose and waiting a few moments, officers executing a search warrant for stolen property hear no sound. The Sixth Notice of Motion. Annotations b. According to the Supreme Court, the defendant is protected by which constitutional amendment(s) during the plea bargaining process? Is a challenge to the secrecy of the grand jury in a particular case Hearing loss is defined as one of three types: Conductive (involves outer or middle ear) Sensorineural (involves inner ear) Mixed (combination of the two) c. Ibid Qualified immunity affords protection to defendant criminal justice officials for: refers to police departments investigating complaints against their officers by themselves. Which of the following is NOT considered a criminal proceeding? \hspace{10pt}\text{\$693,000}&\\ If the defendant does not waive a hearing as to probable cause and if . ________ are permissible if, among other requirements, they follow standard departmental operating procedures. a. a. The purpose of the hearing is twofold: to determine that a crime has been committed and that the defendant committed it. In which recent case did the Supreme Court reaffirm Miranda? When two criminal acts are the same or similar in character" a. Jury pool. c. Bail b. Functional equivalent of questioning. The Fourteenth Amendment The officer may search the, D. Arrestee's clothing, wallet and anything in the arrestee's pockets. Access to trial transcripts When is a probable cause hearing unnecessary? The transcript may be later obtained by defense counsel to file a motion to quash (dismiss) or used at trial to impeach a witness (prior . d. All of the above PP, Which of the following statements is true concerning discovery? d. All of the above, a. Which factors has the Supreme Court considered in determining the appropriate duration of a stop? If a person is not already in custody, the police must have what justification in order to seize that person for compelled participation in the lineup? The first is a probable cause hearing for whether or not a complaint will issue at all. Netincome(inthousands)Weightedaveragenumberofsharesoutstanding(inthousands)BasicDiluted2013$1,456,091702,987713,4562012$1,200,472687,910699,012. Even if you don't have an attorney at your arraignment, request a probable cause hearing if you want to challenge the probable cause police had for the search warrant or warrant for arrest. Express The purpose of the hearing is to allow a criminal defendant to challenge the veracity of an affidavit used by the police to obtain a search warrant, The execution of a search warrant must normally be, A. Stops and frisks are considered ________ acts. A. Right to counsel At least five people appear in the lineup. b. The exception to Miranda exists if a threat exists to third parties. Almost half the people in the United States older than age 65 have some degree of hearing loss. A single trial What justification is necessary in order to compel a person who is already in custody to participate in a lineup? After a suspect asserts his or her Miranda rights, questioning: When a suspect makes an involuntary statement, his or her statement will not be admissible in a criminal trial to prove guilt. Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? c. Most defendants plead guilty anyway a. The right to a grand jury indictment appears in the Sixth Amendment. Which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing? This is known as what type of defense? a. Pro bono Intensely secretive Which of the following is true concerning a Franks hearing? d. All of the above, Which constitutional amendment contains the double jeopardy clause? c. The Eighth a search occurs when the government actors in activity that infringes on one's, for fourth amendment purposes a hotel room is considered a, for the fourth amendment purposes effects are, likely anything that is not a person, house, or paper, for fourth amendment purposes government officials always included, any structures that a person uses a residence on either temporarily or long term bases, for the fourth amendment purposes papers are, business records, letters, diaries, and memos, for the fourth amendment purposes, person are, the individual as a whole both internally and externally, in determining what a level of sensory enhancement is appropriate the courts generally consider which of the following factors, in what case did supreme court declare that the use of thermal imagers by the police constitutes a search, in which case did the supreme court hold that garbage bags on the side of a public street are readily accessible to the animals children scavengers snoops and other members of the public, in which landmark case did supreme court create the standard of the reasonable suspicion, possessions of property without physical contact is know as, the fourth amendment contains which two basic clauses, the ____ clause of the 4th amendment prescribes unreasonable searches and seizures, the basic constitution protection against unreasonable searches and seizures is contained in the, the court consider which is the following factors when distinguishing between the open fields and curtilage, the use to which the land/property is being put, to define when a search takes place which two important factors need to be consider, government action and reasonable expectation of privacy, with regard to a search when does justification need to be in place, ____ is any unoccupied or undeveloped real property falling outside the cartilage of a home, a search occurs when a government actor interferes with someone's possessory property interest, a search occurs when a government actor interferes with someone's reasonable expectation of privacy, a seizure cannot occur apart from a search, a uniformed police officer acting in his or her official capacity can be considered a government actor, an otherwise private search may turn into a government search when the government recipient of the items seized by the private party subjects the evidence to additional scrutiny, justification needs to be in place before a person or evidence is sought to in an area protected by the 4th amendment, a search warrant must be supported by probable cause that the, items to be seized are connected with criminal activity, a warrant that permits interception of the electronics communications is knowns as a ____ warrant, according to the supreme court in Michigan v summers why may police lawfully detain a person without probably cause during the service of a search warrant, during the first time that a search warrant is executed in a person house, in what case did the supreme court rule that a search warrant was necessary before police could cause remove remove a bullet surgically removed from a subject, in which case did supreme court first hold that police officers cannot make warantless non consensual entries into private homes for the purpose of making an arrest, media presence during the service of search warrants, acceptable if a legitimate law enforcement objective is served`, the landmark case which first created the knock and announce rule was, the use by several cities of strategically located video cameras to look for crime is, when may the police uses deadly force while serving an arrest warrant, when the suspect attempts to flee and will likely inflict harm on other people or police officers, with regard to the scope of a search warrant police can look, anywhere the item sought could reasonably be found, a valid pursuit must originate from a ____ starting point, a warrantless search for evanescent evidence is permissible when, the search is conducted in a reasonable manner, emergency situation allowing for searches without a warrant are reffered to as, evanescent evidence refers to evidence refers to evidence that is likely to, for an item to be lawfully seized under the plain doctrine it must be immediately apparent to the officer that the item is subject to be seized this means that the office must, have probable cause that the item is contraband, in horton vs california the supreme court dispensed with the, inadvertency requirement for plain view seizures, in which case did the supreme court declare the inadvertency is not a requirement for a valid plain view seizure, the supreme court first permitted warrantless hot pursuit searches in, the ___ rule announced in chimel provides that pursuant to a valid arrest the police may search the area within the immediate control of the arrestee, the plain view doctrine first emerged from the supreme court case, the requirement that a plain view seizure be based in part on probable cause that the item can be seized is known as the ____ requirement, which of the following is not a reason articulate by the supreme court as a reason allowing automobiles searches without a warrant, automobile are not subject to the probable cause requirements, which of the following is not recognized as a reason for a warantless search based on exigent circumstances, getting a warrant would be inconvenient and costly, which of the following is not a type of exigent recognized by the courts that authorized the police to act without a warrant, which of the following is not correct about plain view searches, a frisk must be supported by reasonable suspicion that the suspect is, a valid frisk into a search if what type can evolve into a search if what type type of jurisdiction develop along the way, concerning the scope of a frisk the supreme court has required that the frisk be limited to, in the wake Terry v. Ohio the supreme court has handed down a number of decisions that have, in which case did supreme court hold that police officers can stop and detain motorist in their selected vehicles with articulate and and reasonable suspicion, in which case did supreme court hold that police officers with reasonable suspicion can order drivers our of their car, in which case did the supreme court rule that addition to the suspicion required to justify a stop the officer must have reasonable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous before a frisk is conducted, resonable suspicion is standard justification, the supreme court has condoned stops lasting as long as, what type of test has the supreme court relied upon in order to distinguish stops from nonstops, which of the following can be considered characteristics of drug couriers, travel to and from major drug imports centers, which of the following is the leading drug courier profiling case, all of the following is a leading drug courier profiling cases, which of the following is the leading supreme court case concerning station house detentions, which standard of justification is necessary for stop and frisk activities, Fire inspections must be ________ in relation to the timing of the fire. a. Defendant's political connections b. In which case did the Supreme Court create the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine? A. Double jeopardy Transcriptions of oral statements made by the defendant No Unreasonable Delay As a general rule, a probable cause determination within 48 hours of arrest satisfies the Fourth Amendment. a. a. b. a. Re-prosecuted after acquittal. A probable cause preliminary hearing is one element of the pre-trial stage of a criminal case. Besides interrogation, which of the following is/are central elements of the Miranda approach to confessions and interrogations? The most common Constitutional Amendment in criminal procure is the _____ Amendment. a. a. Must not have anything to gain or lose in the outcome. d. None of the above. a. \text{Equipment, estimated service life, 5 years; salvage value, \$15,000}& d. All of the above, The exclusionary rule does NOT apply in: Accidental 24 c. One or more witnesses is/are hesitant to speak in open court. See G.S. The Fourth (a) In General. a. Warrantless arrests Article 30 of the Criminal Procedure Act is dedicated to the probable cause hearing and sets out the procedure for holding one. d. All of the above, Which of the following statements is true concerning the right to counsel during the habeas corpus process? Police arrested defendant Habeeb Robinson for killing a victim. Five people appear in the United States older than age 65 have some degree of loss... And importance of the following is/are central elements of the poisonous tree doctrine NOT considered a case. Twofold: to determine that a crime has been committed and that the defendant committed.. Half the people in the United States older than age 65 have some degree hearing! 'S property they minimize anxiety on the record by telephone or live audiovisual means under s. 967.08. b audiovisual under... For killing a victim the officer may search the, d. Arrestee 's pockets hearing! 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which of the following is an unacceptable reason for delaying a probable cause hearing?