snowpack on mt san jacinto

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I put spikes on at the Peak for the descent and ultimately kept on my Kahtoola microspikes until about 9000 ft, one mile north of Saddle Junction. Jean Peak (3252 m) 1.9 km: 2. Spikes are not required. Hundreds of SoCal students snowed in at mountain camps for days. Only five of these require cutting, and I was able to remove three by hand earlier in February. Sadly this phenomenon has become much more of a factor in recent years with freezing rainfall (rather than snow) occurring at higher elevations at higher frequency with much warmer weather systems. Melting is expected to be steady and start to accelerate into February, but freeze/thaw cycles, compaction, and refreezing overnight may ultimately combine to produce very icy conditions. If there are Road Closed signs further down as was often the case last winter especially at weekends and holiday periods then those nine spaces are also unavailable for legal parking. Most notable for our region is the remaining uncertainty within the meteorological models, which could result in us receiving half (or double!) Although I made a concerted effort to put in a track as faithful to the trail routes as conditions permitted, further strong winds and blowing powder in the high country were erasing tracks within hours or even minutes. Steady heavy snow started in Idyllwild at about 0830 but stopped at about 1400. If the Report is useful to you in any way, please consider using this link to the Donate page. As I snowshoed down past 9000 ft elevation it was clear from a layer of ice underfoot that after a light snowfall, there had been rain on top of snow, before it started snowing again on top of that Sunday morning. The PCT on the south-facing slope (Angels Glide) for about 1.0 mile north of Saddle Junction is largely clear of snow (spikes not required). Your contribution keeps the Report available to all, free from advertising or paywalls, and independent from agencies. PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): <1 inch (was 3 inches on 9th), Devils Slide Trail at Humber Park (6550 ft): 0 inch (was 2.5 inches on 9th), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0 inch (was <1 inch on 9th), [UPDATED 24th November: we took a brisk hike up and down Marion Mountain and upper Deer Springs trails to San Jacinto Peak early this morning. 2nd-3rd December). This is a brief summary of conditions following the second Pacific storm, and the first significant snowfall, of winter 2022/23 to impact the San Jacinto mountains. The significant Pacific storm of the winter that had been forecast over an extended period between about 16th-21st December is no longer thought likely to impact the San Jacinto mountains, although considerable uncertainty persists in the weather models for that period. In my recent experience off-trail snow is now also largely too shallow and/or patchy for snowshoes. Black Mountain Road closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243 (see Forest Service website regarding this closure here). However a brief frigid interlude on 5th-6th February included a very light overnight snowfall at all elevations above 5000 ft, with 0.75 inch in Idyllwild, increasing to 1.5 inch at San Jacinto Peak. Given the importance of this trail for the safety of northbound PCT hikers in particular, it is one of several trails adopted by the Trail Report. Areas of fog. The strange rollercoaster ride that has been winter 2022/23 so far will continue for the foreseeable future. Devils Slide Trail has an excellent compacted track to follow to Saddle Junction. However the snow conditions may not be suitable for snowshoeing on certain slopes, depending on the ice conditions below the surface due to multiple freezing rain incidents this winter. The steep escarpment of its north face, above Snow Creek, climbs over 10,000 feet (3,000 m) in 7 miles (11 km). Precipitation is predicted to start falling by 6 p.m. Monday with lows in the mountains of 28 to 36 degrees and gusts up to 60 mph, according to the National Weather Service in San Diego. Note that averages are given; due to strong winds and considerable powder there is extreme drifting. From there to the top of Marion Mountain Trail the route is a lightly-traveled posthole track. Spikes are generally not required. To Tahquitz Peak snow cover averages about 40%, alternating on the 18 switchbacks between those that are largely clear (south-facing) and those that are largely snow-covered (north-facing). Some north aspects are holding slick ice all day. Holden said he could not recall the last time there had been an avalanche on Mount San Jacinto. Icy snow cover is 80% overall, becoming increasingly patchy below about 7000 ft, and again in the sun-exposed areas above 8000 ft. Spikes are recommended, at least for descending. The Get it Done app can help you report blocked storm drains, potholes, and broken streetlights. Partly cloudy. Devils Slide Trail has an excellent compacted track to follow to Saddle Junction. However, Holden said that the one place where avalanches can sometimes happen is that north face. Note however that snow depth is rarely indicative of the challenge (or otherwise) of a given trail. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. The USFS gate at Humber Park remains closed. More rain and snow is expected in the San Diego area Monday and forecast to arrive . Deep snow at 10,500 feet At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Sunday 19th February 2023 at 1015 the air temperature was 19.6F (-7C), with a windchill temperature of 4.1F (-16C), 44% relative humidity, and a moderate SSE wind sustained at 8 mph gusting to 14 mph. I put in a posthole track the entire way up, but crampons (with an ice axe) were necessary on the upper switchbacks above about 8300 ft due to the usual steeply angled ice obscured underneath 6-12 inches of powder. Very shallow snow is often icy and potentially perilous, while deeper powder can actually be much safer, albeit slow-going for most hikers. Snowshoes are not currently advisable on these slopes due to the angle of the underlying ice. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. There is a well-traveled track on the lowest section of Deer Springs Trail continuing out to Suicide Rock. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Friday 6th January 2023 at 0930 the air temperature was 25.7F (-4C), with a windchill temperature of 14.7F (-10C), 44% relative humidity, and a chilly NNW breeze sustained at 5 mph gusting to 10.6 mph. Along . At the Peak on Wednesday 1st February 2023 at 0935 the air temperature was 16.6F (-8C), with a windchill temperature of -8.0F (-22C), 13% relative humidity, and a wild NNE wind sustained at 21 mph gusting to 35.2 mph. Hikers should be prepared for temperatures below freezing in the high country, and far below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). The peak is also frequently called Mount San Jacinto. With two further minor snowfalls possible in January, and strong winds in the high country expected on some days causing substantial spindrift, tracks broken through the snow may not last long. Suitable waterproof footwear is strongly recommended. PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): 0-1 inch (was 3 inches on 9th November), Devils Slide Trail at Humber Park (6550 ft): 0 inch (was 2.5 inches on 9th November), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0 inch (was <1 inch on 9th November). There are layers of hard ice and firm icy snow beneath the fresh powder, and crampons are ideal at present everywhere above 9000 ft, lower in places. From near Miller Peak I put in a track up the East Ridge, rather than continuing on the Peak Trail round to Summit Junction, but this track was being partially erased by spindrift within minutes. I made a concerted effort to put in a track as faithful to the trail routes as conditions permitted, both up and down. After such a long, hot, and largely dry last 6-7 months, it was a real pleasure to see and hear water running in all of the ephemeral streams and springs on my descent on 9th November. There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. Consequently the trail conditions and snow depths reported herein will change dramatically over the next few days. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak has a well-traveled and level track photo below to follow through the light 3-4 inches of powder (drifted to six inches in places). Above Little Round Valley the track through the snow does not follow the trail route to San Jacinto Peak, and is steep and direct. There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. However they are not required, depending on your comfort level with postholing in drifted snow of moderate depth. Steady melting is expected with warming temperatures this week, especially at mid elevations and on sun-exposed slopes. However the remaining snow patches are icy in the morning. Some hikers will find spikes are useful at least for descending. The Wellman Trail from Annies Junction to Wellman Divide has about 40% icy snow cover. On Friday 20th I broke South Ridge Trail to Tahquitz Peak. The storm expected on 28th November failed to materialize, producing only below average temperatures, wind, and spectacular clouds (photos below). 7-Day Weather Live Satellite & Weather Radar. As forecast, the storm came in two main waves, with the bulk of the precipitation falling for most of the daylight hours of Sunday 11th, followed by a remarkably calm and clear night, and then a much less intense period of snowfall between about 0800-1300 on Monday 12th. The cloud largely dissipated on my descent, affording some spectacular vistas. Above Little Round Valley in particular my track down from the Peak is very direct, steep, and would be a challenging ascent. A strong and bitterly cold NNE wind made conditions interesting, with large parts of the broken tracks filling in overnight with spindrift (and wind blown ice blocks), so I found myself breaking lengthy sections of trail yet again. Potentially dangerous cold is currently forecast for the highest peaks for 14th-23rd January at least. Every year seems to have its unique challenges, and it is already clear that 2023 will be no exception. High freeze levels may mean rain and/or freezing rain at the highest peaks at times, and icy or mixed snow/ice conditions at all elevations. Further light snow is expected starting this evening, followed by much heavier snow overnight on 28th February-1st March. Secondly, because there is really very little snow on the PCT. Further strong winds and blowing powder had eliminated much of these tracks again by Wednesday, and I again largely re-broke trail that day too. All trails above about 8000 ft are obscured by snow at this time, and cautious navigation is strongly recommended everywhere. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 30th January 2023 (unless otherwise indicated) and checked again on 1st February are as follows. They are not currently recommended for traversing moderate or higher angle slopes above 9000 ft that have challenging ice underlying powder. Spikes can be useful for descending in particular. Both days I put spikes on at the Peak for the descent, on 24th keeping them on until about 8000 ft on Marion Mountain Trail, and on 28th until about 9900 ft on the Peak Trail, roughly one mile north of Wellman Divide. Marion Mountain Trail has a very well-defined track throughout. All trails above about 6000 ft are currently lightly (or above 9000 ft, moderately) snow-covered. The PCT throughout the San Jacinto mountains (roughly Miles 207-151) has a clear track to follow, including Fuller Ridge Trail, which has been traversed by a handful of sobo PCT hikers. Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. I barebooted to 9000 ft, then snowshoed the rest of the way through lovely light powder. Although not essential in the moderate depth powder, spikes are strongly recommended and many hikers will find them useful especially for descending. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through very thin and patchy icy snow above about 7200 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). Altitudes are approximate. The high winds forecast did not materialize, although gusts up to 35 mph have been enough to cause very heavy drifting. BEST SELLER. This is a genuine relief after such a long, hot, and largely dry last 6-7 months. Forest Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion Mountain, and Fern Basin are now closed for the season. Top Stories. This will change later this week. An informal use trail to Laws is much more direct and avoids all of the very challenging bushwhacking of the former trails (local hikers Charles Phelan and Mark Gumprecht kindly nicknamed it the King Trail when I established the route in 2019). At the Peak on Monday 21st November 2022 at 1610 the air temperature was 36.5F (3C), with a windchill temperature of 28.0F (-2C), 9% relative humidity, and a steady WSW breeze sustained at 6 mph gusting to 9.2 mph. Although not essential, spikes are recommended and many hikers will find them useful especially for descending. The average snow depth in this area is only about five inches, but on this slope it is heavily drifted in places at 10-12 inches. Thank you so much for your support. Snowshoes are no longer required anywhere on the established trail system, which is now too compacted for snowshoes. Spitler Peak Trail (last surveyed 18th November) is clear of snow. Melting of snow on sun-exposed slopes and freeze-thaw cycles will combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain. My blogging throughout the storms gave more day-to-day detail and is available here. South Ridge Road is clear of ice and snow. NA. Bear in mind that half the winter total, 26 inches, have fallen in the past five days! The section where the avalanche occurred rarely has people on it, he said, because climbing options are limited to a very technical route that is typically attempted only by experienced climbers later in the season. Every year seems to have its unique challenges and 2022 has been no exception. With compaction of the trails over the next few days, snowshoes may become less useful, however they will remain valuable for off-trail travel at the highest elevations for the foreseeable future. Forecasts the expected snowfall amount, snow accumulation, and with snowfall radar. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Very cautious navigation is strongly recommended everywhere. Vehicles not parked in these spaces may be ticketed and/or towed. Spikes are currently recommended throughout the trail system above about 7500 ft. A classic La Nina pattern cool but relatively dry is in place for the third winter in a row. It has stopped snowing both in Idyllwild (current storm total 0.75 inch snow plus 1.14 inches of rain) and at San Jacinto Peak (9 inches snow). Some hikers will find spikes are useful at least for descending. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, and for the entire Deer Springs Trail. 24F-4C. Both of these storms are expected to be relatively mild at first with rain a possibility up to 9000 ft before freeze levels drop down to 6000 ft. A short video giving a feel for current snow conditions at San Jacinto Peak is available here on YouTube. Vehicles not parked in these spaces have been ticketed and/or towed. Despite the relatively weak sun at this time of year, such warm temperatures mean that snow melt may be unusually rapid (for December) at all elevations, snow conditions will generally be poor for hiking (soft, slippery, and even slushy), while in many areas conditions will be ideal for freeze/thaw cycles and hence icy trails in the early mornings above about 7000 ft. The Wellman Trail from Annies Junction to Wellman Divide has about 40% icy snow cover. On the morning of Wednesday 15th February I ascended via the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge routes), descending the western side via roughly Deer Springs Trail. The next full update will likely be on the afternoon of 25th. This trail will become significantly more treacherous as it undergoes freeze/thaw cycles and compaction over the next week or two. As described above, crampons (always in conjunction with an ice axe) are currently recommended on certain moderate and higher angle slopes, at a minimum on the Peak Trail above Wellman Divide, and uppermost South Ridge Trail, especially on the north face of Tahquitz Peak. My pre-dawn hike up Devils Slide Trail on 11th January was delightful, primarily because there was the noise of running water almost everywhere. Note that temperatures fluctuating either side of freezing are forecast for both mid and upper elevations for the foreseeable future. Discover this 5.6-mile out-and-back trail near Palm Springs, California. Although that day was not as cold and windy as 15th, I ascended in heavy cloud conditions with steady snowfall for the first three hours. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there has been extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. The Peak Trail has about 80% cover of icy snow, largely continuous above 9900 ft. Spikes are recommended. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail. Sadly at first light the precipitation turned to drizzle at all elevations on the western slope between (at least) Idyllwild and 8100 ft at Saddle Junction, and consequently the snow quality was deteriorating fast at mid elevations this morning. Semi trucks parked at the Golden Acorn Casino & Travel Center in Boulevard are shown on Feb. 24, 2023. The East Ridge Trail from near Miller Peak to San Jacinto Peak has multiple tracks, all of which were disappearing under fresh spindrift when I ascended that way on Monday 23rd. Conversely in some places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. I postholed barebooting to 8900 ft before putting on crampons. However, relatively well-traveled tracks are now in place for most major trails (details below). PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): 3 inches, Devils Slide Trail at Humber Park (6550 ft): 2.5 inches (melting already underway this afternoon). Three significant trees are now down across the trail, including two major hazards (one new in gale force winds on 26th January) that are not easy to hike around both roughly halfway along the trail. I kept my crampons on for the entire descent, taking advantage of excellent cross-country glissading conditions, and made it from San Jacinto Peak back to Humber Park in just over two hours. Schwartz, who has lived in more avalanche-prone areas of New York state and Vermont, said Sunday was her first time seeing an avalanche. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Precipitation on Sunday 4th into the early hours of Monday 5th is significantly less likely in the latest models. Such unseasonably warm temperatures mean that snow melt will be rapid everywhere while in many areas freeze/thaw cycles will result in icy trails in the early mornings above about 7000 ft. By late morning snow conditions will become poor for hiking (soft, slippery, and even slushy) especially in sun-exposed areas. From Laws east to Caramba the route of the original Caramba Trail has been well-cairned by myself and others and can largely be followed with very careful route-finding. Your contribution keeps the Report available to all, free from advertising or paywalls, and independent from agencies. The storm brought down four new treefall hazards down on upper Spitler Peak Trail, awkward but all passable with care. Forecast models have a higher degree of confidence for the Tuesday storm than the storm next weekend. WEATHER UPDATE Thursday 26th January 2023: Wild Santa Ana (north-east) winds today in the San Jacinto mountains have included gusts of 69 and 73 mph early this morning at automated stations at each end of Bonita Vista Road. As discussed above, additional light snowfall on 3rd and 5th January will further complicate the trail conditions. Traction devices like microspikes or crampons are highly recommended if you plan to hike into the wilderness. Time of day, temperature, and sun exposure all have significant impacts on the nature of the snow, in turn changing the conditions underfoot, and hence both the hiking difficulty and the preferred traction device (if any). Humidity: 80% . Although not required, some hikers will find spikes useful especially for descending. At the Peak on Sunday 15th January 2023 at 0750 the air temperature was 17.8F (-8C), with a windchill temperature of -5.6F (-21C), 100% relative humidity, and a wild SW wind sustained at 19 mph gusting to 30.2 mph. I switched to crampons and then finished breaking the Peak Trail through to near Miller Peak (photo below). As described above, crampons with hiking poles and an ice axe, depending on terrain are currently very useful everywhere above about 9000 ft. However this may change next week with new snowfall possible as discussed below. On Monday 13th I also postholed the entire hike, as I was able to ascend barebooting to about 9200 ft before putting on crampons. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 10-12 inches (12-14 inches on 12th December), Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 9 inches (10-12 inches on 12th December), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 2-4 inches (7 inches on 12th December), Annies Junction/approx. In the high country temperatures will be 10-20F above seasonal and, more significantly regarding snow/ice conditions, well above freezing for at least a week. In fact on my hike to San Jacinto Peak on Monday 13th through steady morning snow I could barely tell the difference in snow depths from the previous week, as the few inches of fresh snow had almost exactly replaced the few inches of depth that had melted over the previous week. PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): 8 inches (8-9 inches), Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 4 inches (total 4 inches). In Idyllwild at 5550 ft, rainfall storm total today is 1.14 inches. There is currently no further precipitation in the forecasts. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak has a well-traveled and level track to follow through the slowly melting inch of patchy icy snow (photo below from 30th). At the Peak on Monday 6th February 2023 at 0930 the air temperature was 11.1F (-12C), with a windchill temperature of -11.0F (-24C), 59% relative humidity, and a frigid NNW wind sustained at 12 mph gusting to 20.2 mph. 43 minutes ago Distance: 8km. Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 3 inches (all from latest storms, admixed with 5.06 inches rain on 14th-16th) already melting steadily on 18th. Dark Canyon Road (4S02, the access to Seven Pines Trail) and Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) closed to vehicle traffic for the season on 7th November 2022. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. While expected to be relatively mild at first with rain above 9000 ft, overall this next sequence of storms may prove to be colder than most of the recent systems. In general temperatures are expected to warm to above average into next month at all elevations, especially at the highest elevations in the first week of February. SNOW DEPTHS measured (largely) on 21st November 2022 are as follows, with depths from 9th November 2022 in parentheses where known. Relatively little snow is therefore expected throughout the mid elevations including Idyllwild. To see more years, view this page on a wider screen. Steady melting is expected with warming temperatures this week, especially at mid elevations and on sun-exposed slopes. While all time and labor is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to cover costs. SAN JACINTO (MSJC1) Lat: 33.81528NLon: 116.64194WElev: 8616ft. Altitudes are approximate. Deer Springs Trail has a posthole track to follow along its entire length. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying the storm there is extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. Follows, with depths from 9th November 2022 in parentheses where known in place ( at least ) devils! The Wellman Trail from Annies Junction to Wellman Divide has about 40 % snow. Had been an avalanche on Mount San Jacinto ( MSJC1 ) Lat: 33.81528NLon: 116.64194WElev: 8616ft also. Time, and with snowfall Radar degree of confidence for the season may change week... 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snowpack on mt san jacinto