smoking daughters discussion forum

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Sorry but don't let her hold your baby. So instead I watch my little girl puffing away at the rate of 1 pack a day. share experiences with you. That's cool! If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. Given that the mother is funding a lifelong addiction that kills something like one-third of the people who have it, yeah, I think it could be grounds for loss of custody. You're 28 and I think you need to grow up and show a bit more resect for other people. She was having scans when I left.I just come home now with my dad to get the girls things cos they are sleeping at my parents tonight now. I'm scared for what it's doing to my baby. She reminds me of myself when I was around her age. I didnt come across a Marlboro board or a Newport board for instance. No wonder this country is going up Sht's Creek, if a parent doesn't even try to teach their child about the dangers of smoking and drinking then how can they expected to teach them right and wrong in general. Even in this forum there are such cretins. canucklehead Apr 30, 2020 Forums Main category Pipe Tobacco Discussion Not open for further replies. I am a s** addict. Jus be honest. She just doesn't want you to have any health issues or, god forbid, die before she does. Obviously you are exhausted and feeling at the end of your tether but smoking at this age can be something with much more far reaching consequences. I find myself enjoying cigarettes way more if i take a few hours in between. My elder DS has asthma and it scares me to death! Forum Elders; 6.2k Country: Gender: Male; Location: Suffolk, UK; Age: 37; Share; We were hoping to avoid an awkward no smoking or no baby moment but it seems to be inevitable! She smokes regularly throughout the day, and has an addiction of the same strength as her grandmother. He tried a disposable blu cig recently and hated it. I spent my lunch money on cigarettes, or aquired them through dubious means. I hope the OP enjoys his cigarettes in prison. I'm asking for my Mom. Its weird she's got friends my age haha. So then we had to find another store that sold Frozen clothes and Summer had to pay for her own from the money she got from f ucking the other day.Love you baby sister Teges , Teges ,I never here "slack ars*ed" before hehehaha. General Discussion Oct 13, 2022. Underage smoking isn't illegal, it's only illegal to sell cigarettes to a minor. Tell her you continue to do it because it's an addiction. Ask her if she actually wants to have an addiction, because that's what she's getting into. And for my sister's 18th birthday on June 12 we bought her the pink boho Mya frankenstein from Hookah Co. Me & My Daughter Smoking Together For The First Time. JavaScript is disabled. I smoke with my mom every once in a while. Its gorgeous. Take up a hobby and stop keeping a close eye on your neighbours. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. gonna make a thousand bucks when Matt watches her being f ucked by Matt, wow that's a sh*t load of money . It's easy! She really likes to smoke. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Then have her smell some fresh laundry, then whatever she was wearing when she smoked. Livvy is. My baby boy will be born in the middle of May. I'll post some others of the hound. Is using e-cigs if you are on oxygen okay? 2022 Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. Let them get on with what they like, it's got nothing to do with you & your big nose. At the hospital she's still not awake. I love you sis Tegan , Leah, I'm not okay. She is the most unlikely of girls you would expect to pick up a smoking habit, generally a sweet innocent girl. DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. I bet she's missing you & Jake sis?Love ya babe Isabella xxxxxxx, Isabella Mommy said she owes her daughter (you) an email but she's not been well. Everyone's posts I have read express how much happier their beloved daughter/son is once they have an established and heavy addiction, like their mommy's. Like, any other topic would have been better to troll. I believe, based on how active these sites are and the ever growing posts that express, without an exception, just what a loving experience it has been for the mothers to support their child to begin smoking. I think this one is fake. I was smoking at 13 years old my mother knew. The purpose of this board is to serve as a forum for teens to discuss smoking issues - whether to start smoking, how to smoke, social issues related to smoking, etc. I have not spanked her in over a year. The OP needs to talk to his lawyer to find out for sure. I've been a smoker since I was 18 and recently my 24 year old Daughter, Emma wants to start smoking but I don't like the idea of her inhaling all the dangerous chemicals in normal cigarettes. I told her she's a badass little c unt and she just giggled. You can't do anything here but lead by example. There is nothing the mother can do to change that. Some forums can only be seen by registered members. August 10, 2020 | by beebej97. Likewise, nobody says anything against a 12 year old who is heavily addicted to cocaine and has to offer herself sexually just to bring home money. if you don't smoke, no reason on gods green earth to start. I'm now seeing that there are so many varieties that perhaps just the blu didn't work for him but some other brand would. Does it really matter? We know they love your t*ts so much. That said, it could be that the parents generation didn't see smoking as a grievous sin like so many people have been brainwashed into today. I told her it was OK for her to smoke. Her daughter smokes. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. I'm pregnant and so happy and proud of myself. She is such a relaxed little girl now that she smokes, and we talk to her about how special she feels now she's a proper smoker like us. All Rights Reserved. I first noticed when she would come over smelling like smoke but initially attributed it to just her being at her mothers but despite being smart enough to smoke outside she left some cigarette butts and I asked her. Why are you even posting this? My dh and I have decided not to go to her apartment because we don't want Hannah around the smoke, but we can't keep her from coming to our house. Are you in contact with this family? But this is her grandma. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Grandpa does cuss but only around his buddy's but he doesn't cuss when he's speaking to me or my girls, but we don't cuss any less when he's with us.Isla and Aria were cute yesterday , Isla had Aria in her lap cuddling her, cos Isla was naked as is usual for her, Aria decided to see if Isla had any milk for her, so she moved her mouth to Isla's nipple, even tho she had got no milk she kept trying, they were both giggling cos Isla said it tickled. Log In:: Register:: Search. Same goes for our friends if you want to see the baby take a shower and come straight over no cigarettes on the way. I simply said because we made a silly mistake by starting. She eventually admitted she has started smoking as of last month!! Posted June 25, 2011. Like i could smoke every hour or two but i dont get the same enjoyment as opposed to making myself wait a bit and really get the cravings going. It is, as pointed out, rather childish to just dismiss a person's genuine concerns out of hand. The girl will have to help herself. I for one would love to hear more. And surprised, because he has always been vehemently anti-smoking. Its a fine balance, almost like caffeine in a way. I think its a fascination and see what its like kinda deal. The best thing the dad can do is not allow the daughter to smoke around him. Mommy knows she owes Isabella an email but she's been too sick to send a reply. [quote name='jorlyfish' timestamp='1309016467' post='513613']. If she's serious about smoking, should I lead her towards e-cigarttes instead? Can you explain why i need to grow up and show some respect for other people please? I know from my own first-hand experiences, and from all of the hundreds of posts that becoming a smoker as a child is the best time of all to begin smoking.. You shud cuss real bad in front of him to make him cuss..Your big sisTeges , Bella,Our momma is so proud of our babies for making good money by wh0ring their little nasty c unts. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I love her too much. Neither my husband nor I are about to quit. More worrying would be if she was drinking. Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! I know I cant stop you while you are out of the house, but I will not allow you to smoke in the house. please let me know. Too be honest i cried after spanking her. He told me to pack bags for myself, Jake and the twins, because we're leaving in the morning and he's booked a two bedroom apartment for a week, we're not getting a motel because Libby and Summer need to smoke. I have a 9yo girl who smokes 3 ppd since she was 7. My son always complained about his grandmother smoking and I was hoping that my kids would be smart enough (with all of the education on topic that is readily available these days) not to smoke. In fact, I take it much farther. There isn't a thing you could say or do that would make a difference if a kid senses a double standard about it. But parents who make their children drug addicts and sexually exploit them are not condemned in public forums, but rather j*** off while reading. Vaping during pregnancy. how to light up, inhale into your lungs, flick ash and stub out is an act of love. A link that will let you reset your password has been emailed to you. Nebraska: Come for the corn, stay for the fun! Feel like I have been fu*cking gang banged by 30 dudes n I haven't fu*cked no one , I wish hehe.Isla is going Amy's today so when Olivia & Leah go to Matt's, Me & Aria going to have some mommy daughter time Then I'm going to a party tonite, hope to get a fu*ck! After the awkward moment passed, we talked and found out she has been smoking for nearly half a year and is addicted. Yes, as an adult you have the right to do as you wish but that is not going to stop someone who cares about you from being concerned if you start doing something that is potentially very damaging. 3. Show your support by donating any amount. then the cycle continues! I don't like smoking, but I love fu cking. A link that will let you reset your password has been emailed to you. I state in my OP that i can appreciate why a parent might worry. Chuck Roast and Beans. I told her if she wanted anything to do with her grand daughter she'd quit. It feels so much more lovely for a child to start smoking safely with the love and guidance of their mom etc. Underage smoking, what happens? Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). If u stink I will not let u hold my son. I would say something for sure if they had children of their own and smoked right by them though. I kno it's very blunt, but we don't smoke so why should my newborn child be around it or even inhale the smell. My husband has tried talking to her about the health risks and she just defended herself saying that she raised 3 kids and smoked and they are all fine. Livvy,I'm so, so so much in love with U. The toxins of a cigarette stick to EVERYTHING. I changed her and her hair smelled! - Please say hello here, and we'll get this board rolling! Lay out the long-term costs of smoking and vaping. Hey Pippa,Congrats on joining the bub clubTeges , We don't give a f uck at this time Pippa. She's not being a brat about it are anything, she saw me using the e-gig and asked if she could start smoking. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. MY GD smokes regularly during the day, tells me she feels safe and cozy when she smokes and that she never wants to quit. That's just other people's perception then. But nobody says anything against an 8-year-old giving a car salesman a b****** until he gives her mother a discount on the car or the same girl and her older sister are sold for group s** just to top up the household or drug coffers. Is there something wrong with you? I would tell my son/daughter what I thought about it but that's as much as any parent can do really if they are an adult as they need to make their own decisions. I think as a parent, all you can do is say There's also a great website called Mister Poll with an active form called (Woman only) Did you teach your daughter to smoke ( He must have money cos he's offered Leah $1000 to see her fu*ck Livvy. By I told her about 12 to 15 ciggys a day and she wants to hear that she's started f ucking once she's potty trained. Im the mom who posted below. The hell with her feelings--- keep LO away from it! Most parents don't let their child soke at 13 because they know the damage that it does. I'm 28 and have been smoking for a while now which has met with some considerable disapproval from my mother. He bought a SUV and 2 booster seats for the twins and there is room for Jake's baby seat. Cos obviously other people read what we post.I did try to post on other days but this site was either down, my messages disappeared or seemed to be infected by a po^rn site.I did email Belinda but she never replied. By . I am very proud to say that she has been clean since September and that Baylee loves her Granny :), Just tell her it's your dd and you guys don't want her around smoke and if she don't like it then she shouldn't come over. Re: 16 and luvin it!! My 11 year old daughter was smoking in her room when I unexpectedly walked in on her. We invited her over today and we had to ask her to wash her hands bc she never does. tbern; Aug 31, 2022; Beef; 2. A good mother would not condone that kind of dangerous behaviour. My mom (babies grandmother) won't stop smoking. I just don't ring it up. It is illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18 in England and Wales. I started smoking at 14 as an act of rebellion. Registered in England. In my own experience, and in all of your stories, the child loves how beautiful they feel with a smoke, and, as long as the mom gives the necessary encouragement, the little girl gets used to smoking really quickly and it is joyful for both the mom and child once the little one knows they can't stop such that an enormous bond is established and the family can smoke together all the time. Me and my DH are far from awkward and will tell you like it is. She's grounded for two weeks with early bedtime at 7 for next two weeks and a bare bum spanking before bed every evening before bed You did the right thing. I would tell my son/daughter what I thought about it but that's as much as any parent can do really if they are an adult as they need to make their own decisions. Look, I gotta say if your ex is buying your kid cigarettes, **** is falling apart in that house when it comes to things like boundaries and discipline. All Rights Reserved. He even buys them cigarettes and and a couple of bottles of alcohol once in a while. Just leave us alone if you don't mind.Teges, Isabella Yeah baby slack ars*e means your a lazy little c unt so get your sh*t in a bucket. I head though they are not recommended for none smokers, is this true? My GD has now been smoking for a year, she loves lighting herself up in bed when she wakes up and soothing herself ahead of the day ahead. We are a smoking family, we are a close family, and a happy one. Why should it be any business to you anyway, you are not the parent here. Feedback: The posts on this board are currently unmoderated. VoyForums (tm) is a Free Service from . Twin Chloe You're the best fu^cking twin ever! Brett is sweet with them too, you got a good one there babes. We're talking the babies to the Gold Coast this morning but I'll be able to reply. she always washes her hands before touching him i live with her. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. I have not said her concern is nothing worthwhile, i haven't even said anything like that at any point?! Come to find out she said she started by taking her mothers but my ex instead of not supporting it just ended up buying her packs. You don't want her developing asthma or worse over this. I have had the same conversation with her over and over and over where she moans about it and says she doesn't like me smoking and wants me to stop and i tell her i am an adult and i have freedom of choice. welcome to britain. !-lildeezle, idk if im used to the smell or not my mom smokes no where near my son though im a previous smoker and my son never smells like smoke. Take it from the son of two smokers. But so proud of her and I love her so much .I'm still fu*cking tired baby, Amy thinks I'm coming down with something. My opinion is you have to live life for yourself. If not, I suggest you just leave the girl to it, she will smoke whether her mum is there or not, nick **** and wat-not. I find it far more reprehensible when parents first make their children drug addicts at the early age of 6 to 12 years and secondly exploit them sexually, as described in the poll mentioned above, for example. When she was about to leave she handed Hannah back to me and my daughter smelled like she had smoked a cigarette herself! So i don't live my own life, i just live for other people? There is a powerful feeling of love in these posts and a clear message that their little girls (& boys) are so much more happy now that they are smokers. So is it when the mother etc. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. I do not approve of it She said she'll try to do that tomorrow.Love you babe Take care beautiful girl Tegan, Tegan,It's your girl Leah here, Isabella has had to go to the hospital.When me & Olivia came home from Matt's, Isabella was in bed with Aria but Aria was awake and Isabella was asleep. My argument is about whether its right to live life doing things to please your parents or others. I am proud of my GD now that she is a full time smoker. So obv Livvy is up for it specially cos Leah is going to give her some of the money, so Livvy gets to be the fu*cking trashy little wh*ore she is. My husband and I are both heavy smokers. No matter what age. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. is a community of food lovers dedicated to . Dog rescue. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. I've created a confession on it just waiting for it to come through.Great to hear of the smoking stories! My mom hates it though. Most of my family smokes but my ex-husband and I do not. I smoked at 13, and my parents had little choice in the matter! I would hate it because of the health implications not to mention the cost. VoyForums remains a free messageboard site for admins and members, visitors, and . Even. I was helping summer get dressed this morning by helping her tie her sneakers so we can all go to lunch but she said "mommy I'm not a stupid little c unt I can get the f ucken things on myself" hahahaTeges , IsabellaYou're a slack ars*ed little c unt for staying in bed all f ucking day and not feeding our babies. I would much rather he not use anything at all, but I would have to say that an e-cig is the lesser of 3 evils?? You got me suspended from school and now I can't see my friends at school for another 3 weeks. She's in bed now last half hour lying on her tummy. Kids love smoking with their moms etc. . Sign up for a new account in our community. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. I feel a bit guilty but not too much, for some reason. Copyright 20052023 Smoking may be a short lived thing. Discussion Group for all Hookah Lovers ; Me & My Daughter Smoking Together For The First Time Me & My Daughter Smoking Together For The First Time. You could go for full custody because what's happening is illegal and harmful, but that's hard to do with teens. But her punishments will end on Friday. I know what ur thinking haha.I kinda think Leah & Olivia didn't wanna go home school, so they were like just let the cu*nt sleep haha. How much they smoke now?It's cool your mom cuss's now, she wanna fu*ck your Brett now? Smoking Forums - Ask an expert about smoking. My 3yo is a boy but he loves it probably as much as your daughter or his sisters, 7 & 5. She actually won't be thirteen for till September. Me and my husband have the same feeling about smoke. Recommended Posts. My daughter is 13. Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media.... 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smoking daughters discussion forum