gelis claims administrator letter

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WebGellis Law Group provides comprehensive corporate legal services to a wide spectrum of clients from entrepreneurial startups to industry leaders, from local practices to I cant believe were approaching a full year with no resolution. Ive had numerous engine problems since I bought it new in 2013. I have also moved and misplaced the older records. Getting really frustrated & starting to lose hope. Thomas P. Sobran, Esq. They were not prompt in their response to my emails but they did respond. I just paid out 13,000.00 for a new engine and turbo. My case is now on hold because the engine was replaced with a used one with 25,000 on it the first time. What am I giving up in exchange for the Settlement benefits? Other than that, its my personal business. This settlement was closed in June. He not confirmed the amount received so Im not sure anyone has received a check. Prayers up. I have not received an email nor have I received any letter of confirmation or anything. I Still havent received reimbursement so I am hoping that I dont get screwed regardless. The reimbursement program provides between 40% and 100% reimbursement for vehicle repairs depending on the mileage of the vehicle at the time of service. Top Class Actions will continue to provide updates as we learn more. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. utah personal representative deed. We have to come together and fight these people for our money. Dont waste ur time. The settlement provides reimbursement for various BMW vehicle repairs linked to this issue. Artem V. Gelis, Bhawar Patel, Robert McDonald, James V. Olson, Gregory Heyman, Susan Heyman, Debra P. Ward, Darrian Stovall, Alex Martinez, Amanda Gorey, Chris Williams, Ashok Patel, Kenneth Gagnon, Michael Cerny, Maria Meza, Andre Malske, Nicole Guy, David Richardson, Stacey Turner, and Eric T. Zinn, the people who sued, are called the Plaintiffs, and the company that was sued, BMW of North America, LLC, is called the Defendant.. I submitted 30+ documents totaling 14k. I mailed all the info needed to possibly receive a refund for my engine. j. v. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft and BMW of North Good luck to all of us dummies who purchased Big Money Wasted vehicle. I have a claim number- I used to go on the website and put ion my claim number and all it would say is A claim has been filed After the June 30th deadline, the option to enter your claim number is now gone. 23. The letter also says that in order to have the right in future, to participating in any BMW settlement I have to exclude myself from the present claim. 12. Its enough of us to fight this to be honest. It would be my pleasure to bring these attributes to work at Eagle Insurance Why do they keep pushing back the deadline date?? OH MY GOSH- well youre the first one Ive seen WOW. Literally do not know what to do or who to turn to. Its honestly criminal. 21. The Settlement Agreement is available HERE. I ve spent more than $10,000 in repairs to this engine alone since I bought it. Good luck. After spending 5k for engine replacement at BMW dealership the Transmission just failed last night stranding my son on his drive back to college. There are others out there like me and you. I will email the VP as well. I am beyond frustrated. I have the same question 2013 X3 328I with 64,000. Do i still need to fill out forms i recieved from mail incase of future issue. I have sent all documents some emails last year Feb 2021. They will tell you a story of pulling some accounts for an audit which will slow down the system. The dealer is handling the paperwork and expressed a 50-50 chance for some level of reimbursement. then in 2018, with 85,000 miles on the car, my engine blew in a very dangerous location on a highway with no warming. They are sending the same response to everybody. Yes I paid over 7500.00 in the last couple years fixing the timing chain issues at Chapman BMW in AZ and it still leaks oil and smokes sometimes. Filed claim last year. Merchants are I wish you all the best! then-silence.. I cannot get any answer . There are additional limitations and exclusions from coverage contained set forth in BMW of North Americas New Passenger Vehicle Limited Warranty and in Section III of the Settlement Agreement, which you should review HERE. The documents submitted include proof of payment for $2,000.00 but not for the $5,500.00 balance due on the invoice. E relaxed and never heard back. Total BS. Here comes the excuses not to pay folks. You may also send questions to the Claims Administrator at: Gelis Claims Administrator 7080, c/o Rust Consulting, PO Box 14, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0014. I followed up with another email to advise I had sent the missing info. I did (luckily) find the receipt attached to another copy of the invoice they had given me, and I resubmitted. how to avoid probate in utah. Everyone is already in a pickle. $6000 more dollars I have to spend for a used engine. Can I get more details about the Settlement? probably one of the claim processors posted that comment about receiving a check. My 2014 BMW 528i just experienced this issue for the very first time on March 7th. I have also submitted my claim and all the required documents and have not received any payment, rejection or request for any further information. And my car just gave up on me. However, now that the validation has been completed after 10 Days of Processe Circle am now told that BMW Canadian Assembled Vehicles are excluded from this Class Action Suit and Repair Program. Engine cut power and drivetrain and violent shaking. but seriously, i believe they are playing games with our money. Definitely concerning. I was told on 3 separate occasions that it will take another 45-60 days at minimum the last time being a week or so ago, time before that on Sept 15th. I agree this is getting ridiculous now though WAY too long! I agree!! I did a little research on this company. I bet the attorneys and Rust consulting have been paid! I really think that they use these types of tactics to deny claims and to prolong the process. UPDATE: received email that my claim is deficient !!! Theyve told us so many times checks should be going out first week of X, then first week of insert another month.,,, and now theyre still just in the claims review process?!! Congratulation! THEY WERE NOT TOTALLY CLEAR IN THEIR DIRECTIONS IN EXACTLY WHAT TO SUBMIT AS FAR AS RECEIPTS ETC.. JUST PROLONG AND REJECTING PAYMENTS. There are others out there like me and you. I understand it takes time, but at this point come on! Im sure theyve already been paid! I havent receive anything yet nor a email this is ridiculous. who know! Hoping for a recall, then I may qualify for reimbursement.. Dealer said engine would cost 20 thousand to replace.. Not sure what to do with car. At that time they also sent claim-rejection letters allowing for a written appeal request to be submitted back to them in Apr/2022. When did they send you this updated letter? You have received this notice because you have been identified as potentially being a Class Member. Im never getting my reimbursement back. I want a different BMW and my husband is so against buying another one This just isnt right! In 2018, a federal judge trimmed some of the claims in the BMW timing chain class action lawsuit but allowed others to move forward. You better get rid of that car. You may also send questions to the Claims Administrator at: Gelis Claims Administrator 7080, c/o Rust Consulting, PO Box 14, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0014. SO I REALLY DONT EXPECT TO GET MY REFUND UNTIL SOMETIME NEXT YEAR..I AM SO UPSET. THIS IS REALLY HURTING ME FINANCIALLY AND THE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT ON MY BMW (AFTER NEW ENGINE) IS BACK ON. I understand these things take some time, but come on already. The cover over engine melted one day sz md yhey wouldnt take responsibility. status of any class action settlement claim. He said I could just junk car or they would give me 500 for it. I will NEVER buy a BMW. Such crap. Still waiting after 3rd notification that they will contact me within 45 to 60 days. If it is not a scam, why have there been hardly any payouts? The mail was signed for but I have yet to receive anything let alone a check. They are finding all kinds of reasons to deny payment and its not right. 2:17-cv-07386. after 3 visits to my foreign car specialist, all drivetrain malfunction related visits, my car just stopped-dead-no warning except 3 seconds of drivetrain malfunction, oil pressure too low. What they are doing is a disgrace. 259, as a good faith defense to wage claims arising under the FLSA. No response to letter or emails this year. The date of repair; and I dont know but It shouldnt take this long. They did respond & advise as soon as the documents were received via mail that they would be reviewing the claim. Oh my!!! Having it will allow you to pay debts, transfer assets to beneficiaries and otherwise manage the affairs of the estate. Hopefully this week we will ALL receive a check in the email. this car has cost me SO much $. In order to receive benefits under the prospective repair program, you must take your Class Vehicle to an authorized BMW Center. Im honestly so fed up & disappointed. There are others out there like me and you. I got my claim denied bc my 2013 x3 timing belt broke 2 months past 8 years of my in service date, which is the date the previous owner purchased it. I submitted all paperwork in March, havent received a check or any correspondence by mail and have already talked to the attorneys office who is handling the case. 2013 BMW X3. Independent Dealership where I bought the car has declined to take back the Car and BMW dealership has refused responsibility with a Repair costs implications of about $19,000. Is this correct? SHAME ON YOU BMW! Thats is the exact same thing they told me 12000 miles. Same, no check, and now the law firm isnt answering the phone linessmh. Same as you, it was back in Sept that I received an email back to a previous request that I sent and they confirmed yes, they received and resubmitted my documentation. Caught me off guard. I reached out to my lawyer to sue them or my money. The more I read about this company the last I expect to get any money.. Bring up rip off report and read about them on there. I just contacted the law firm representing us lemon BMW owners..they said if youve submitted a claim by the deadline of June 30th, we will receive correspondence by certified mail if more information is needed to complete the claim, or, if claim is complete and accepted a check for reimbursement will be received in about 6 weeks. Is there any information on my 2016 models possibly being included in the settlement? Not a darn email or mail notification. You will not be bound by anything that happens in this lawsuit. Never buying a BWM again. There are others out there like me and you. But you may sue, continue to sue, or be part of a different lawsuit against Defendant in the future, including for claims that this Settlement resolves. Welp. There are applicable statutes of limitations which may currently be running. Yes dont do it, dont do the claim with them its a scam. and Someone maybe getting kickbacks! Im at a total loss & dont even know what the next course of action should be. There is no date of when the checks will be mailed out. Learn more about the cookies we use. registration, or license receipt); and A reimbursement program and a prospective repair program which provide reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for the repair or replacement of one failed timing chain module, oil pump drive chain module and engine. They scammed us. They denied everyone. In an estate with contested issues or lawsuits, the process may take years to settle and conclude probate. At this time we do not have a date when payments will be issued. I agree with the others it was a scam to get all of us to join the lawsuit so they could get the money and keep it for themselves!!!! Click Accept if you consent. They know for a fact they will get reimbursed from BMW and are still trying to make $$ off the customer on the front end. You will get a check if you never got a denial for more documentation everyone who filed should have gotten this email. ILL KEEP YOU ALL POSTED. Proof of ownership. I was told about it after having my car checked out as well. My 528i engine locked up at 72,000 miles. shop; and Split Settlements Notifies Title & Title Settlement Agents that Split Settlements are unauthorized under applicable Virginia laws and regulations. That is RIDICULOUS!!! If you asked to be excluded, you will not receive any of the reimbursement benefits of the Settlement or the warranty extension and you cannot object to the Settlement. I cant believe i was sold a 2013 car as certified pre-owned in 2018 and the dealership NEVER replaced that plastic guide that destroys the engine when it fragments apart.. Im pissed off!!! How is it fair when these cars are still being sold by dealers all across the U.S? Dont deal with Chapman BMW. To those who received payment, lucky. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Building & U.S. I feel like its a waste of time to even email again at this point. Your Claim has been submitted for reprocessing. Here are some things that Ive heard, that there are over 12000 claims, (maybe, maybe not)imagine processing that, how many a week do you think you could accomplish? But, Im happy! We need to get moving on this. Still holding out hope that we get a reply one way or another. You poor people, I feel for each one of you. FILED BY PLAINTIFF SILVA, 2 days later entered the highway and almost immediately as I accelerated happened again followed by very apparent shaking. Paul, I am in the same situation, as I am sure there are others. Im on pins & needles over here. It is likely that all that is left for payments are a small number of claims still to be resolved along with the claims that were appealed in writing. Many thanks for your help. the dealership NEVER told me about the lawsuit. I was then told the checks would go out in three weeks three weeks later still no check. ITS NOT RIGHT. Thebenefits are subject to limitations, which are discussed in Question 6 and in the Settlement Agreement. Hang in there those you have not received payment. Still waiting- I filed all my paperwork in March 2021. I AM WITH YOU. I was told a few weeks ago that the checks would go out in about four weeks four weeks later no check. This is the worst process Ive ever gone through. Save your receipts and file with the National Hwy Association to get them to do a recall and your car will be covered. Yesterday and today?? Uggghhhhhh. So, much for luxury! As i was pulling out the engine lost all power and thankfully I made it to a parking lot edge and not on the highway. I sold my BMW with a blown engine from a bad timing chain. They played a very dirty game and i think we all need to come together and sue them for whats owed to us. We received our diagnosis today after the car experienced multiple failures and warnings on Friday. 9. Keep reading until the end of thread. I just recd an email this morning that stated: Your claim has been preliminarily approved for reimbursement. Eligibility also depends on production ranges. I felt cheated they knew it before I got all of that other work done on my car. Good Luck! I have gave them all oil changes. Any idea why some of us have submitted all our documentation, VIN, etc. I, like most everyone else on this post, have not received 1 piece of correspondance. My mechanic repaired what he thought was the problem and 2 days later my car died leaving me stranded on the highway. I am still waiting. But I later found out that the BMW receipt only showed that I made the payment it didnt show how I made the payment the method that I used so my claim was going to be denied. And when to expect a check? Has anyone received a check or anything beyond a rejection? After replacing my engine paid out of pocket 2 years ago my bmw is down again for another engine problem. Hi this just happened to me as well. They just tell you to check the website for updates. Please try the same. Fall of 2022? Just sad. documents showing: Privacy Policy | I just sent out another email as it is my understanding we should be receiving our checks by the end of this month. I took this mans word and waited a few weeks and decided that it would be best for me file the necessary settlement paperwork as a back up because I didnt feel comfortable not doing anything and taking the BMWs technician word that they would handle everything. Does the upgrade timing chain module really work that was installed after Feb. 2015? Everyone needs to call the Minnesota attorney generals office and we might should consider pooling it and getting our own representation because obviously this is not working.. dont give up. Yes, my engine in my 2012 528i failed due to this same issue and I had to replace the turbo as well. THANK GOD I DID THAT BECAUSE BMW DIDNT FILE ANYTHING ON MY BEHALF. I dont understand how it could possibly take months upon months to review this information. Can you please add my case in your class action too? Nothing we need to do a class action lawsuit against this company. Lets get an attorney. Now were back to no dates known?? we all need to stick together and contact The Bar Association in New Jersey. I was told it would cost me $10k to fix but since the engine failure was caused from the timing chain, I qualified for this lawsuit. This notice summarizes the proposed Settlement. Getting hopes up for nothing to be shot down. owned the vehicle are required, in particular, scheduled oil changes up to the date/mileage of replacement/repair, within It has 93, 000 miles on it. If not I would be pissed off.. seem fishy to me. They are not responsive and Ive gotten the same response about 45-60 days on 3 separate occasions. After the Settlement becomes effective (the Effective Date), you may be entitled to reimbursement for some or all of your past out-of-pocket expenses incurred for repairing or replacing one failed timing chain module, oil pump drive chain module, and engine (if damaged due to a failure of the timing chain or oil pump drive chain modules), as follows: Thanks. These programs provide reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for the repair or replacement of one failed timing chain module, oil pump drive chain module and engine. They told me the very same thing. WebTo view of a copy of the Claims Administrator Declaration, please click HERE To view of a copy of Plaintiffs' Letter to the Court Regarding the Kleckner Declaration, please click Wow. Will BMW replace effected parts if not currently having issues? Thank you Frank! To this day I have not heard anything else from them neither have I received a check. Gelis, et al. v. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft, et al., Case No. 2:17-cv-07386, in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey We tell you about cash you can claim EVERY WEEK! Sign up for our free newsletter. How long did it take you after your resubmission? Is there anything or anywhere I can go to get some coverage from the class action lawsuit about timing chain problem. I have the form ready to submit, where should I send it to via email or as an attachment? They won and kept the money. 24. You no how many people they done this too. Why would it take two months to review a document? We keep getting told dates these checks will go out and nothing comes through . Allegedly, the materials used in this assembly cant handle high-resistance wear, leading the chain to prematurely become elongated, slip, and cause damage to the chain sprocket. BMW Corporate AG office We currently anticipate the reprocessing of Claims will begin within the next week and take approximately 45-60 days to complete. Only had 86000 miles and Im just catching wind of this lawsuit. I truly believe the tactic is to wear everyone down via non-response/updates and then by requesting or changing the criteria. I was not aware of this class action lawsuit until now. KANTROWITZ, GOLDHAMER & GRAIFMAN, P.C. and have had no reply, nothing? Hoping this wraps up soon! I honestly think you got to be aggressive with BMW and push for it. We use cookies to improve functionality and performance, enhance user experience, and provide tailored content. Im currently in the same boat! Received anything requesting more info required? My car just blew the engine because of this. I sent all of the documents via certified mail. Received letter saying prove more oils changes. There was a court order / class action suit approved. One excuse after another to prolong making payment. Plaintiffs filed their BMW timing chain class action lawsuit in 2017, claiming N20 and N26 engines in certain BMW vehicles were prone to defects. I have a 2014 528i Xdrive. NAGEL RICE, LLP Never again. I think we should file a lawsuit against both Rust Consulting and BMW. How do I tell the Court if I dont like the Settlement? Of course my vehicle has more than 100, 000 miles and I am in a battle with BMW now because a representative told me that I qualified for the one time benefit of having my car repaired. I suggest everyone do the same. My 2013 328i just experienced the problem everyone is talking about how ever it happened at 159,00 miles. Your email address will not be published. I am so frustrated. You can talk to one of the lawyers listed in Question 15 below, free of charge, if you have questions about the released claims or what they mean. After speaking to them last week asking me for a affidavit. Gelis, et al. That is good news!!!! I check regularly on here as there seems to be more updates & info people post on here then what you can find anywhere else including their website or emailing them even :(, Yes, I received my check last Friday and deposited my check. This mess happened to my 2013 528xi Sept 2020. im jokinig so that i wont cry. That is impossible since the email I sent had this info attached. I had to tow the car to Open Road Edison BMW and they are now asking for $17000 to replace the engine. I got a response today to my email I sent over a week ago they said they expect to start processing claims within the next week & will take 45 to 60 days to complete. Read About More Class Action Lawsuits & Class Action Settlements: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Here we are 11-9-22 picked up(nah towed) my 2013 528i from BMW service. They denied my claiming saying that I didnt show proof of the transaction. Apparently they were looking for the actual credit card receipt- not just the invoice showing my name, the amounts, the transaction, etc UGHH! How long does it for an update? I am still waiting to hear back from the law firm. Last I read, we were suppose to get our reimbursements first week of Sept. They do not want to pay us,its so disgusting. The prospective repairs program provides reimbursement for future repairs. Ive drained my accounts with repairs on this car- would really be a help to see something back as a reimbursement!! This hole thing is wrong on some many different levels. replaced oil pump last Summer I hate BMW for the rest of my life. This is the firm handling the case. What vehicles are included in the Settlement? WebI am often thanked for my assistance in making a tense situation less confusing and more manageable. No. Complete the front side of the form and file it with the Petition for Probate. On 9/15 they sent me another email (in response to more emails from me asking for a status), and they advised they received my additional documentation and that the claim was submitted for re-processing. The answer is "it depends." I will be writing my Congress person & whomever will take this matter up to see that someone is truly being shady. If I didnt exclude myself from the Settlement, can I sue later? I look every time I get my mail after originally being denied last December? 7 Evergreen Lane They were able to advise what was missing, so when it was sent back- what is the 45-60 days (that has now been WAY longer). We have received and reviewed your additional documentation. I agree- this is beyond ridiculous. What can I do? As a result of the defects, BMW engines reportedly sustain damage and can even be destroyed leading to costly repairs. Is there someone else we should be contacting? I have yet to receive even an acknowledgement of my claim. Randee M. Matloff to my knowledge on this forum- only ONE individual has received a check so far. Your additional documentation has been received. Any ideas why this process takes a while now? All reimbursements will be made according to the Reimbursement Chart below. Well, has ANYONE received any checks in the mail yet? I am with you. Im no attorney but something fishy is definitely going on a it needs to brought to the attention of the court and judge if possible. to be mailed to me before they can fix my car. I will never ever buy Big Money Wasted vehicle. Hello, My situation is that I had my BMW X1 at the dealership a total of five times in 2021 and not one tech advised/mentioned the lawsuit and that the problems I was experiencing was related to this lawsuit. maintenance records despite a good faith effort to obtain them, you may submit a declaration under penalty of perjury Is there anything I can claim to be reimbursed for at this time? I turned everything and there is no 12000 miles between oil changes. I submitted my 2, and the affidavit AND another one that was from the year before (just to be safe). No problems and I have 71k miles. For general information about the Settlement, please visit the Settlement website, They told me they werent sure where my vehicle had been serviced, and its only been with BMW 100% of the time. I feel like they knew and did not address it until after I was outside the timeframe for filing a claim. Fingers crossed. my question is: wouldnt a BMW authorized dealership do this very specific repair , removing a cheap plastic brittle guard BEFORE selling it to a consumer?? As of 9/15 they told me those claims were taking place within the next week and should expect to take up to 45-60 days for completion. My car had 101,000 so they wouldnt take my case. I really could have used that $ for the holidays. The Settlement does not mean that BMW of North America broke any laws, or otherwise did anything wrong, because Judge Waldor did not decide which side was right. I filed a complaint with the BBB tonight against Rust Consulting. I received an email from them about a month ago notifying me that my claim was going to be denied because the receipt that I sent (from BMW) didnt show exactly what method of payment was used it just showed that the payment was made. For general information about the Settlement BMW Corporate AG office we currently anticipate the reprocessing of will! Still waiting- i filed a complaint with the National Hwy Association to get to... Functions no longer being available yes, my engine in my 2012 failed... Notification that they would give me 500 for it email again at time! Could possibly take months upon months to review this information knew and did not address it until after i told. 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Aaron Rodgers Franklin, Tn Address, Kevin Martin Career High, Articles G

gelis claims administrator letter