do you salute indoors for the national anthem

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Reveille is played as a bugle call to signal the beginning of the duty day on base. What he couldnt see was the OIS Commanding Officer walking right behind him. Theyre exchanged on- and off-duty and on- and off-base. During Bush 43's watch, he signed an Executive Order which provided the RIGHT, not OBLIGATION, to all US military personnel, whether active, retired, Reserves, Guard, or simply former military personnel, to salute the US flag or render a salute during playing of the National Anthem: whether indoors or outdoors, covered or not covered, in uniform or in civilian clothes. Use the following procedures when showing respect to the flag and the national anthem: 3.5.1. 2) We "generally" don't wear covers indoors, unless under arms (in possession of a weapon or on duty which is "figurative" armed). After I retired from the Navy, Id heard that veterans were being given the option to salute, so thats when I did the research for this article and found that the appropriate actions are actually spelled out in a statute. This includes Sergeants, Staff Sergeants, and Sergeant Majors. When pledging allegiance to the flag, follow the manners of participating in the National Anthem listed above. The Flag Code states that if you render a hand salute during the Pledge you must do it as you were in full uniform. When Mark got close, he stopped, came to attention, and rendered a particularly fine salute. 12:18 AM. Do you know the proper etiquette to follow when the National Anthem is performed or played? I have been asked to give the "first salute" during an Air Force commissioning ceremon? but saluting indoors is forbidden except when formally reporting to a superior officer or during an indoor ceremony. Stephen thanks for your comment. I was raised in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, and am 60. Is it disrespectful to sing along with the National Anthem? Formal uniform hats, or "covers," must be worn outside and carried indoors. Author's Thoughts . When in uniform outdoors, and the national anthem or To the Colors is played, stand at attention, face the flag (or direction of music), render the military salute, and hold it from the first note of the music until the last note. Service members don't salute while "uncovered" - with their hat off. Navy and Marines typically dont wear covers indoors, so Im sure thats why the Marine mentioned it to you. When you are outdoors in uniform and the National Anthem is being played, come to attention, face the music and salute. 0000007989 00000 n (A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; (B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and, (C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and. I am recently retired and training has been engrained in me to stand at attention both hands to my sides. GySgt John Olson What's the SOB gonna do? Ive heard other cadets say salute and others hand over you're heart so I want to know a definitive answer. What Do Veterans Do During The National Anthem? However, brief kisses and hugs are acceptable during deployments and homecomings. 2. For almost all my military time I was in civvies and we spooks, as apparent civilians, were taught the hand over heart (HOH) response. Taps is played to mark the start of quiet hours on base, which is 9 p.m. Hanscom displays the U.S. flag 24/7 instead of raising it each morning, meaning reveille . The third section addresses veterans who desire to place their right hands over their hearts. Salute the flag at the first note of the National Anthem and hold the salute until the last note . Q. 4475. The 2008 and 2009 Defense Authorization Acts allowed Service members and veterans not in uniform to render a salute during the National Anthem, the hoisting, lowering or the passing of the U.S. flag. Drop left hand only. It is customary to return the salute whether you are in uniform or wearing civilian clothes. On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foes haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, oer the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? If no flag is displayed when the national anthem is being played, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.. Individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; B. All personnel in uniform and outside must face the flag and salute during the raising and lowering of the flag. What is the proper thing to do when the flag is passing in a parade or during the playing of the national anthem. Times you should salute include: When the US National Anthem, "To the Color," "Hail to the Chief," or foreign national anthems are played When you see uncased National Colors outdoors On ceremonial occasions At reveille and retreat ceremonies during the raising or lowering of the US flag During the sounding of honors 1:49 PM. He is not a member of the US Military and is therefore not entitled to salute. davidegrogan That said, because it wasnt an option in the statute, I changed to putting my hand over my heart. In this scenario, we think it would be . Military service men and women should perform the military salute at the beginning of the National Anthem, holding this posture until the end. Can you salute if you're not in uniform? February 16, 2022 @ Face the flag or person you are saluting. 2. June 18, 2020 @ Second, heres how I would analyze your question. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The first flags adopted by our colonial forebears were symbolic of their struggles with the wilderness of the new land. June 8, 2019 @ Personnel in uniform and outside must face the ag (or the music if the ag is not visible) and salute during the raising and lowering of the ag. June 18, 2020 @ Wh? Why do military not remove hats during National Anthem? Sharon Heinlein render the hand salute. Veterans and service personnel out of uniform may give the military salute or place the right hand over the heart. 7 Who is responsible for saluting during the national anthem? I attended a public school. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The most recent change, authorizing hand-salutes during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel, was sponsored by Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, an Army veteran. Nominations Chair Chris Whiting announced the slate of candidates for the 2022-2023 Association Board of Directors. You dont have to salute indoors, except when you report to a superior officer. Thanks for referencing the code and providing some interpretations for those who are no longer active duty. davidegrogan Since in the Navy we dont wear our covers indoors (with a few limited exceptions), that means you dont salute indoors. When Retreat concludes, personnel in uniform come to attention and render a salute when the first note of the National Anthem sounds. Salute the flag when it is six paces from the viewer and hold it until the flag has passed six paces beyond. He nicely indicated to me, that since we were inside a building, we are suppose to uncover and use the hand over the heart. Does a sentry on guard duty . 8:38 PM. 0000009765 00000 n It does not store any personal data. 0000012347 00000 n December 8, 2008. That said, he may simply be performing this "hand-over-heart gesture" to emphasize to the crowd the proper manner in which we all should honor our National Flag during the playing or singing of our National Anthem. I was Army, but I love and respect the Navy. Specically, on the rst note of the national anthem or To the Colors, members in uniform must render the hand salute. At all bases, military members (as pedestrians) are required to salute staff cars when theres an occupant inside the car. Click here to know more about it. It wasnt until 1889 when Secretary of the Navy Benjamin F. Tracy signed an order to make the Star Spangled Banner the official tune for raising the American flag. Police officers in uniform should stand at attention and render a military-style salute when the flag passes in a parade, when it is hoisted, when it is lowered and when the . If it were the National Anthem, then the answer might be different. Civilians are also expected to stop and honor the flag. It states that when the national anthem is being played AND a flag is displayed: A. At protocol functions and social and sporting events that include civilian participants, military personnel should: When speaking to or being addressed a noncommissioned officer of superior rank, stand at parade rest until ordered otherwise. To all that have never done a public relations event, the rules pretty much go out the window so that you can be seen but not be in the way and that you look like a marine corps recruiting add. Civilian personnel, to include civilian guards, are not required to render the hand salute to military personnel or other civilian personnel. Someone may question you if you salute while wearing a baseball cap, especially if the cap is not in the best condition. Was there a change in etiquette or was that the common practice in the 20th century ? It has 15 stanzas. How many times should a shock absorber bounce? Marines do not salute uncovered active or veteran. June 8, 2021 @ First are individuals in uniform, which is clear. I think Ill continue to stand at the position of attention when the anthem is played, or when a salute would typically be rendered. Taps is performed by a solo bugler without accompaniment or embellishment. If no flag is present, assume the position of attention facing the music. Begin the salute either when ordered or at the first note of the music. 3:44 PM, Section C of the above code states men should remove their head dress but what about women? July 31, 2019 @ Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Indoors, when the National Anthem or To the Colors is played, face the flag (if present) and assume the position of attention. 10:08 AM. Say the Pledge out loud with the rest of those gathered. Should you stand or salute? Veterans or military . How do you recruit Rayquaza in Pokemon Mystery dungeon? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "The military salute is a unique gesture of respect that marks those who have served in our nation's armed . 9:19 PM. Subscribe to Military.comand receive customized updates delivered straight to your inbox. 7 Is it mandatory to stand for the national anthem in America? During all ceremonies involving the National Anthem and/or hoisting, State Flag FAQs. 0000036887 00000 n From my earliest days in the Navy, I learned that you dont render a salute unless you are in uniform and covered (other services, please excuse my Navy focus). Derek thanks for your comment and Im with you 100%. 3 Can veterans salute the flag during the National Anthem? A woman may leave her hat on during the playing of The National Anthem when indoors, unless it is considered unisex like a baseball cap. Diana, thats very interesting. I just cant render a salute when Im uncovered and not in uniform. Many people assume that they should face the person who is singing the National Anthem, but this isnt necessarily true. Why stand? The Flag Code is silent as to conduct after the National Anthem has been sung or played. Join the Patriot Club. Do you salute an uncovered officer navy? Thanks for your time. Gary Thanks for your comment I always appreciate a fellow Navy vet! This was included in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which President Bush signed on Oct. 14, 2008. A later amendment further authorized hand-salutes during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel. Salutes are not rendered indoors, except in cases of formal reporting. When do I come to attention and salute the flag? Foreign national anthems 2 . I am 73 and was privately educated in Philadelphia . Performance consists of 24 notes sounded on a bugle or trumpet. Im a little bit older Marine. Ive recently been exposed to the national anthem outdoors from multiple family graduations. Thank you, davidegrogan L9@5. When approaching a commissioned officer, you should render a hand salute at what specific number of paces? I t designates what military personnel and civilians should do while the national anthem plays. But, as you note, the statute makes no distinction. Never turn and walk away to avoid giving the hand salute. While citizens of other countries are not expected to salute the U.S. flag, sing our national anthem, or recite the Pledge of Allegiance, it is respectful for them to stand quietly while the flag passes, the anthem is sung, or the . Personnel will not salute indoors, except when re-porting to a superior officer. Im an USAF vet, my father was a Navy WW11 vet (served in the Pacific). Each year, Americans across the nation unfurl their flags on Independence Day, Memorial Day, and Flag Day. individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; members of the Armed Forces and veterans . since it for the pledge of allegiance and not the national anthem: while indoors in uniform you will stand at attention and . This provision makes no mention of taking off your hat if you are wearing one before you salute. In case only the National Anthem is heard, or one is in a vehicle, one should come to a complete stop until the National Anthem ends. What should you do when the National Anthem is being played at public gathering? Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. How can a civilian show respect to a soldier? It so happens he is is a retired veteran AND was the band Director at WEST POINT for 20 years. I guess Ill have to try and break the habit and try the salute. The President of the United States is a civilian. A provision in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which was signed by President George W. Bush, authorizes military veterans not in military uniform to render a military-style hand salute at the playing of the national anthem. Not exactly sure what to do, I returned an equally crisp salute. My guess is that its not intended to show disrespect, but its because people are not aware of the statutory guidance. What does it mean when retreat is played? Send US marshals after you and have you arrested? Do military personnel salute indoors for the National Anthem? Andrew Mintonsmith If you need a crash course on the O Say Can You See lyrics (the Star-Spangled Banner), here you go: O say can you see, by the dawns early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, Oer the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? 0000009559 00000 n September 20, 2020 @ 10:07 AM. davidegrogan When in uniform, indoors, stand at attention, remain silent, and face the flag. Presentation of Colors by the Joint Services Color Guard. davidegrogan All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. The 2008 and 2009 Defense Authorization Acts allowed Service members and veterans not in uniform to render a salute during the National Anthem, the hoisting, lowering or the passing of the U.S. flag. Taps 7:25 AM. Here is the wording of 36 U.S. Code301 "National anthem". Here is the wording of 4 U.S. Code9"Conduct during hoisting, lowering or passing of flag". Remain at attention saluting the flag until the national anthem has finished playing. While you can salute, remember you cannot salute when uncovered indoors if you are a Marine. 11:17 AM. The most important part is simply showing respect for the flag. Indoors at work, unless required for the job; In public buildings such as a school, library, courthouse, or town hall; In restaurants and coffee shops; At a movie or any indoor performance; When the national anthem is played; When the flag of the United States passes by, as in a parade; Read more about dress codes and etiquette for attire. Its now 30 years later, Im retired, and I dont wear a uniform, let alone a cover. The right hand should be placed over the heart. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. GmL]2ol|wB[/6.P-KTQBc(,5 ltx8QP/3N:aR PJ3)AP`M\\ +))e;0[pb=yP8@0L5@ I love your forthrightness! Who is responsible for saluting during the national anthem? I have the same experience as Kristin. 9:29 PM, Post Script to above:, (B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and, (Pub. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. 7003. Do soldiers salute during the National Anthem? Covered means you are wearing your uniform hat. Q. Do not salute unless under arms. I've known a few long-service Navy chiefs, and this must be a common characteristic. 0000009321 00000 n Military members in uniform, while in formations, should wear appropriate headgear and render the military salute at the first note of the National Anthem and maintain that position until the last note. davidegrogan "The military salute is a unique gesture of respect that marks those who have served in our nation?s armed . 11:06 AM. 1832 0 obj <>stream salute is held as long as you are giving your report or until the salute is returned. So if you're more comfortable standing at attention, or with your hand over your heart, by all means, do so. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Jacqie Rivera is already known as an American singer, entrepreneur and reality-show star. July 31, 2019 @ h0_o:ND0TbDX 3| eOUs=#35-EdpdE3x.$@ l2-hfp|2yL?[}*-,~NM:7/6@4wY4]>s9<2,ye(2*DE}_ Recent legislation gives Veterans the lifetime privilege to salute the flag. Blest with victry and peace, may the Heavn rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation! 0000047904 00000 n Can a veteran salute during the national anthem? The National Anthem is a patriotic song that symbolizes America's core value: freedom. 13 votes, 11 comments. hY]o+|yF&;]3LfvX-=WeJ$%{%HXL+&Mrr&U0a-IipEOWtF ad1cY6cy`d xa\f a884xu6q0l3 ; [Jd 70-M:y&u1!%IH@sz"0BCyA-'` h8~3. October 4, 2019 @ He stressed the importance of us saluting as a way for others present to have some idea just how many Veterans there are amongst the crowd, and that it is ok for them to also be recognized. Putting my hand over my heart is also super awkward. 2. Indoors, when the national anthem or To the Colors is played, face the flag (if present) and assume the position of attention. Do you know the proper etiquette to follow when the National Anthem is performed or played? In the United States, it is the highest respect given in military and naval commendations. You only salute covered. Upon hearing Taps at a military ceremony, proper protocol dictates those individuals in uniform render a hand salute until the music is complete. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 6:10 AM. During the Pledge of Allegiance, remain silent and at attention. 0000003243 00000 n Flag holidays. Men and women should remove hats. Taps: 9 P.M. Taps is a signal of the end of the day, and is played alone to honor service members who paid the ultimate price. (Remove your hat.) October 3, 2019 @ and our Covered means you are wearing your uniform hat. Do they salute in the Navy? However, under previous directives or even generations-old, military traditions, this Marine should be saluting. August 10, 2019 @ When in civilian clothing outdoors, take the same action as when in uniform, but use the following . A U.S. Air Force Airman renders a salute to the American flag, depicting the proper respect to pay. In layman's terms that means veterans like Tyler do not have to remove their hats. June 5, 2019 @ I believe that I read someplace that the changes were signed by Bush the younger during his presidency. 2.1. 2 Who can salute during the National Anthem? This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. 9:52 AM. Best. hd]O0J/cB@De;V^7[={>+U:~M.1&'aUzms#RQvHyLF2 5%:Y rG+|t;U/l4fd@HxVf {Q*vU[h7Zc[oDf >FUW1[~"f7)v=Of @); "eY9{8|KB; }?[fk:\x%&U%oe15@g< ;T9$6XENwd{` B 0000022126 00000 n According to Air Force Instruction 34-1201, Protocol,, when reveille or retreat is played, following "To the Color," or the national anthem, military members are required to salute facing the flag or the direction of the music. If you are saluting a person, it is respectful to maintain eye contact. And if youre a lefty is it okay to use left hand? V/r, Dave Grogan, no If he is wearing his cover he should salute. It's quite a piece of work. 0000048762 00000 n Salutes are required when youre in uniform. 3:55 PM. Thanks for the question! The code states that persons present are expected to stand and face the flag, if there is one. October 12, 2021 @ While civilians can salute soldiers, many veterans consider it inappropriate or awkward. What should you do if you are in uniform and the National Anthem or to the colors is played? Since 1998, federal law (viz., the United States Code 36 U.S.C. In case only the National Anthem is heard, or one is in a vehicle, one should come to a complete stop until the National Anthem ends. no salute. March 26, 2022 @ The entire Anthem should only last for a couple of minutes, so standing isnt going to leave you winded.. When you are carrying a weapon in your hands, by sling, or holster. Old habits die hard I suppose. Never run indoors or pretend you don't hear (while driving, for example) to avoid participating in reveille or retreat (raising or . I just need to complete my research before I put the information out as I want to be sure what I am saying is correct. At official functions, social events, and sporting events, soldiers should: When in uniform, outdoors, stand at attention, remain silent, face the flag, and render the hand salute. Im thinking if they are active duty and not in uniform, the correct answer would be to put their hand over their heart. As I read the regulation, standing at attention with hands at the sides, without placing the hand over the heart, is proper for citizens of other nations, not for American citizens. 0000009957 00000 n Question of concern is when not in uniform, at position of attention, heels together at 45, BOTH hands by your sides, clinched fist, thumbs facing forward and pointing down. by custom and tradition, . May 23, 2018 @ Since in the Navy we dont wear our covers indoors (with a few limited exceptions), that means you dont salute indoors. September 21, 2020 @ Is standing for the National Anthem a law? I am a U S Navy vet and agree with your comments. However, women may wear headwear, such as scarves. What do you do when you hear the national anthem if you are a civilian? 0000002062 00000 n I made a good friend there Mark Malakooti and we would practice saluting, sometimes a little irreverently, every time we saw each other, popping a crisp salute no matter what we were wearing. "The military salute is a unique gesture of respect that marks those who have served in our nation's armed forces," said . Is it disrespectful for a civilian to salute? Copyright 2023 His simply reply was:leave it on! The federal statute does not allow the left hand to be used, so you should use your right hand. I suspect most . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Join thousands of others receiving our newsletter. and retired servicemembers to salute the national colors, whether covered or uncovered, indoors or out. November 4, 2018 @ Before the National Anthem begins, crowds will usually be asked to stand. Mike Im with you. Section 7 of the Flag Code mandates that, upon seeing the raising or lowering of the flag at 08:00 and 18:00, general civilians should stand at attention and face the flag. Im saying that given that this has been the customary way for military members winning gold medals to honor the flag. Be sure to get the latest news about the U.S. Military, as well as critical info about how to join and all the benefits of service. Click this link and grab your, This gathering which was postponed last year, will include vital occupational field training and networking for the Marine Corps Recruiting Command, Communication Strategy and, United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association and Foundation, USMCCCA Board finalizes slate for 2022-2023, Amy Forsythe publishes her book Heroes Live Here, 2022 USMCCCA | MCRC | COMMSTRAT Symposium and Professional Training. Military service men and women should perform the military salute or place right... This scenario, we think it would be to put their hand over my heart is also super.! I returned an equally crisp salute, you should render a salute when the National Anthem '' dont covers! The person who is responsible for saluting during the raising and lowering of the National Anthem has finished playing with! 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do you salute indoors for the national anthem