a specific purpose statement quizlet

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Your personal interests and expertise, the interests and requirements of the audience, and the situation in which you will be speaking all come together to form a mission statement. an ________________ design is used to incorporate these reasons into a ____________ design, such as an experiment. What are the four types of general purpose applications? This paper examines . d. all of the above. d. commemorate e. specific purpose. Makes an argumentative assertion about a topic; it states the conclusions that you have reached about your topic. b. written as a fragment instead of as a full sentence. a. contains figurative language. A. A thesis statement or purpose statement will emerge as you think and write about a topic. Getting Started with Your Topic and Purpose, 52. Then persuade us to volunteer there. 48. c. too technical. question. When creating a specific purpose for your speech, first, consider your audience. Is focused and specific enough to be "proven" within the boundaries of your paper. The central idea of a speech should be the bibliography, a specific purpose statement, & the thesis. a. speech topic. The statement which is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact is:. Distinguish between the specific purpose, central idea, and main points of a speech; Differentiate between a speech to inform, persuade, and inspire or entertain; Write a thesis or central idea statement; Distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable specific purpose and central idea statements; Compose appropriate specific purpose and central idea statements for informative, persuasive, and inspirational/entertaining speeches. "You can increase your gas mileage by reducing the weight in your car, doing regular maintenance, and reducing your driving speed" is an example of a c. determined before the specific purpose. 44. Co . b. is expressed in figurative language. Here are three examples (each with a different general purpose and a different audience): _____ Then Keisha said\mathit{said}said that we should add milk to the dry mixture. Do you want to scream when you hear a cell phone go off at the movies? c. too technical. It does not simply announce a topic: it says something about the topic. "The value of a classic car is determined by its condition, its rarity, and its desirability to collectors" is an example of a Good: X has made a significant impact on the teenage population due to its . (D) weak, -Establishes the intent of the entire research study, Questions that the data collection will attempt to answer, -Sets forth the INTENT of the Study NOT the problem/issue leading to a need for the study, -Contain information about the central phenomenon. Now that weve examined what specific purposes are, we are going to focus on a series of tips to help you write specific purposes that are appropriate for a range of speeches. It builds on __ _______________ (the problem) and is refined into specific ___________________. Keeping your audience in mind as you plan your speechs objective is essential. Whats the difference between a purpose statement and a thesis statement? potential speech topics d. phrasing the central idea. Stephanie has a strong specific purpose statement. a. too technical. Whats the difference between the main concept and the particular purpose? Does it really annoy you when people dont use their turn signals? "To inform my audience about the stock market." Example 1. e. Yes. If you start with ideas that reflect your interests and passions, that passion and commitment will come across in your speech and give you more credibility in the eyes of your audience and make your speech more interesting. Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups, 42. 1 / 4. c. sums up or encapsulate the major ideas of your speech. Sub-Points. e. central idea. b. specific purpose. Make sure you can realistically accomplish your specific purpose within the allotted time. The Chilean reform example provides evidence that land distribution is an essential component of both the improvement of peasant conditions and the development of a democratic society. b. free of figurative language. b. Its too broad. After you examine what you know and are passionate about, you have to determine if and how the topic has practical value or interest for others. How did geography influence the ways Native American cultures developed? Response Feedback: correct Question . c. central idea. Eventhepassingtrafficdidntwaketheoldhoundlyinglazilyunderthetruck.. What is the difference between a general and specific purpose statement? Specific Purpose: To persuade my political science class that labor unions are no longer a vital political force in the U.S. Central Idea: Although for decades in the twentieth century labor unions influenced local and national elections, in this speech I will point to how their influence has declined in the last thirty years. More instances of specific purposes, core ideas, and main points may be found by clicking here. Then persuade us that cell phones should be banned in theaters. Attention Factors and Supporting Material, 66. Notice that in each of these cases, the general purpose alters the topic, but all three are still fundamentally about hygiene. Probably not. 38. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. What is a good example of a specific purpose of a speech? Makes a promise to the reader about the scope, purpose, and direction of your paper. Being asked the right kinds of prompts can help you find ideas. . What are the three components of a specific purpose statement? . b. contains figurative language. Question: Fact, Value, Policy Worksheet Section Below are four specific purpose statements for persuasive speeches. a. it is written as a question rather than a statement. 6. e. a and b only. e. general purpose. Web browsers, music players, and calendar tools are all examples of specialised software. How does the thesis statement differ from the specific purpose statement quizlet? What is a specific purpose statement quizlet? Stephanie's specific purpose mentions her audience. c. deliberate. c. deliberating Of course, what you love or hate may be in stark contrast to how your audience feels, so it is important to keep them in mind as well, which brings us to the next contributing factor. reinforce your listeners' commitment to the central idea. 43. Stephanies specific purpose mentions her audience. Using Words Effectively and Affectively, 12. b. deals with more than a single topic. After choosing a topic, what is the next step of speech preparation? Accessing Information Through a Library, 65. Definition. Animals, a nation, a sport or a club, and cookery are a few examples. e. a and b only. Specific Purpose Statement. This includes you (your hobbies, your history, your previous work experience and education, your major), your audience (which you learned about in Chapter 2), and the location or context (also discussed in Chapter 2). What is the purpose of an informative speech quizlet? b. convince Your specific purpose statement may look like The specific purpose should include only one main idea for your speech. Inform, motivate/persuade or entertain your audience are the three most common goals of every speech. a. is too broad. Which of the following should be included in a preparation outline? An Overview of the Writing Center for Instructors, Help Your Students Use the Writing Center Effectively. b. broad. Second, consider the rhetorical situation. b. central idea. c. fails to refer to the audience. "To inform my audience about the basic steps in car maintenance and how to protect their investment with auto insurance" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a classroom speech because it Obviously, depending on the general purpose, you will have a range of different types of topics. e. written as a statement rather than a question. Emotions and Interpersonal Communication, 30. d. all of the above. a _____________________ _______________ design is used to develop measurement instruments that actually fit a sample by first exploring ____________________ and using the info to design an instrument that then can be tested with a larger sample. To provide the reader an idea of what the paper is about and what to anticipate, purpose statements are employed. A more specific one such as to inform my classmates about the decline of the Shuttle program would be more manageable and closer to their experience. To convince my classroom audience that they need at least seven hours of sleep per night to do well in their studies. When something is described as general-purpose, it means that it may be put to use in at least two different ways. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. a. specific purpose. a. speech topic. b. researching for speech materials a. advocating You have much more going on in your brain and background than you can be conscious of at any one time. d. written as a fragment rather than a full infinitive phrase. In this case, the speaker isnt attempting to alter peoples ideas about embedded journalists, just make them more aware of the dangers. c. transition statement. Integrate the seven tips for creating specific purposes. Understand the process of extending a general purpose into a specific purpose. Now that you understand the basic form and function of a specific purpose statement, lets revisit the original diagram in Figure 4.1. c. it uses figurative language. "To inform my audience how the campus administration let the cat out of the bag on the proposal to increase tuition" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a speech because it .. True. Which of the following is a specific purpose statement for an informative speech on an object? Also, generating your list based on these questions and prompts will get you excited about your topic and talking about it to your classmates. The focus will be on the economic, political, and social relationships which brought about the environmental problems in the Sahel. a. inform ., The aim of this paper is to . Time limits are among the most common constraints for students in a public speaking course. e. convert, 8. Guidelines for Selecting an Informative Speech Topic, 77. What are the three components of a specific purpose statement? for qualitative, focus on one _________________, concept, or _____________. The main reason to keep a speaking outline brief is to, help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience, The specific purpose statement in a preparation outline should be written, Subpoints in a preparation outline should be, Outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps a speaker, judge whether each part of the speech is fully developed, ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another, & solidify the structure of a speech, The main points in a preparation outline are. b. expressed as a statement, not a question. An executive meeting? To convince my audience that the death penalty does not deter murderers. Then it becomes necessary for you to find that angle and approach that will help them see the benefit of it and listen to you. d. brainstorming b. Its too shallow. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. The scope, objective, and direction of the article are promised to the reader in a thesis statement. d. all of the above. c. is written as a statement instead of a question. Unlock answers 13. question. c. is written as a statement instead of a question. d. all of the above. answer. Answer the following questions about each of the purpose statements you make up: Is it result-oriented? He needs to reword the specific purpose statement mostly to focus on the communication word being fulfilled in the speech. 10. Contextual Factors of Audience Analysis, 51. d. topic statement. The language of a quantitative purpose statement is focused of __________________ reasoning and testing of ______________ or ______________. Basically, the specific purpose answers the who, what, when, where, and why questions for your speech. Why does your audience need to hear your speech? You could give a tribute (commemorative speech) about the work of Special Olympics (with the purpose to inspire), an informative speech on the scope or history of the Special Olympics, or a persuasive speech on why audience members should volunteer at next years event. Once you have chosen your general purpose and your topic, its time to take your speech to the next phase and develop your specific purpose. "To inform my audience about the three basic steps in preventive medicine" is an example of a Expert Answer. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. While we often use colloquialisms in everyday life, they are often understood only by a limited number of people. c. phrased as a question instead of as a statement. In this study, the circular-road-model of monopolistic competition is used to examine the private and public incentives to manufacture general purpose goods. This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels. The specific purpose is stated as a sentence incorporating the general purpose, the specific audience for the speech, and a prepositional phrase that summarizes the topic. Answers: No. Is it attainable? e. goal statement. For example. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The purpose statement must be _____, specific, _____, It builds on __ _____ (the problem) and is . Identify the flaw in the following specific purpose statement for a classroom speech: c. written as a statement instead of as a question. A purpose statement announces the purpose, scope, and direction of the paper. . b. main point. Sometimes it takes an unbiased second party to see where your content and purpose may not match. It may be that it is a topic the audience is not immediately interested in but needs to know about for their own benefit. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? e. outline. e. thesis statement. quantitative states with identifying proposed ______________, identifying the _______________ of variables, and ___________________ variables that will measured or observed. According to the given question, we are asked to show the statement which is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact.. As a result of this, we can see that a . "To explain the three major benefits of cycling as a form of exercise" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement because it You can get your paper edited to read like this. When giving a speech, what is the difference between a speechs purpose and its main idea? use _____________________________ language for qualitative. They tend to speak about the whole alphabet, A-Z on a subject, instead of just T or L. This comes from an emphasis on the topic more than the purpose, and from not keeping audience and context in mind. Stephanie's specific purpose is written as a statement rather than a question. How would you change your approach if you were addressing first-semester freshmen instead of first-semester juniors? 21. Outline Formatting Guide. d. is too technical for this audience. c. specific purpose. Exploring Specific Cultural Identities, 26. Then rewrite the specific purpose statement to make it appropriate for a speech about one of the . b. central idea (b) How did the United States get involved in a war in the Philippines? Once youve determined the who, what, when, where, and why aspects of your topic, its time to start creating your actual specific purpose. b. specific purpose. So if your first speech is an informative speech, your general purpose will be to inform your audience about a very specific realm of knowledge, for example, the history of NASA's Shuttle program. b. thesis statement. c. is expressed in figurative language. Want to create or adapt books like this? What the research intends to accomplish is depicted in the studys Purpose, which should mirror the explanation of the issue. d. general purpose When Did Treasure Island Naval Base Closure. However, if you ask yourself the right questions, you may come up with something far more central to who you are and that would interest and/or apply to the audience more. d. demonstrating If you want to convince someone, dont use these examples. Specific purpose statement is which is specific in context and it makes the general information more specific. In each case explain whether the speech associated with it concerns a question of fact, a question of value, or a question of policy. Different audiences, as discussed in the chapter on audience analysis, have differing desires, backgrounds, and needs. A thesis statement is focused and specific enough to be proven within the boundaries of the paper. To motivate my classmates to engage in the Colleges study abroad program. Interpreting Writing Assignments from Your Courses, Twelve Common Errors: An Editing Checklist. for qualitative, you should mention the ____________ and identify the ____________ of the research. An old adage states, Write about what you know. In many ways, that is a great place to start with creating a speech, although you will need to consult other sources as well. According to your textbook, brainstorming is especially helpful when you are having trouble a. mission statement. This site was built using the UW Theme | Privacy Notice | 2023 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Yes. Leadership and Small Group Communication, 45. c. selecting the specific purpose Use the guidelines below to learn the differences between thesis and purpose statements. for qualitative, provide _______________ to the scope of the study. The rhetorical situation is the set of circumstances surrounding your speech (e.g., speaker, audience, text, and context). Once you know whether your goal is to inform, persuade, or entertain, picking an appropriate topic is easier. 46. a. is written as a statement rather than as a question. A specific purpose statement should usually be phrased as a question. is a poorly phrased central idea for a persuasive speech because it is When the general purpose of your speech is to __________ , you act primarily as an advocate. Use the list of potential informative speech topics below to complete the steps of this activity. e. determining the general purpose, 5. qualitative, provide a ______________ _________________ of central idea. Underline each interrogative pronoun and circle each relative pronoun. b. taking a personal inventory Specific goals should be stated in the form of an open-ended enquiry. 27. Introduction Paragraph that gets the attention of the audience, establishes goodwill . Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. If the speaker wishes to impart knowledge to the audience, he or she will utilise this technique to convey the messages overall goal (for example, to inform). b. transition statement. Second, the content must match the focus of the purpose word. It is important to keep your audience in mind as you formulate the specific purpose for your speech. b. Having reached a consensus on a policy for increasing child safety in the homes of gun owners, Stefanos small group decided to have each member deliver a . If you find yourself starting to phrase your specific purpose as a question, ask yourself how you can reword it as a statement. b. determining the general purpose. "To persuade my audience to give blood and to support the Wilderness Society" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a classroom speech because it What is your specific purpose thesis statement? Bad: In this paper, I will discuss X. Which of the following statement are true about an effective specific purpose statement? Suppose you are going to give a speech about using open-source software. "What should be done about the problem of hacking?" Draft a specific purpose statement on this topic for a speech to convince. The nature of the topic dictates the use of both a chronological and a comparative analysis of peasant lives at various points during the reform period. The process of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas is known as The more you know about your audience, the better you can achieve this goal. When you place your audience first, youre a lot more likely to have a successful speech. the overall intent of a speech. e. analyzing the audience. "To explain how to write an effective job resum" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement because it d. Yes. Understanding Special Occasion Speeches, Appendix A: Cultural Diversity in Public Speaking, Appendix B: Succeeding as a College Student, Appendix D: Humor Appendix (is that anything like the funny bone?). Its what they should take away with them. What are the general purpose of your speech is to inform or to persuade the specific purpose statement should contain a reference to your audience? c. Its too general. The central idea should list out the 2-5 specific main points you will . . However, we will focus on the last part here. "Benefits of cycling" is a poorly phrased central idea for an informative speech because it c. is written as a statement instead of a question. Structuring the Conclusion and Examples, 76. Intercultural Communication Competence, 27. b. be phrased as a statement rather than a question. 15. This includes you (your hobbies, your history, your previous work experience and education, your major), your audience (which you learned about in Chapter 2), and the location or context (also discussed in Chapter 2). Special Olympics is a key word in every specific purpose, but the statements would otherwise be different. e. a and c only. Eventhepassingtrafficdidntwaketheoldhoundlyinglazilyunderthetruck. e. advocating, 3. One audience will consist of business men and women, one audience will consist of religious leaders, and another audience will consist of high school students. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Chemistry - Unit 7 - Test Study Guide - 26 Te, Nationalism and Liberalism: History week 8. 20. The first two parts make sure you are clear on your purpose and know specifically who will be hearing your message. As an example, my goal is to urge the students in my residence hall to resist the projected rise in housing costs. specified goals and objectives. "To persuade my audience that continuing to spend money on the space program is like throwing good money after bad" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a speech because it is At congressional town hall meetings, citizens turn up the volume and activism. Understanding Human Communication - Chp. b. determining the general purpose. d. Its too technical. Obviously, the specific purpose statements content must be very narrowly defined and, well, specific. Another approach that you might find helpful is to determine what you are passionate about through two binary routes. no more than 2 fonts. Stephanies specific purpose is too impersonal. Consider the lack of clarity in the following specific purpose: To persuade the students in my class to drink more. Obviously, we have no idea what the speaker wants the audience to drink: water, milk, orange juice? "To inform my audience about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome" is an example of a Speeches may be used to enlighten, persuade, celebrate, or amuse their audience. d. all of the above. Here are several specific purpose statements for classroom speeches. Unlock the answer. This would be a good place for you to do an inventory. Thesis Statement: A variety of organizational styles can used to organize public speeches. a. includes a reference to the audience. 30. c. contains figurative language. The following example combines a purpose statement and a thesis statement (bold). True. "To inform my audience about Buddhism." the conclusion of a speech is an appropriate time to. A thesis statement is generally located near the end of the introduction. According to your textbook, brainstorming is especially helpful when you are having trouble. Statement instead of as a full infinitive phrase be hearing your message statement may look the... Objective, and direction of your speech accordion element with a series of buttons that and... A promise to the reader in a public speaking course be found by here! Attempting to alter a specific purpose statement quizlet phrased specific purpose statement on this topic for a classroom speech: c. as... Announces the purpose statements you make up: is it result-oriented as you formulate the specific purpose your... Your audience in mind as you plan your speechs objective is essential general alters! 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a specific purpose statement quizlet